15 #include "KVNumberList.h"
16 #include "KVDatedFileManager.h"
126 Emit(
#define RQ_OBJECT(sender_class)
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Dialog box for setting system parameters associated to runs.
void DeleteSystem()
Delete the currently selected system.
KVNumberList fRuns
runs selected by user
void TargetAngleChanged(Long_t)
Called when target angle is changed.
KVDatedFileManager * fUndo
allows to undo changes to Systems.dat
TGLabel * fLabel1530
units for thickness
void ProjectileZChanged(Long_t)
TGComboBox * fComboBox1515
layers in current target
void SetNeedSave(Bool_t k=kTRUE)
TGComboBox * fComboBox1542
list of materials for creating target layers
TGTextButton * fTextButton1553
add new layer to target
void RemoveAll(TGComboBox *)
KVString fCurrentSystemsFile
name (including timestamp) of currently used Systems.dat
KVTarget * fTarget
current target
void ProjectileEChanged(Long_t)
void UpdateSystemProperties()
Update displayed system properties, e.g. when a new system is selected in fComboBox1476.
void UpdateTargetLayerProperties(Int_t)
TGNumberEntry * fNumberEntry1493
Z of projectile.
TGTextButton * fSetRuns
associate runs with selected system
KVMaterial * fLayer
current target layer
TGTextEntry * fTextEntry1490
symbol of projectile
TGNumberEntry * fNumberEntry1499
A of projectile.
void UpdateProjectileProperties()
TGNumberEntry * fNumberEntry1537
atomic mass of current layer
void ProjectileSymbolChanged()
KVDBSystem * fSystem
currently selected system in combo box fComboBox1476
Bool_t IsProjectileDefined()
TGNumberEntry * fNumberEntry1509
E/A of projectile.
TGNumberEntry * fNumberEntry1526
thickness of current layer
TGComboBox * fComboBox1476
combo box displaying list of systems for current dataset
void CreateMainWindow(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
Creates main window and displays it.
TGTransientFrame * fMainFrame1475
the main window
void TargetLayerAChanged(Long_t)
Called when target layer A is changed.
virtual ~KVDBSystemDialog()
void TargetLayerThicknessChanged(Long_t)
TGTextButton * fCreateSystem
button to create new system
void UpdateTargetProperties()
KVDBSystemDialog(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main, KVDBSystem *init_sys, const KVNumberList &runs, UInt_t w=1, UInt_t h=1)
TGTextButton * fSaveButton
save changes
void UpdateRunlist()
Signal emitted to tell KVINDRARunSheetGUI to update the runlist.
TGTextButton * fTextButton1554
remove current layer from target
void SelectSystem(Int_t)
Called when a new system is selected in fComboBox1476.
std::unique_ptr< TObjArray > fMaterialsList
list of all available materials
void ProjectileAChanged(Long_t)
void EnableProjectileProperties(Bool_t)
Called when "Projectile" check box is checked (on=kTRUE) or unchecked (on=kFALSE)
TGNumberEntry * fNumberEntry1532
target angle to beam
TGCheckButton * fCheckButton1376
check button to define projectile
Database class used to store information on different colliding systems studied during an experiment....
Handles a set of different versions of files with the same base name and a timestamp.
Extended TList class which owns its objects by default.
Description of physical materials used to construct detectors & targets; interface to range tables.
Strings used to represent a set of ranges of values.
Extension of ROOT TString class which allows backwards compatibility with ROOT v3....
Calculation/correction of energy losses of particles through an experimental target.
int main(int argc, char **argv)