Toolkit for HIC analysis
Particle Identification

Detailed Description

Classes implementing different methods of charged particle identification.


class  KVDP2toCsIGridConvertor
 Converts dp2-format CsI R-L grids to KVIDGrids. More...
class  KVDroite
 Apparently, a straight line. More...
class  KVIDContour
 Basic graphical contour class for use in particle identification. More...
class  KVIDCsI
 Generic CsI identification telescope. More...
class  KVIDCsIRLLine
 Base class for CsI R-L identification lines (A and Z identification). More...
class  KVIDCutContour
 Graphical contour for excluding/including regions in particle identification maps. More...
class  KVIDCutLine
 Line in ID grid used to delimit regions where no identification is possible. More...
class  KVIdentificationResult
 Full result of one attempted particle identification. More...
class  KVIDentifier
 Base class for graphical cuts used in particle identification. More...
class  KVIDGCsI
 Identification grids for CsI R-L (fast-slow) matrices. More...
class  KVIDGraph
 Base class for particle identification in a 2D map. More...
class  KVIDGrid
 Abstract base class for 2D identification grids in e.g. (dE,E) maps. More...
class  KVIDGridEditor
 Identification grid editor GUI ,. More...
class  KVIDGridManager
 Handles a stock of identification grids to be used by one or more identification telescopes. More...
class  KVIDGridManagerGUI
 Graphical interface tool for managing, creating, testing and fitting identification grids. More...
class  KVIDLine
 Base class for lines/cuts used for particle identification in 2D data maps. More...
class  KVIDMap
 Collection of graphical contours used for particle identification. More...
class  KVIDTelescope
 Base class for all detectors or associations of detectors in array which can identify charged particles. More...
class  KVIDZAContour
 Graphical contour associated with a given nucleus for use in particle identification. More...
class  KVIDZAFromZGrid
 Hybrid charge & mass identification grid. More...
class  KVIDZAGrid
 Identification grid with lines corresponding to different nuclear isotopes (KVIDZALine) More...
class  KVIDZALine
 Base class for identification ridge lines corresponding to different nuclear species. More...
class  KVItvFinderDialog
 GUI for finding/fixing mass identification intervals. More...
class  KVMultiGaussIsotopeFit
 Function for fitting PID mass spectra. More...
class  KVPIDIntervalPainter
 Graphical representation of a PID interval in the KVIDZAFromZGrid mass assignation GUI. More...
class  KVRTGIDManager
 Run-dependant KVTGIDManager. More...
class  KVSpiderIdentificator
 Semi-automatic identification grid generator. More...
class  KVSpiderLine
 Part of Spider Identification. More...
class  KVSpiderLineSiCsI
 KVSpiderLine specialized for PSA matrix. More...
class  KVSQLROOTIDGridManager
 ID grid manager using KVSQLROOTFile backend. More...
class  KVTGID
 Abstract base class for particle identfication using functionals developed by L. Tassan-Got (IPN Orsay) More...
class  KVTGIDFitter
 Fit of E-DE functional. More...
class  KVTGIDGrid
 Grid representing result of fit. More...
class  KVTGIDManager
 Handles a set of Tassan-Got functional-based identifications (KVTGID objects) for use by a KVIDTelescope. More...
 Base class for charged particle Z & A identfication using functionals developed by L. Tassan-Got (IPN Orsay) More...
class  KVUpDater
 Abstract class implementing necessary methods for setting multidetector parameters for each run of the current dataset ,. More...
class  KVVirtualIDFitter
 ABC for fitting ID grids with functionals. More...