Toolkit for HIC analysis
Applications & GUI


kaliveda is the command-line interface for the toolkit, in the same way as root is the command-line interface to the ROOT toolkit:

user@PC1234:~$ kaliveda
| Welcome to KaliVeda 1.14/00 gitlab.in2p3.fr/kaliveda-dev/kaliveda |
| (c) 2002-2023, The KaliVeda development team |
| |
| Built with ROOT 6.26.08 on 2023-02-14, 17:36:33 |
| From heads/dev@heads/dev |
| See https://kaliveda.in2p3.fr for help |
kaliveda [0] KVNucleus alpha("4He")
(KVNucleus &) Name: Title: Class describing atomic nuclei
kaliveda [1] alpha.GetBindingEnergy()
(double) 28.295700


kaliveda-config gives information about the installation of the KaliVeda toolkit, analogously to what root-config provides for the ROOT toolkit:

user@PC1234:~$ kaliveda-config
Usage: kaliveda-config [--version] [--libs] [--incdir] [--libdir] [--bindir]
[--cflags] [--linklibs] [--buildir] [--srcdir] [--examples] [--gitinfos] [--help]
user@PC1234:~$ kaliveda-config --help
Usage: kaliveda-config [options]
--version Print the KaliVeda version
--bindir Print the executable directory
--libdir Print the library directory
--incdir Print the header directory
--libs Print linker directives for all libraries
--builddir Print the CMake build directory
--srcdir Print the source directory
--gitinfos Print the git branch and commit
--examples Print the examples directory
--cflags Print all flags for compiling (including ROOT flags)
--linklibs Print all directives for linking (including ROOT libs)
--help Print this message
user@PC1234:~$ kaliveda-config --gitinfos


kaliveda-sim is a graphical interface used for running analyses of simulated data, including 'filtering' simulations according to the experimental set-up of a given dataset. It interfaces with PROOFLite for running parallel jobs on multi-core machines, and with the batch system at the IN2P3 Computing Centre in Lyon. More information on using it here.