12 #include "KVNumberList.h"
108 std::cout <<
"SetMakeTree called with yes=" << yes << std::endl;
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Extension of TDatime to handle various useful date formats.
Read the run sheets produced by the standard INDRA acquisition control program.
TString fFileFormat
format string for run sheet file names
TString GetDateField(TString &, const Char_t *delim=":")
void init_vars()
Set values of all runsheet/TTree variables to 0.
Double_t GetNumberField(TString &, const Char_t *delim=":", int index=1)
const Char_t * GetRunSheetFileName(Int_t run)
const Char_t * GetRunSheetDir()
TTree * fTree
TTree can be made and filled from info.
Int_t fScalers[1024]
scalers for tree
void SetMakeTree(Bool_t yes=kTRUE)
Int_t ReadAllRunSheets(Int_t first=1, Int_t last=9999)
Bool_t fMakeTree
set to kTRUE if TTree is to be filled
TString fFilePath
temporary string holding full filename of current runsheet
zero-time for all run start/stop times
Bool_t ReadRunSheet(Int_t run)
TString fRunSheetDir
full path to directory holding run sheets
KVINDRARunSheetReader(Bool_t make_tree=kFALSE)
void StartTreeViewer() const
TString GetStringField(TString &, const Char_t *delim=":", int index=1)
Bool_t IsMakeTree() const
virtual ~ KVINDRARunSheetReader()
void SetFileFormat(const Char_t *fmt)
const Char_t * GetFileFormat()
void SetRunSheetDir(const Char_t *dir)
virtual void StartViewer()