Toolkit for HIC analysis
Modelling and Simulation Tools

Detailed Description

Tools for physics modelling and handling simulations.


struct  count_rate
 Utility class used by KVElasticCountRates. More...
class  KV2Body
 Relativistic binary kinematics calculator. More...
class  KV3DGeoTrack
 Visualise particle trajectories through array geometry. More...
class  KVBreakUp
 Permet de casser aleatoirement un nombre entier (ztot) en un nombre (mtot) d'entiers plus petits d'une valeur minimale (zmin) donnĂ©e. Plusieurs methodes de cassures sont proposees. More...
class  KVClust3D
 TH3 object which allow clusterization in cell density. More...
class  KVCoulombPropagator
 Perform Coulomb propagation of events. More...
class  KVDetectionSimulator
 Simulate detection of events in a detector array. More...
struct  KVElasticCountRate
 Utility class used by KVElasticCountRates to store results. More...
class  KVElasticCountRates
 Calculate elastic scattering count rates in multidetector arrays. More...
class  KVElasticScatter
 Calculate elastic scattering spectra in multidetector arrays. More...
class  KVElasticScatterEvent
 simulate ElasticScatterEvent and answer of a given (multi-)detector : A + B -> A + B More...
class  KVEventFiltering
 Filter simulated events with multidetector response. More...
class  KVFilterEventReconstructor
 Reconstruct events after filtering a simulation. More...
class  KVFilterGroupReconstructor
 Reconstruct particles in group of detectors after filtering simulated events. More...
class  KVFissionKinematics
 Simple calculation of two-body decay. More...
class  KVGemini
 Interface to GEMINI++. More...
class  KVGenPhaseSpace
 Generate momenta for an event using microcanonical phase space sampling. More...
class  KVMaterialStack
 A stack of materials in which successive energy losses of charged particles can be calculated ,. More...
class  KVPartitionGenerator
 Permet de determiner numeriquement et exactement un ensemble de partitions d'entrees remplissante certaines conditions. More...
class  KVRungeKutta
 Adaptive step-size 4th order Runge-Kutta ODE integrator from Numerical Recipes. More...
class  KVSimDir
 Handle directory containing simulated and/or filtered simulated data ,. More...
class  KVSimDirGUI
 GUI for analysing and filtering simulated data. More...
class  KVSimEvent
 Container class for simulated nuclei, KVSimNucleus. More...
class  KVSimFile
 Handle file containing simulated and/or filtered simulated data ,. More...
class  KVSimNucleus
 Nucleus in a simulated event. More...
class  KVSimReader
 Base class to read output files for simulation and create tree using KVSimEvent class. More...
class  KVSimReader_DIT
 Read and convert to KaliVeda format outputs from DIT. More...
class  KVSimReader_ELIE
 Read ascii files containing events generated by Elie. More...
class  KVSimReader_ELIE2023
 Read ASCII files generated by ELIE (new format 2022) More...
class  KVSimReader_ELIE2023_asym
 Read ASCII files generated by ELIE (new format 2022) More...
class  KVSimReader_ELIE_asym
 Read ELIE events after secondary decay. More...
class  KVSimReader_HIPSE
 Read ascii file for events of the HIPSE code after clusterization. More...
class  KVSimReader_HIPSE_asym
 Read ascii file for asymptotic events of the HIPSE code after SIMON deexcitation. More...
class  KVSimReader_MMM
 Read ascii file for events of the MMM code at Freeze Out. More...
class  KVSimReader_MMM_asym
 Read ascii file for asymptotic events of the MMM code after deexcitation. More...
class  KVSimReader_SMF
 Read ascii file for events of the SMF code after clusterization. More...
class  KVSimReader_SMF_asym
 Read ascii file for asymptotic events of the SMF code after SIMON deexcitation. More...
class  KVTestEvent
 A simple event generator for testing charged particle array response. More...
class  KVWilckeReactionParameters
 Reaction parameters for heavy-ion collisions from systematics of Wilcke et al. More...
class  SimEventGroupIterator
 Wrapper class for iterating over groups of nuclei in KVSimEvent accessed through base pointer or reference. More...
class  SimEventIterator
 Wrapper class for iterating over nuclei in KVSimEvent accessed through base pointer or reference. More...
class  SimEventOKIterator
 Wrapper class for iterating over "OK" nuclei in KVSimEvent accessed through base pointer or reference. More...