Toolkit for HIC analysis

Examples of use of KVSQLite interface to sqlite databases

To execute this function, do

$ kaliveda
kaliveda[0] .L db_sqlite_examples.C+
kaliveda[1] sqlite_example()
#include "KVConfig.h"
#include "SQLiteDB.h"
#include <KVNumberList.h>
void sqlite_example()
// Opening/creating a database
// If database does not exist on disk, it will be created
KVSQLite::database db("example.sqlite");
if (!db.get_number_of_tables()) {
// no tables in database => it has not been created before
// define and add a table to database
KVSQLite::table cars("Cars");
cars.add_column("Model", "TEXT");
cars.add_column("Price", "INTEGER");
// This is equivalent to
TString names[] = {"Audi", "Mercedes", "Citroen", "Volvo", "Bentley", "Citroen", "Audi", "Volkswagen", "-"};
int prices[] = {52642, 57127, 9000, 29000, 350000, 21000, 41400, 21600};
// fill table with some data
int row = 0;
while (names[row] != "-") {
db["Cars"]["Model"].set_data(names[row]); // N.B. do not use the 'cars' variable
db["Cars"]["Price"] = prices[row]; // use 'set_data' or simply '=' to fill columns in row
// Now our table looks like this:
// Id Model Price
// ---------- ---------- ----------
// 1 Audi 52642
// 2 Mercedes 57127
// 3 Citroen 9000
// 4 Volvo 29000
// 5 Bentley 350000
// 6 Citroen 21000
// 7 Audi 41400
// 8 Volkswagen 21600
// Add a table with incomplete information: some column values are 'NULL'
// as if they had never been filled
KVSQLite::table t("Tasks");
int numbers[] = {221, 222, 245, 250, 321, 333, -1};
TString wrks[] = {"WRK01", "", "WRK02", "WRK01", "", "WRK03"};
row = 0;
while (numbers[row] > 0) {
db["Tasks"]["Number"] = numbers[row];
if (wrks[row] != "") {
db["Tasks"]["Worker"] = wrks[row];
else {
db["Tasks"]["Worker"].set_null();// N.B. this is not the same as filling with an empty string
// add table with foreign key to demonstrate their use to link table informations
KVSQLite::table tt("CarOwners");
tt.add_column("Owner", KVSQLite::column_type::TEXT);
tt.add_foreign_key("Cars", "Id");
int car_id[] = {2, 8, 1, 6, 7, 3, 5, 4};
TString owner[] = {"Jeremy", "Hamster", "Jeremy", "James", "James", "Hamster", "Jeremy", "Jeremy"};
int N = 8;
while (N--) {
// Retrieving and selecting data
// 1. All unsorted data
// print contents of table
std::cout << "SELECT * FROM Cars\n" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < db["Cars"].number_of_columns(); ++i) // print column names
std::cout << db["Cars"][i].name() << "\t\t\t";
std::cout << std::endl;
db.select_data("Cars"); // ====> SELECT * FROM Cars
while (db.get_next_result()) {
std::cout << db["Cars"]["Id"].get_data<int>()
<< "\t\t\t" << db["Cars"]["Model"].get_data<TString>()
<< "\t\t\t" << db["Cars"]["Price"].get_data<int>()
<< std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
// 2. Sorted data
std::cout << "SELECT * FROM Cars ORDER BY Price\n" << std::endl;
db.select_data("Cars", "*", "", false, "ORDER BY Price"); // ====> SELECT * FROM Cars ORDER BY Price
// we can use a reference to the Cars table
KVSQLite::table& Cars = db["Cars"];
while (db.get_next_result()) {
std::cout << Cars["Id"].get_data<int>()
<< "\t\t\t" << Cars["Model"].get_data<TString>()
<< "\t\t\t" << Cars["Price"].get_data<int>()
<< std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
// 3. Unique column values
std::cout << "SELECT DISTINCT Model FROM Cars\n" << std::endl;
db.select_data("Cars", "Model", "", true); // ====> SELECT DISTINCT Name FROM Cars
while (db.get_next_result()) {
std::cout << Cars["Model"].get_data<TString>() << ", ";
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
// 4. Selecting data
db.select_data("Tasks", "Number", "Worker=\"WRK01\"");
std::cout << "Task numbers for worker WRK01: ";
while (db.get_next_result()) {
std::cout << nl.AsString() << std::endl << std::endl;
// using KVNumberList for numerical column selection
db.select_data("Tasks", "*", nl.GetSQL("Number"));
while (db.get_next_result()) {
std::cout << "Number=" << db["Tasks"]["Number"].get_data<int>() <<
" Worker=" << db["Tasks"]["Worker"].get_data<TString>() << std::endl;
db.select_data("Tasks", "Number", "Worker IS NULL");
std::cout << "Task numbers with no worker: ";
while (db.get_next_result()) {
std::cout << nl.AsString() << std::endl << std::endl;
// 5. Counting
std::cout << "The number of unique Worker names in table Tasks is " <<
db.count("Tasks", "Worker", "", true)
<< std::endl; // prints 3, i.e. "WRK01", "WRK02", and "WRK03" (NULL values not counted when count(Worker) is used)
std::cout << "The number of rows with no Worker name in table Tasks is " <<
db.count("Tasks", "*", "Worker IS NULL")
<< std::endl; // prints 2 (NULL values counted when count(*) is used)
// 6. Updating a table: change all 'NULL' Worker values to "WRK04"
db.update("Tasks", "Worker", "Worker IS NULL");
std::cout << "The number of unique Worker names in table Tasks is " <<
db.count("Tasks", "Worker", "", true)
<< std::endl; // prints 4, i.e. "WRK01", "WRK02", "WRK03", and "WRK04"
std::cout << "The number of rows with no Worker name in table Tasks is " <<
db.count("Tasks", "*", "Worker IS NULL")
<< std::endl; // prints 0 (all NULL values were replaced)
// 7. Example of using a foreign key to link table informations
std::cout << "Owner"
<< "\t\t\t" << "Model"
<< "\t\t\t" << "Price"
<< std::endl;
db.select_data("Cars,CarOwners", "Owner,Model,Price", "", false, "ORDER BY Owner");
while (db.get_next_result()) {
std::cout << db["CarOwners"]["Owner"].get_data<TString>()
<< "\t\t\t" << db["Cars"]["Model"].get_data<TString>()
<< "\t\t\t" << db["Cars"]["Price"].get_data<int>()
<< std::endl;
#define N
char name[80]
Strings used to represent a set of ranges of values.
Definition: KVNumberList.h:85
const Char_t * AsString(Int_t maxchars=0) const
void Add(Int_t)
Add value 'n' to the list.
void Clear(Option_t *="")
Empty number list, reset it to initial state.
TString GetSQL(const Char_t *column) const
Interface to ROOT SQLite database backend.
Definition: SQLiteDB.h:401
int get_number_of_tables() const
Definition: SQLiteDB.h:442
int count(const TString &table, const TString &column="*", const TString &selection="", bool distinct=false) const
Definition: SQLiteDB.cpp:739
bool update(const TString &table, const TString &columns, const TString &selection="")
Definition: SQLiteDB.cpp:776
void insert_data_row()
Definition: SQLiteDB.cpp:393
void end_data_insertion()
Definition: SQLiteDB.cpp:433
bool select_data(const TString &tables, const TString &columns="*", const TString &selection="", bool distinct=false, const TString &anything_else="") const
Definition: SQLiteDB.cpp:493
bool get_next_result() const
Definition: SQLiteDB.cpp:595
void add_table(const table &)
Definition: SQLiteDB.cpp:219
bool prepare_data_insertion(const TString &)
Definition: SQLiteDB.cpp:269
const column & add_primary_key(const TString &name)
Definition: SQLiteDB.cpp:1152
column & add_column(const KVSQLite::column &c)
Definition: SQLiteDB.cpp:1115
auto * tt