Toolkit for HIC analysis
Detector signals and calibrations

Detector signals

Each detector has an associated list of signals which may be DAQ parameters, the result of some calibration procedure, or derived from a mathematical combination of existing parameters:

OBJ: KVUniqueNameList KVSeqCollection_6276 Optimised list in which objects with the same name can only be placed once : 0
KVACQParamSignal PG Signal PG of detector SI_0801 [150.368108]
KVCalibratedSignal Volts Signal Volts calculated from signal PG of detector SI_0801 [0.019724]
KVCalibratedSignal Energy Signal Energy calculated from signal Volts of detector SI_0801 [8.311131]
OBJ: KVUniqueNameList KVSeqCollection_33634 Optimised list in which objects with the same name can only be placed once : 0
KVDetectorSignal Q3.FastFPGAEnergy Signal Q3.FastFPGAEnergy of detector CSI-1111 [0.000000]
KVDetectorSignal Q3.FPGAEnergy Signal Q3.FPGAEnergy of detector CSI-1111 [0.000000]
KVDetectorSignalExpression ID_CSI-1111-VARX Signal calculated as Q3.FastFPGAEnergy/Q3.FPGAEnergy for detector CSI-1111 [0.000000]
char name[80]
Output signal from detector obtained by calibration.
Signal output from a mathematical combination of other signals.
Base class for output signal data produced by a detector.
virtual KVDetector * GetDetector(const Char_t *name) const
Return detector in this structure with given name.
Optimised list in which named objects can only be placed once.
TMatrixT< Double_t > as(SEXP)

The value of any signal can be retrieved using its name:

(double) 234.

If the signal in question is not defined, this method returns 0. You can test if a given signal is defined for a detector using:

(bool) false

For more information on these methods, see the KVDetector class reference.

The base class which handles detector signals is KVDetectorSignal. As shown below, there is a family of related classes which have very similar behaviour which handle specific types of signals:

Signal expressions

New signals can be defined and added to detectors using any mathematical expression involving known signals. For example, in order to define the ID_CSI-1111-VARX signal shown in the previous example above, you would go about it this way:

(bool) true

Note that such signal expressions may be added automatically when an identification telescope is initialised with an identification grid which uses such an expression as either its VARX or VARY coordinate (see Particle identification chapter).

The method KVDetector::AddDetectorSignalExpression() returns false if there is a problem with the expression (no known signals). In this case no new signal is added to the detector.

Detector signal expressions are handled by the KVDetectorSignalExpression class.

Detector calibration

Adding calibrated signals

Calibrated signals (handled by the KVCalibratedSignal class) are added to detectors when a calibration is available for a given run of a dataset (experiment). In order to add calibrations to a dataset, it needs to have a file [array_name].CalibrationFiles.dat which contains the names of files containing different calibrations for different detectors and different runs.

Each of these files should have the same basic structure:

# Any useful comments on a line starting with '#'
# Remember that comments are always useful
# You will remember nothing about this calibration in 3 months' time...
SignalIn: PG
SignalOut: Volts
CalibType: ChannelVolt
CalibOptions: func=pol3,min=0,max=1,inverse=true
SI_0801: 71.9228,3979.44,32.1727,-27.9312
SI_0802: 70.9138,3978.88,31.5155,-27.9611
[etc. etc.]

This file defines how to transform the PG signal of the listed detectors into a new Volts signal. A calibration basically defines how a new calibrated signal is generated from an existing input signal using a KVCalibrator or derived class:

KVDetectorSignal _______\ KVCalibrator _______\ KVCalibratedSignal
'input' / / 'output'

The "transfer function" of KVCalibrator (defined by the func parameter in CalibOptions above: see below) can be any function which can be written as a string in the format understood by TF1 or TFormula. The 'input signal' can of course itself be the result of a calibration procedure, i.e. it can be a KVCalibratedSignal, or indeed any other signal derived from KVDetectorSignal (see diagram above).

The file must define at least the input and output signals using their names (SignalIn and SignalOut parameters above) and the type of the calibration (used for naming objects). If a specific KVCalibrator-derived class is to be used in order to perform the calibration i.e. one of the classes which appear in the following diagram:

then a CalibClass parameter can be used to specify which one. However, this is not the name of a class: it is a name of one of the plugins defined in order to extend the KVCalibrator base class. In order to know which plugin name corresponds to which class, you can use the following two methods:

(const Char_t *) "KVLightEnergyCsI KVLightEnergyCsIFull KVPulseHeightDefect KVRecombination"
(const Char_t *) "LightEnergyCsI LightEnergyCsIFull PulseHeightDefect Recombination"
char Char_t
static const Char_t * GetListOfPluginURIs(const Char_t *base)
Definition: KVBase.cpp:1295
static const Char_t * GetListOfPlugins(const Char_t *base)
Definition: KVBase.cpp:1228

The order of the class/plugin names in the two lists is the same. In general, the plugin name is just the class name minus the KV prefix.

The CalibOptions parameter may be used if required to supply any additional information needed to set up the calibrator object as you wish. If and how to use this parameter depends on which class you are using: look at the class reference guide to see if the class has a specialised version of the KVCalibrator::SetOptions() method (see for example the KVCalibrator::SetOptions() method for the calibrator used in the example above).

Obtaining calibrated signal values

Once defined, the calibrated signal values are obtained in the same way as any other, using the KVDetector::GetDetectorSignalValue() method:

(double) 0.040703783
(double) 9.7544453

Supplying extra parameters

If a calibration requires further parameters in order to be used correctly, they can be passed to this method as a string containing name=value pairs. An example is the Light-Energy calibration for CsI detectors, which depends on the identification of the particle for which the energy is to be calculated:

// calculate CsI energy from TotLight signal for a Lithium-6
gMultiDetArray->GetDetector("CSI_0801")->GetDetectorSignalValue("Energy", "Z=3,A=6");

Any such required extra parameters will be defined in the Compute method of the calibrator (for example, see KVLightEnergyCsI::Compute()).

Changing input value

Another use for the parameter list is to change the value of the input signal used by the calibration: if a parameter INPUT is given in the list, its value will be used instead of the current value of the input signal:

// calculate Volts signal for SI_0801 when input signal (PG) = 1024
gMultiDetArray->GetDetector("SI_0801")->GetDetectorSignalValue("Volts", "INPUT=1024");

When is a detector considered 'calibrated' ?

By default a detector is considered to be calibrated i.e. the method KVDetector::IsCalibrated() returns kTRUE{.cpp} if it has a signal defined called Energy. However this behaviour may be modified in specific daughter classes.

Inverse calibration

Given the situation in the previous examples i.e. where a detector called SI_0801 has one or more calibrations available, it is possible to "backtrack" from one or other final output values and calculate what would be the input, i.e. the calibration can be inverted, either partially or entirely:

gMultiDetArray->GetDetector("SI_0801")->GetInverseDetectorSignalValue("Energy", 9.7544453, "Volts")
(double) 0.040703783
gMultiDetArray->GetDetector("SI_0801")->GetInverseDetectorSignalValue("Energy", 9.7544453, "PG")
(double) 234.07877
gMultiDetArray->GetDetector("SI_0801")->GetInverseDetectorSignalValue("Volts", 0.040735, "PG")
(double) 234.07877