Toolkit for HIC analysis

Example of an analysis class for reconstructed data (i.e. events with nuclei)

This is the analysis class generated by default by KaliVedaGUI for reconstructed data analysis.

#include "KVReconEventSelector.h"
#include "KVMultiDetArray.h"
class ExampleReconAnalysis : public KVReconEventSelector {
KVMultiDetArray* INDRA, *FAZIA;
void add_idcode_histos(const TString&);
void fill_idcode_histos(const TString&, const KVReconstructedNucleus&);
void fill_ecode_histos(const TString&, const KVReconstructedNucleus&);
ExampleReconAnalysis() {}
virtual ~ExampleReconAnalysis() {}
virtual void InitRun();
virtual void EndRun() {}
virtual void InitAnalysis();
virtual Bool_t Analysis();
virtual void EndAnalysis() {}
ClassDef(ExampleReconAnalysis, 1) //Analysis of reconstructed events
bool Bool_t
#define ClassDef(name, id)
virtual void InitAnalysis()
virtual void EndRun()
virtual Bool_t Analysis()
virtual void EndAnalysis()
virtual void InitRun()
Base class for describing the geometry of a detector array.
Base class for user analysis of reconstructed data.
Nuclei reconstructed from data measured by a detector array .
#include "ExampleReconAnalysis.h"
#include "KVReconstructedNucleus.h"
#include "KVBatchSystem.h"
void ExampleReconAnalysis::InitAnalysis(void)
// Declaration of histograms, global variables, etc.
// Called at the beginning of the analysis
// The examples given are compatible with interactive, batch,
// and PROOFLite analyses.
// For E789, we recommend to not use the global variables for the moment,
// as they are only calculated for particles whose "OK" status is set according
// to a single selection of identification & calibration codes defined in InitRun().
// In the present example, this selection has been deactivated (see comments in InitRun()).
// In a future version of KaliVeda, it will be possible to handle several global variable
// lists in the analysis, each with its specific particle selection criteria (not limited to
// ID codes and E codes).
AddHisto<TH1F>("all_idcodes_fazia", "ID codes in FAZIA", 10, 0, 10);
AddHisto<TH1F>("all_idcodes_indra", "ID codes in INDRA", 10, 0, 10);
AddHisto<TH1F>("all_ecodes_fazia", "E codes in FAZIA", 5, 0, 5);
AddHisto<TH1F>("all_ecodes_indra", "E codes in INDRA", 5, 0, 5);
AddHisto<TH1F>("mtot_ch", "Total charged multiplicity", 50, -.5, 49.5);
AddHisto<TH1F>("zdist", "Charge distribution", 50, -.5, 49.5);
AddHisto<TH2F>("a_vs_z", "A vs. Z", 35, -.5, 34.5, 65, -.5, 64.5);
// some kinematic properties - for calibrated particles only
AddHisto<TH2F>("vper_proton", "Inv. velocity plot (protons) [cm/ns]", 500, 0, 15, 500, -10, 10);
AddHisto<TH2F>("vper_alpha", "Inv. velocity plot (alphas) [cm/ns]", 500, 0, 15, 500, -10, 10);
AddHisto<TH2F>("Z_vpar", "Z vs. parallel velocity [cm/ns]", 500, 0, 15, 35, .5, 35.5);
AddHisto<TH1F>("calibrated_ecodes_fazia", "E codes for calibrated particles in FAZIA", 5, 0, 5);
AddHisto<TH1F>("calibrated_ecodes_indra", "E codes for calibrated particles in INDRA", 5, 0, 5);
/*** USING A TREE ***/
// if you want to store data in a TTree, do as follows:
// auto t = AddTree("myTree");
// t->Branch("myVar", &myVar);
// etc.
// This filename will be used for interactive and PROOFlite jobs.
// When running in batch mode, this will automatically use the job name.
void ExampleReconAnalysis::add_idcode_histos(const TString& histo_name)
AddHisto<TH1F>(Form("%s_idcodes_fazia", histo_name.Data()),
Form("%s : ID codes in FAZIA", GetHisto(histo_name)->GetTitle()), 10, 0, 10);
AddHisto<TH1F>(Form("%s_idcodes_indra", histo_name.Data()),
Form("%s : ID codes in INDRA", GetHisto(histo_name)->GetTitle()), 10, 0, 10);
void ExampleReconAnalysis::InitRun(void)
// Initialisations for each run
// Called at the beginning of each run
// This is the place to define the correct identification/calibration codes for particles
// which will be used in your analysis. These particles will be labelled 'OK'
// (i.e. the method IsOK() for these particles returns kTRUE).
// For E789 it is recommended to deactivate this functionality and select particles
// individually depending on the needs of the analysis (i.e. include uncalibrated &
// partially (or un-)identfied particles when calculating multiplicities, but limit
// to well-identified particles for e.g. isospin transport studies and/or
// well-calibrated particles when dealing with kinematic properties).
INDRA = gMultiDetArray->GetArray("INDRA");
FAZIA = gMultiDetArray->GetArray("FAZIA");
// set title of TTree with name of analysed system
// GetTree("myTree")->SetTitle(GetCurrentRun()->GetSystemName());
// The following will reject reconstructed events for which the FAZIA trigger
// bit pattern is not consistent with the physics trigger i.e. M>=2.
// This will reject events where only the downscaled M>=1 trigger fired.
// Instead of this, you can use
// if( FAZIA->GetTrigger().IsTrigger( [name of trigger] ) ) { ... }
// to test or select events individually according to the fired trigger pattern,
// in your Analysis() method.
// See KVFAZIATrigger for details.
void ExampleReconAnalysis::fill_idcode_histos(const TString& histo_name, const KVReconstructedNucleus& rn)
if (rn.InArray("INDRA"))
FillHisto(Form("%s_idcodes_indra", histo_name.Data()), INDRA->GetIDCodeMeaning(rn.GetIDCode()), 1);
else if (rn.InArray("FAZIA"))
FillHisto(Form("%s_idcodes_fazia", histo_name.Data()), FAZIA->GetIDCodeMeaning(rn.GetIDCode()), 1);
Fatal("fill_idcode_histos", "Particle not in INDRA and not in FAZIA!!! array=%s",
void ExampleReconAnalysis::fill_ecode_histos(const TString& histo_name, const KVReconstructedNucleus& rn)
if (rn.InArray("INDRA"))
FillHisto(Form("%s_ecodes_indra", histo_name.Data()), INDRA->GetECodeMeaning(rn.GetECode()), 1);
else if (rn.InArray("FAZIA"))
FillHisto(Form("%s_ecodes_fazia", histo_name.Data()), FAZIA->GetECodeMeaning(rn.GetECode()), 1);
Fatal("fill_ecode_histos", "Particle not in INDRA and not in FAZIA!!! array=%s",
Bool_t ExampleReconAnalysis::Analysis(void)
// Analysis method called event by event.
// The current event can be accessed by a call to method GetEvent().
// See KVReconstructedEvent documentation for the available methods.
int mtot_ch = 0;
for (auto& rn : ReconEventIterator(*GetEvent())) {
fill_idcode_histos("all", rn);
fill_ecode_histos("all", rn);
// 'Identified' particles may in fact not be identified at all, or only partially
// They include particles stopping in the first stage of deltaE-E telescopes,
// heavy (Z>5) particles stopped in CsI without a deltaE detector in front,
// or even gamma particles (FAZIA) & "neutrons" (INDRA).
if (rn.IsIdentified() && rn.GetZ() > 0) {
// To calculate the best estimate of total charged particle multiplicity,
// we include all 'Identified' particles with Z>0
fill_idcode_histos("mtot_ch", rn);
// Particles with 'IsZMeasured'=true are particles whose Z was measured...
// this means excluding i.e. particles stopping in the first stage of deltaE-E telescopes
// or heavy (Z>5) particles stopped in CsI without a deltaE detector in front, for which
// we can only estimate a lower limit for the Z.
// However, it should be noted that while this condition excludes gamma particles,
// neutrons have a measured Z too (it is equal to 0!).
if (rn.IsZMeasured() && rn.GetZ() > 0) { // GetZ()>0: exclude neutrons (INDRA)
FillHisto("zdist", rn.GetZ());
fill_idcode_histos("zdist", rn);
// Particles with 'IsAMeasured'=true have isotopic mass resolution
if (rn.IsAMeasured()) {
FillHisto("a_vs_z", rn.GetZ(), rn.GetA());
fill_idcode_histos("a_vs_z", rn);
// Only particles with 'IsCalibrated'=true have measured kinematical properties
if (rn.IsCalibrated()) {
if (rn.IsAMeasured()) { // limit to isotopically identified LCP
if (rn.IsIsotope(1, 1)) FillHisto("vper_proton", rn.GetVpar(), rn.GetVperp(),
1. / (1.e-3 + TMath::Abs(rn.GetVperp())));
else if (rn.IsIsotope(2, 4)) FillHisto("vper_alpha", rn.GetVpar(), rn.GetVperp(),
1. / (1.e-3 + TMath::Abs(rn.GetVperp())));
FillHisto("Z_vpar", rn.GetVpar(), rn.GetZ());
fill_ecode_histos("calibrated", rn);
FillHisto("mtot_ch", mtot_ch);
return kTRUE;
constexpr Bool_t kTRUE
char * Form(const char *fmt,...)
virtual void AcceptAllECodes()
virtual void AcceptAllIDCodes()
virtual KVMultiDetArray * GetArray(const Char_t *) const
Int_t GetA() const
Definition: KVNucleus.cpp:792
Bool_t IsIsotope(Int_t Z, Int_t A) const
Definition: KVNucleus.h:330
Int_t GetZ() const
Return the number of proton / atomic number.
Definition: KVNucleus.cpp:763
Double_t GetVpar() const
Definition: KVParticle.h:678
Double_t GetVperp() const
virtual Bool_t IsZMeasured() const
Bool_t InArray(const TString &) const
Returns kTRUE if particle was detected in array with given name.
virtual Int_t GetECode() const
virtual Int_t GetIDCode() const
TString GetArrayName() const
Returns name of array particle was detected in (if known)
virtual Bool_t IsAMeasured() const
Wrapper class for iterating over nuclei in KVReconstructedEvent accessed through base pointer or refe...
const char * Data() const
void Fatal(const char *location, const char *fmt,...)
Double_t Abs(Double_t d)