14 #include "KVNuclData.h"
#define ClassDef(name, id)
char * Form(const char *fmt,...)
Abstract base class for nuclear data table.
KVString kcomments
Commentaire provenant de la lecture fichier.
virtual void Initialize()=0
TMap * nucMap
mapping (Z,A) -> nucleus index
void SetValue(Int_t zz, Int_t aa, Double_t val)
Int_t current_idx
current index
void InfoOnMeasured() const
KVString GetCommentsFromFile() const
Bool_t IsInTable(Int_t zz, Int_t aa) const
Returns kTRUE if there is a couple (Z,A) in the table.
Int_t GetNumberOfNuclei() const
Double_t GetValue(Int_t zz, Int_t aa) const
virtual ~KVNuclDataTable()
TObjArray * tobj
KVNumberList plageZ;.
KVNuclData * GetCurrent() const
TObjArray* tobj_rangeA; //! array where range of A associated to each Z is stored via KVIntegerList.
Default constructor.
TClass * cl
pointeur pour gerer les heritages de classes de KVNuclData
const Char_t * GetUnit(Int_t zz, Int_t aa) const
Int_t NbNuc
nbre de noyaux presents dans la table
KVNuclData * GetData(Int_t zz, Int_t aa) const
const Char_t * GetReadFileName() const
virtual NDT::value * getNDTvalue(Int_t zz, Int_t aa) const
Return NDT::value object pointer stored at map position (Z,A).
void CreateTable(Int_t ntot)
virtual void GiveIndexToNucleus(Int_t zz, Int_t aa, Int_t ntot)
Add a new entry in the table.
Bool_t IsMeasured(Int_t zz, Int_t aa) const
void CreateElement(Int_t idx)
Simple abstract class to store value related to nuclear data.
Extension of ROOT TString class which allows backwards compatibility with ROOT v3....
virtual void SetName(const char *name)
TObject * At(Int_t idx) const override
Define key-value pair for nuclear data tables.