Toolkit for HIC analysis

Build correlated & uncorrelated excitation energy spectra for \f${}^{7}Be\rightarrow p+d+\alpha\f$ 3-body decay using event mixing technique

Example of use of KVEventMixerN which is a generic implementation of event mixing for N-particle correlation studies. In this example, N=3

#ifndef __CORRELATOR_H
#define __CORRELATOR_H
#include "KVReconEventSelector.h"
#include "KVEventMixerN.h"
#include "KVEventClassifier.h"
class ExampleAnalysis_KVEventMixerN_3Body : public KVReconEventSelector {
struct particle {
int z, a, det_index;
TVector3 momentum;
particle() = default;
particle(particle&&) = default;
particle(const particle&) = default;
particle(const KVReconstructedNucleus& p) : z{p.GetZ()},
KVEventClassifier* mult_bin;
TString get_cor_histo_name(int bin, const TString& quantity)
return Form("h_cor_%s_bin_%d", quantity.Data(), bin);
TString get_uncor_histo_name(int bin, const TString& quantity)
return Form("h_uncor_%s_bin_%d", quantity.Data(), bin);
int nevent = 0;
ExampleAnalysis_KVEventMixerN_3Body() {}
virtual void InitRun();
virtual void EndRun() {}
virtual void InitAnalysis();
virtual Bool_t Analysis();
virtual void EndAnalysis() {}
ClassDef(ExampleAnalysis_KVEventMixerN_3Body, 0) //User analysis class
bool Bool_t
#define ClassDef(name, id)
winID h TVirtualViewer3D TVirtualGLPainter p
char * Form(const char *fmt,...)
Simple class for sorting events according to global variables.
Generic event mixing algorithm for N-particle correlation studies.
virtual void InitAnalysis()
virtual void EndRun()
virtual Bool_t Analysis()
virtual void EndAnalysis()
virtual void InitRun()
Base class for user analysis of reconstructed data.
Nuclei reconstructed from data measured by a detector array .
const char * Data() const
TArc a
#include "ExampleAnalysis_KVEventMixerN_3Body.h"
void ExampleAnalysis_KVEventMixerN_3Body::InitAnalysis(void)
// Declaration of histograms, global variables, etc.
// Called at the beginning of the analysis
// The examples given are compatible with interactive, batch,
// and PROOFLite analyses.
// multiplicities of each type of particle
auto gv = AddGV("KVMult", "m_proton");
gv->SetSelection({"proton", [](const KVNucleus * _n)
const KVReconstructedNucleus* n = dynamic_cast<const KVReconstructedNucleus*>(_n);
return n->IsOK() && n->IsAMeasured() && n->IsIsotope(1, 1);
// select events with at least 1 proton
gv->SetEventSelection([](const KVVarGlob * vg) {
return vg->GetValue() > 0;
gv = AddGV("KVMult", "m_deuton");
gv->SetSelection({"deuton", [](const KVNucleus * _n)
const KVReconstructedNucleus* n = dynamic_cast<const KVReconstructedNucleus*>(_n);
return n->IsOK() && n->IsAMeasured() && n->IsIsotope(1, 2);
// select events with at least 1 deuton
gv->SetEventSelection([](const KVVarGlob * vg) {
return vg->GetValue() > 0;
gv = AddGV("KVMult", "m_alpha");
gv->SetSelection({"alpha", [](const KVNucleus * _n)
const KVReconstructedNucleus* n = dynamic_cast<const KVReconstructedNucleus*>(_n);
return n->IsOK() && n->IsAMeasured() && n->IsIsotope(2, 4);
// select events with at least 1 alpha
gv->SetEventSelection([](const KVVarGlob * vg) {
return vg->GetValue() > 0;
AddGV("KVMult", "mtot"); // total multiplicity for event sorting
mult_bin = GetGVList()->AddEventClassifier("mtot");
// Multiplicity cuts corresponding to 5 equal statistics bins of Xe+Sn 50AMeV
std::vector<Double_t> mult_slices = {8.4195047, 14.449584, 21.173604, 28.044737};
for (auto cut : mult_slices) mult_bin->AddCut(cut);
for (size_t i = 0; i <= mult_slices.size(); ++i) {
AddHisto<TH1F>(get_cor_histo_name(i, "Ex"), Form("Correlated spectrum E* bin %ld", i), 500, 0., 100.);
AddHisto<TH1F>(get_uncor_histo_name(i, "Ex"), Form("Uncorrelated spectrum E* bin %ld", i), 500, 0., 100.);
auto t = AddTree("check_tree", "check event classifier");
void ExampleAnalysis_KVEventMixerN_3Body::InitRun(void)
// Reject events with less identified particles than the acquisition multiplicity trigger
Bool_t ExampleAnalysis_KVEventMixerN_3Body::Analysis(void)
auto bin = mult_bin->GetEventClassification();
// correlated particles function, 'CorFunc'
[ = ](int bin_num, KVRefVec<KVReconstructedNucleus> parts) {
// calculate E* for p+d+a from same event
for (auto& n : parts) {
BE += n;
FillHisto(get_cor_histo_name(bin_num, "Ex"), BE.GetExcitEnergy());
// uncorrelated particles function, 'UnCorFunc'
[ = ](int bin_num, KVReconstructedNucleus & part, KVRefVec<particle> other_parts) {
// calculate E* for 'part' from current event, other 2 particles from previous events
BE += part;
for (auto& n : other_parts) {
BE += KVNucleus(n.z, n.a, n.momentum);
FillHisto(get_uncor_histo_name(bin_num, "Ex"), BE.GetExcitEnergy());
// iterator for protons
ReconEventIterator(GetEvent(), {
return n->IsOK() && n->IsAMeasured() && n->IsIsotope(1, 1);
// iterator for deuterons
ReconEventIterator(GetEvent(), {
return n->IsOK() && n->IsAMeasured() && n->IsIsotope(1, 2);
// iterator for alphas
ReconEventIterator(GetEvent(), {
return n->IsOK() && n->IsAMeasured() && n->IsIsotope(2, 4);
return kTRUE;
constexpr Bool_t kTRUE
Description of properties and kinematics of atomic nuclei.
Definition: KVNucleus.h:123
Double_t GetExcitEnergy() const
Definition: KVNucleus.h:279
Vector of references to objects.
Definition: KVRefVec.h:24
Base class for all global variable implementations.
Definition: KVVarGlob.h:233
Double_t GetValue(void) const
Definition: KVVarGlob.h:443
Wrapper class for iterating over nuclei in KVReconstructedEvent accessed through base pointer or refe...
const Int_t n
void FillTree(TTree &myTree, const RooDataSet &data)