Toolkit for HIC analysis
1 /*
2  $Id: KVAlphaCalibration.h, v 1.0 2019/05/14 17:00:00 lemarie Exp $
3  $Revision: 1.0 $
4  $Date: 2019/05/14 17:00:00 $
5  $Author: lemarie $
6 */
11 #include "TH1.h"
12 #include "TF1.h"
13 #include "TSpectrum.h"
14 #include "TGraph.h"
15 #include <string>
16 #include <TMath.h>
17 #include "TCanvas.h"
18 #include "TSystem.h"
19 #include "TFile.h"
20 #include "TStyle.h"
21 #include "TROOT.h"
22 #include <vector>
23 #include <cstdlib>
24 #include <iostream>
25 #include <limits>
73 protected :
81  std::vector<double> GaussianFitResults;
82  std::vector<double> GaussianFitResultsError;
83  double FunctionToFit(double* x, double* par); //the model we use to fit the peak
84  std::vector<double> InitializationPeak;
87 private :
92  std::vector<double> MeanOfPeak;
93  std::vector<double> IntensityOfPeak;
94  void HistoInit(TH1* h); //-
96  void SetFunction(std::string FunctionName = "x*[0]");
98 public :
100  KVAlphaCalibration(int NumberOfPeak_); //-
101  KVAlphaCalibration(int NumberOfPeak_, TH1* h); //-
104  void Init(int);
105  void SetHisto(TH1* h);
106  void SetParameters(double SigmaOfTSpectrum_ = 1., double SigmaOfGaussian_ = 1., double ThresholdOfTSpectrum_ = 0.5, double IsOriginAtZero_ = false);
107  void AddPeak(double Energy_, double Intensity_); //-
108  void SetHistRange(double xmin, double xmax);
109  double GetGaussianFitParameter(int); //-
110  double GetGaussianFitParError(int);
111  double GetInitializationFitParameter(int);
115  TGraph* FitInit(bool debug_ = false);
116  void FitSpectrum(bool debug_ = false);
117  void FitAll(bool debug_ = false);
119  void DrawResult(bool WhatToDraw = true);
120  void PrintResult(void);
122 };
124 #endif
Set up and run the calibration of siliciums.
void AddPeak(double Energy_, double Intensity_)
void SetHistRange(double xmin, double xmax)
double FunctionToFit(double *x, double *par)
double GetGaussianFitParError(int)
void FitSpectrum(bool debug_=false)
double InitializationFitResults[2]
Array that contain the results of the initialization fit.
Default destructor.
std::vector< double > GaussianFitResults
Array that contains results of the final fit.
double SigmaOfTSpectrum
Width of the peaks that TSpectrum will search, chosen by user.
TF1 * GaussianFit
function that will fit the peaks
std::vector< double > IntensityOfPeak
array of peaks amlitude. Set by user
double GetGaussianFitParameter(int)
std::vector< double > InitializationPeak
TH1 * Histo
histogram that contains the data to fit. Set by user
void DrawResult(bool WhatToDraw=true)
double GetInitializationFitParameter(int)
TF1 * InitializationFit
function that will do the initial fit
TF1 GetFunction(void)
std::vector< double > MeanOfPeak
array peaks energy. Set by user
double ThresholdOfTSpectrum
Lowest peak that the TSpectrum has to search for. It is the ratio of the highest peak that the TSpect...
void FitAll(bool debug_=false)
This function calls the FitInit and FitSpectrum function.
TSpectrum * spec
the method that will search for peaks
std::vector< double > GaussianFitResultsError
Array that contains the error of the results of the final fit.
void SetFunction(std::string FunctionName="x*[0]")
void SetParameters(double SigmaOfTSpectrum_=1., double SigmaOfGaussian_=1., double ThresholdOfTSpectrum_=0.5, double IsOriginAtZero_=false)
KVAlphaCalibration(int NumberOfPeak_)
int NumberOfPeak
Number of Peak present in the histogram. Chose by user.
double SigmaOfGaussian
Width of the peak that the model will fit chosen by user. It is possible that it has to be different ...
TGraph * factorGraph
Graph where the initial fit is done.
void SetHisto(TH1 *h)
Set the histogram that contains the data.
TGraph * FitInit(bool debug_=false)