#define ClassDefOverride(name, id)
TCanvas with mouse-controlled dynamic zoom and pan & scan.
void ShowShortcutsInfos()
void ProjectionY(TH2 *hh)
Int_t Xlast0
number of bins on x-axis, initial displayed bins
void AddShortcutsInfo(const char *cut, const char *desc)
void MoveAxis(TAxis *ax, Int_t sign)
void FreezCavans(Bool_t freez)
Bool_t ExpandFunctionRange()
void DisableObject(TObject *obj)
Int_t X0
! variables for pan & scan
void HandleInput(EEventType event, Int_t px, Int_t py) override
void DisableClass(const char *className)
Int_t NdisYbins
number of displayed bins on X & Y
Bool_t fHasDisabledClasses
void ResetDisabledObject()
TAxis * theYaxis
the axes of the histogram
void RunAutoExec()
Execute the list of TExecs in the current pad.
Int_t Ylast0
number of bins on y-axis, initial displayed bins
void SetEnabledShortcuts(Int_t value=1)
void DrawEventStatus(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py, TObject *selected)
TGFrame * fKeyHandler
handler for keys
void ZoomSelected(TH2 *TheHisto)
void DynamicZoomTH1(Int_t Sign, Int_t px, Int_t py)
Zoom in or out of histogram with mouse wheel.
Int_t GetEnabledShortcuts()
void SetVenerMode(Int_t value=1)
Double_t YbinPixel
size of bins in pixels
virtual Bool_t HandleKey(Int_t, Int_t py)
virtual Bool_t HandleKey(Event_t* /*event*/){return kTRUE;}
void DynamicZoom(Int_t Sign, Int_t px, Int_t py)
void ResetDisabledClass()
Int_t Y0
coordinates of initial click in pad pixels
Int_t Yl1
last modification to axis limits
Bool_t fHasDisabledObject
void ProjectionX(TH2 *hh)
Utility class to redirect keyboard events to KVCanvas.