#define ClassDef(name, id)
Extended TList class which owns its objects by default.
Grid representing result of fit.
Handles a set of Tassan-Got functional-based identifications (KVTGID objects) for use by a KVIDTelesc...
virtual void RemoveTGID(const Char_t *name)
Delete the identification object with name.
virtual const Char_t * GetStatusString(ETGIDMStatus s=kCurrentStatus) const
virtual void RemoveAllTGID()
Delete all identification objects.
Double_t fID_max
maximum ID of all TGID objects
const KVList & GetListOfIDFunctions() const
KVList fIDList
KVTGID objects for identifications.
virtual Double_t IdentA(const Char_t *, Double_t, Double_t, Double_t &funLTG, const Char_t *grid_type, Int_t Z)
virtual KVTGIDGrid * GetTGIDGrid(KVTGID *tgid, Double_t xmax, Double_t xmin=0., Int_t ID_min=0, Int_t ID_max=0, Int_t npoints=100, Bool_t logscale=kFALSE)
virtual void AddTGID(KVTGID *)
virtual ~ KVTGIDManager()
const Char_t * GetTGIDName(const Char_t *idt_name, const Char_t *id_type, const Char_t *grid_type)
void SetStatus(ETGIDMStatus s)
status codes for IdentZ/IdentA
Default constructor.
Int_t fStatus
transient member used to hold status of last call to IdentZ/IdentA
Double_t GetIDmax() const
virtual Int_t GetStatus() const
virtual Double_t IdentZ(const Char_t *, Double_t, Double_t, Double_t &funLTG, const Char_t *grid_type)
KVTGID * GetTGID(const Char_t *name)
Retrieve the identification object with name.
Abstract base class for particle identfication using functionals developed by L. Tassan-Got (IPN Orsa...