17 #include "KVListView.h"
18 #include "KVIDZAFromZGrid.h"
24 #include "KVPIDIntervalPainter.h"
115 gROOT->ProcessLine(
"KVItvFinderDialog* _dummy_itv=nullptr");
120 void Identify(
double sigma,
double ratio);
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Hybrid charge & mass identification grid.
GUI for finding/fixing mass identification intervals.
KVListView * fIntervalListView
void DrawInterval(interval_set *itvs, bool label=0)
void ClearInterval(interval_set *itvs)
void ProcessIdentification(Int_t zmin=-1, Int_t zmax=-1)
void AddInterval(double pid)
void delete_painter_from_painter_list(KVPIDIntervalPainter *)
virtual ~KVItvFinderDialog()
void Identify()
void SetFitParameters()
Open dialog to modify parameters for multigauss mass fit.
interval_set * current_interval_set
TGButton * fTBbuttons[50]
void FindPIDIntervals(Int_t zz)
KVItvFinderDialog(KVIDZAFromZGrid *gg, TH2 *hh)
KVListView * fIntervalSetListView
static KVNameValueList mass_fit_parameters
for user control of multi-gaussian fit
void RemoveFit()
Remove fit of currently selected interval set from pad.
void ExportToGrid()
Write all PID intervals in grid parameters "PIDRANGE", "PIDRANGE%d", etc.
void SelectionITVChanged()
void TestIdent()
void SetNextIntevalZ(int zz)
void LinearizeHisto(int nbins)
Double_t fpeaks(Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
void remove_interval_from_interval_set(interval_set *itvs, interval *itv, bool remove_fit=true)
KVPIDIntervalPainter * last_drawn_interval
void ZoomOnCanvas()
Display the interval set for a given Z when the user double clicks on it.
Enhanced version of ROOT TGListView widget.
Extended TList class which owns its objects by default.
Handles lists of named parameters with different types, a list of KVNamedParameter objects.
Graphical representation of a PID interval in the KVIDZAFromZGrid mass assignation GUI.
virtual void CloseWindow()