4 #ifndef __KVMultiDetArray_H
5 #define __KVMultiDetArray_H
7 #include "KVGeoStrucElement.h"
8 #include "KVUniqueNameList.h"
11 #include "KVNucleus.h"
12 #include "KVDetector.h"
13 #include "KVGroupReconstructor.h"
15 #include <KVFileReader.h>
16 #include <KVGeoDNTrajectory.h>
17 #include <KVUnownedList.h>
38 class MFMMergeFrameManager;
40 class MFMEbyedatFrame;
41 class MFMBufferReader;
43 #include "MFMMesytecMDPPFrame.h"
166 virtual Bool_t handle_raw_data_event_mfmframe_mesytec_mdpp(
const MFMMesytecMDPPFrame&);
253 if (!Vacuum) Vacuum =
new TGeoMedium(
"Vacuum", 1, matVacuum);
407 if (!
d->GetNode()->GetDetectorsInFront()) {
408 SA +=
578 return glist->GetEntries();
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t Int_t Int_t Window_t TString Int_t GCValues_t GetPrimarySelectionOwner GetDisplay GetScreen GetColormap GetNativeEvent const char const char dpyName wid window const char font_name cursor keysym reg const char only_if_exist regb h Point_t winding char text const char depth char const char Int_t count const char ColorStruct_t color const char Pixmap_t Pixmap_t PictureAttributes_t attr const char char ret_data h unsigned char height h Atom_t Int_t ULong_t ULong_t unsigned char prop_list Atom_t Atom_t target
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void on
R__EXTERN TGeoManager * gGeoManager
char * Form(const char *fmt,...)
Description of an experimental run in database ,,.
List of hit groups in a multidetector array.
Base class for detector geometry description.
Abstract base class container for multi-particle events.
Base class to describe database of an experiment ,,.
Describe an experimental set-up coupling two or more different detector arrays.
Reads GANIL acquisition files (EBYEDAT)
Path taken by particles through multidetector geometry.
Information on relative positions of detectors & particle trajectories.
Import detector array described by ROOT geometry and set up corresponding KVMultiDetArray object.
Base class for propagation of particles through array geometry.
Base class describing elements of array geometry.
const KVSeqCollection * GetDetectors() const
KVSeqCollection * GetStructureTypeList(const Char_t *type) const
Base class for particle reconstruction in one group of a detector array.
Group of detectors which can be treated independently of all others in array.
Extended version of ROOT THashList.
Base class for particle identification in a 2D map.
Base class for all detectors or associations of detectors in array which can identify charged particl...
Extended TList class which owns its objects by default.
Read MFM format acquisition data.
Base class for describing the geometry of a detector array.
const KVSeqCollection * GetFiredSignals() const
KVNumberList fAcceptECodes
list of acceptable calibration codes for reconstructed nuclei
virtual KVNameValueList * DetectParticle(KVNucleus *part)
Bool_t IsROOTGeometry() const
bool try_a_singleIDtelescope(TString uri, KVDetector *d, TCollection *l)
KVUniqueNameList fExtraRawDataSignals
any signals read from raw data not associated with a detector
virtual KVGroup * GetGroupWithDetector(const Char_t *)
const KVNumberList & GetAcceptedIDCodes() const
KVSeqCollection * GetListOfIDTelescopes() const
KVUniqueNameList * GetIDTelescopeTypes()
void FillListOfIDTelescopes(KVIDGraph *gr) const
virtual Bool_t handle_raw_data_event_mfmframe_ebyedat(const MFMEbyedatFrame &)
Read a raw data event from a EBYEDAT MFM Frame.
KVNumberList fAcceptIDCodes
list of acceptable identification codes for reconstructed nuclei
virtual void DetectEvent(KVEvent *event, KVReconstructedEvent *rec_event, const Char_t *detection_frame="")
void SetDetectorThicknesses()
KVNameValueList & GetReconParameters()
virtual void GetDetectorEvent(KVDetectorEvent *detev, const TSeqCollection *fired_params=0)
virtual Bool_t handle_raw_data_event_protobuf(KVProtobufDataReader &)
void MakeHistogramsForAllIDTelescopes(KVSeqCollection *list, Int_t dimension=100)
TList * GetStatusOfIDTelescopes()
int try_all_singleID_telescopes(KVDetector *d, TCollection *l)
virtual void GetIDTelescopesForGroup(KVGroup *grp, TCollection *tel_list)
static Bool_t fCloseGeometryNow
virtual KVGroup * GetGroup(const Char_t *) const
Return pointer to group with name.
virtual void DeduceIdentificationTelescopesFromGeometry()
static void SetMakeMultiDetectorPhysicsParametersOnly(Bool_t on=kTRUE)
virtual void AcceptAllECodes()
virtual TString GetECodeMeaning(Int_t) const
std::unique_ptr< KVFileReader > GetKVFileReader(KVExpDB *db, const Char_t *meth, const Char_t *keyw)
virtual Double_t GetTargetEnergyLossCorrection(KVReconstructedNucleus *)
virtual Bool_t handle_raw_data_event_mfmmergeframe(const MFMMergeFrameManager &)
void CreateGeoManager(Double_t dx=500, Double_t dy=500, Double_t dz=500)
virtual Bool_t handle_raw_data_event_mfmfile(MFMBufferReader &)
Bool_t HandledRawData() const
void ReadOoODetectors(KVExpDB *db)
Bool_t fHandledRawData
set to true if multidetector handles data in last call to HandleRawData
KVSeqCollection * GetIDTelescopesWithType(const Char_t *type)
TList * fCalibStatusDets
used by GetStatusIDTelescopes
KVDetectorEvent * fHitGroups
list of hit groups in simulation
virtual UShort_t GetCoherencyIDCode()
void ReadAbsentDetectors(KVExpDB *db)
void RecursiveTrajectoryClustering(KVGeoDetectorNode *N, KVUniqueNameList &tried_trajectories, KVUniqueNameList &multitraj_nodes, KVUniqueNameList &detectors_of_group)
KVSeqCollection * fIDTelescopes
deltaE-E telescopes in groups
virtual Int_t FilteredEventCoherencyAnalysis(Int_t round, KVReconstructedEvent *rec_event)
void AcceptECodes(const KVNumberList &codelist)
UInt_t fCurrentRun
Number of the current run used to call SetParameters.
static Bool_t fMakeMultiDetectorSetParameters
void CalculateIdentificationGrids()
For each IDtelescope in array, calculate an identification grid.
void prepare_to_handle_new_raw_data()
reset acquisition parameters etc. before reading new raw data event
virtual UChar_t GetNormalCalibrationCode()
int try_all_doubleID_telescopes(KVDetector *de, KVDetector *e, TCollection *l)
void AcceptIDCodes(const KVNumberList &codelist)
void FillHistogramsForAllIDTelescopes(KVSeqCollection *list)
Fill TH2F histograms for all IDTelescopes of the array.
void set_detector_thicknesses(const TString &)
virtual void BuildGeometry()
virtual TGraph * DrawPunchThroughEsurAVsZ(const Char_t *detector, Int_t massform=KVNucleus::kBetaMass)
Bool_t ReadGridsFromAsciiFile(const Char_t *) const
Int_t GetNumberOfGroups() const
virtual void InitialiseRawDataReading(KVRawDataReader *)
virtual void SetExpectedDetectorSignalNames()
virtual void SetParameters(UInt_t n, Bool_t physics_parameters_only=kFALSE)
void SetCurrentRunNumber(UInt_t r)
virtual void SetDetectorParametersForRun(KVDBRun *, const TString &="")
virtual void SetDetecting(KVDetector *det, Bool_t detecting=kTRUE)
void SetFilterType(Int_t t)
virtual TString GetIDCodeMeaning(Int_t) const
virtual void copy_fired_parameters_to_recon_param_list()
TString GetDataSet() const
virtual void SetPresent(KVDetector *det, Bool_t present=kTRUE)
void CalculateDetectorSegmentationIndex()
void AddTrajectory(KVGeoDNTrajectory *d)
virtual void AnalyseGroupAndReconstructEvent(KVReconstructedEvent *recev, KVGroup *grp)
const KVNumberList & GetAcceptedECodes() const
static TGeoHMatrix * GetVolumePositioningMatrix(Double_t distance, Double_t theta, Double_t phi, TGeoTranslation *postTrans=nullptr)
KVGeoNavigator * GetNavigator() const
void DetectParticleIn(const Char_t *detname, KVNucleus *kvp)
KVUpDater * fUpDater
used to set parameters for multidetector
const KVSeqCollection * GetExtraRawDataSignals() const
virtual Int_t GetIDTelescopes(KVDetector *, KVDetector *, TCollection *list)
void SetGeometry(TGeoManager *)
virtual void MakeCalibrationTables(KVExpDB *)
virtual ~KVMultiDetArray()
destroy (delete) the MDA and all the associated structure, detectors etc.
virtual void SetRunIdentificationParameters(UShort_t n)
Bool_t HandleRawDataBuffer(MFMBufferReader &)
TString GetFileName(KVExpDB *, const Char_t *meth, const Char_t *keyw)
virtual void Clear(Option_t *opt="")
void CheckStatusOfDetectors(KVDBRun *, const TString &="")
virtual void PerformClosedROOTGeometryOperations()
KVRangeTableGeoNavigator * fNavigator
for propagating particles through array geometry
UInt_t GetCurrentRunNumber() const
void SetDetectorTransparency(Char_t)
Modify the transparency of detector volumes in OpenGL view.
virtual KVGroupReconstructor * GetReconstructorForGroup(const KVGroup *) const
virtual void SetIdentifications()
static Bool_t fMakeMultiDetectorPhysicsParametersOnly
void RemoveGroup(KVGroup *)
TList * fStatusIDTelescopes
used by GetStatusIDTelescopes
Bool_t fSimMode
=kTRUE in "simulation mode" (use for calculating response to simulated events)
virtual void Build(Int_t run=-1)
virtual void FillDetectorList(KVReconstructedNucleus *rnuc, KVHashList *DetList, const KVString &DetNames)
virtual UShort_t GetBadIDCode()
virtual Bool_t handle_raw_data_event_ebyedat(KVGANILDataReader &)
General method for reading raw data in old GANIL ebyedat format.
TString fPartSeedCond
condition for seeding new reconstructed particles
const TSeqCollection * GetTrajectories() const
virtual void MakeListOfDetectors()
static Bool_t fBuildTarget
KVTarget * fTarget
target used in experiment
virtual void set_up_telescope(KVDetector *de, KVDetector *e, KVIDTelescope *idt, TCollection *l)
Set up detectors in de-e identification telescope and add to fIDTelescopes and to l.
TList * GetCalibrationStatusOfDetectors()
void Draw(Option_t *option="")
bool try_upper_and_lower_singleIDtelescope(TString uri, KVDetector *d, TCollection *l)
void ReplaceDetector(const Char_t *name, KVDetector *new_kvd)
virtual Bool_t handle_raw_data_event_mfmframe(const MFMCommonFrame &)
virtual Bool_t IsBuilt() const
const KVSeqCollection * GetFiredDetectors() const
TGeoManager * GetGeometry() const
Return pointer to the (ROOT) geometry of the array.
static KVMultiDetArray * MakeMultiDetector(const Char_t *dataset_name, Int_t run=-1, TString classname="KVMultiDetArray")
KVRawDataReader * fRawDataReader
last raw data reader object used in call to HandleRawData
virtual void ReconstructEvent(KVReconstructedEvent *, KVDetectorEvent *)
virtual KVGroup * GetGroupWithAngles(Float_t, Float_t)
virtual void SetRawDataFromReconEvent(KVNameValueList &)
virtual Int_t GetIDCodeForParticlesStoppingInFirstStageOfTelescopes() const
void add_and_set_detector_signal(KVDetector *det, KVString detname, Double_t sig_data, KVString sig_type)
virtual TGraph * DrawPunchThroughZVsVpar(const Char_t *detector, Int_t massform=KVNucleus::kBetaMass)
static Int_t fMakeMultiDetectorRunNumber
virtual Bool_t HandleRawDataEvent(KVRawDataReader *)
virtual Double_t GetPunchThroughEnergy(const Char_t *detector, Int_t Z, Int_t A)
virtual void InitializeIDTelescopes()
virtual void SetROOTGeometry(Bool_t on=kTRUE)
KVUniqueNameList fFiredDetectors
list of fired detectors after reading raw data event
virtual void RenumberGroups()
virtual void SetRunCalibrationParameters(UShort_t n)
virtual const Char_t * GetPartSeedCond() const
void PrintStatusOfIDTelescopes()
bool try_upper_and_lower_doubleIDtelescope(TString uri, KVDetector *de, KVDetector *e, TCollection *l)
virtual void SetSimMode(Bool_t on=kTRUE)
void PrintCalibStatusOfDetectors()
virtual TGraph * DrawPunchThroughEnergyVsZ(const Char_t *detector, Int_t massform=KVNucleus::kBetaMass)
virtual Double_t GetTotalSolidAngle(void) const
Bool_t fROOTGeometry
=kTRUE use ROOT geometry
virtual void SetTarget(KVTarget *target)
virtual void AcceptAllIDCodes()
void ReadCalibrationFiles(KVExpDB *db)
virtual UShort_t GetMultiHitFirstStageIDCode()
virtual void SetCalibratorParameters(KVDBRun *, const TString &="")
KVNameValueList * DetectParticle_TGEO(KVNucleus *part)
Int_t fFilterType
type of filtering (used by DetectEvent)
virtual void PrepareModifGroup(KVGroup *grp, KVDetector *dd)
virtual void SetPartSeedCond(const Char_t *cond)
void SetGridsInTelescopes(UInt_t run)
KVIDTelescope * GetIDTelescope(const Char_t *name) const
Return pointer to DeltaE-E ID Telescope with "name".
void CalculateReconstructionTrajectories()
KVUniqueNameList fTrajectories
list of all possible trajectories through detectors of array
virtual void SetIDCodeForIDTelescope(KVIDTelescope *) const
virtual void SetReconParametersInEvent(KVReconstructedEvent *) const
Copy any parameters in fReconParameters in to the reconstructed event parameter list.
KVNameValueList fReconParameters
general purpose list of parameters for storing information on data reconstruction
const KVNameValueList & GetReconParameters() const
TString fDataSet
name of associated dataset, used with MakeMultiDetector()
void AssociateTrajectoriesAndNodes()
void ReadCalibFile(const Char_t *filename, KVExpDB *db, KVDBTable *calib_table)
virtual KVMultiDetArray * GetArray(const Char_t *) const
virtual void AcceptParticleForAnalysis(KVReconstructedNucleus *) const
virtual KVTelescope * GetTelescope(const Char_t *name) const
Return pointer to telescope in array with name given by "name".
void SetNavigator(KVGeoNavigator *geo)
filter types. values of fFilterType
Default constructor.
void DeduceGroupsFromTrajectories()
virtual void set_up_single_stage_telescope(KVDetector *det, KVIDTelescope *idt, TCollection *l)
Set up detector in single-stage identification telescope and add to fIDTelescopes and to l.
bool try_a_doubleIDtelescope(TString uri, KVDetector *de, KVDetector *e, TCollection *l)
virtual void GetAlignedIDTelescopesForDetector(KVDetector *det, TCollection *list)
virtual void CreateIDTelescopesInGroups()
KVUnownedList fFiredSignals
list of fired signals after reading raw data event
Handles lists of named parameters with different types, a list of KVNamedParameter objects.
Description of properties and kinematics of atomic nuclei.
Strings used to represent a set of ranges of values.
Read Google Protobuf DAQ files.
Propagate particles through array geometry calculating energy losses.
Abstract base class for reading raw (DAQ) data.
Event containing KVReconstructedNucleus nuclei reconstructed from hits in detectors.
Nuclei reconstructed from data measured by a detector array .
KaliVeda extensions to ROOT collection classes.
virtual TObject * First() const
Extension of ROOT TString class which allows backwards compatibility with ROOT v3....
Calculation/correction of energy losses of particles through an experimental target.
Associates two detectors placed one behind the other.
Optimised list in which named objects can only be placed once.
virtual void Add(TObject *obj)
Extended TList class which does not own its objects by default.
Abstract class implementing necessary methods for setting multidetector parameters for each run of th...
TGeoVolume * MakeBox(const char *name, TGeoMedium *medium, Double_t dx, Double_t dy, Double_t dz)
void SetTopVolume(TGeoVolume *vol)
TGeoMedium * GetMedium(const char *medium) const
TGeoMaterial * GetMaterial(const char *matname) const
virtual void SetTitle(const char *title="")
const char * GetName() const override
void AbstractMethod(const char *method) const
R__ALWAYS_INLINE Bool_t TestBit(UInt_t f) const
const char * Data() const