Toolkit for HIC analysis
Detector Array Geometry

Detailed Description

Tools for handling detector array geometries.


class  KVExpSetUp
 Describe an experimental set-up coupling two or more different detector arrays. More...
class  KVGeoDetectorNode
 Information on relative positions of detectors & particle trajectories. More...
class  KVGeoDNTrajectory
 Path taken by particles through multidetector geometry. More...
class  KVGeoImport
 Import detector array described by ROOT geometry and set up corresponding KVMultiDetArray object. More...
class  KVGeoNavigator
 Base class for propagation of particles through array geometry. More...
class  KVGeoNodeIterator
 Iterate from node to node along trajectories in array geometry. More...
class  KVGeoStrucElement
 Base class describing elements of array geometry. More...
class  KVGroup
 Group of detectors which can be treated independently of all others in array. More...
class  KVMultiDetArray
 Base class for describing the geometry of a detector array. More...
class  KVPosition
 Base class used for handling geometry in a multidetector array. More...
class  KVRangeTableGeoNavigator
 Propagate particles through array geometry calculating energy losses. More...
class  KVSegmentedDetector
 A position-sensitive detector made up of several or many numbered sub-detector segments. More...
class  KVTrapezoidalStripDetector
 Single-sided stripped trapezoidal silicon detector. More...