Toolkit for HIC analysis
1 #include "KVIDGCsI.h"
2 #include "KVIDCutLine.h"
3 #include "KVIDCsIRLLine.h"
4 #include "KVIdentificationResult.h"
13 {
14  //Default constructor
15  IMFLine = 0;
16  GammaLine = 0;
17 }
25 {
26  //Copy constructor
27  IMFLine = 0;
28  GammaLine = 0;
30  grid.Copy(*this);
31 #else
32  ((KVIDGCsI&) grid).Copy(*this);
33 #endif
34 }
43 {
44  //Dtor.
45 }
57 {
58  //Performs rejection of gammas - returns kTRUE if point above gamma line
59  //(note - position w.r.t. IMF line is not considered)
60  //Returns kFALSE for points below gamma line i.e. for gammas ;-)
61  //If no gamma line defined, returns kTRUE for all points
63  if (!GammaLine) return kTRUE;
64  else if ((x < GammaLine->GetX()[0]) && (x < GammaLine->GetX()[GammaLine->GetN() - 1])) return kTRUE;
65  else if (GammaLine->WhereAmI(x, y, "above")) return kTRUE;
67  if (reject) *reject = GammaLine->GetName();
68  return kFALSE;
69 }
73 // small utility class which adds the IMF line to the identifier list when constructed,
74 // and removes it when it goes out of scope i.e. whenever the program leaves the Identify method
81  add_remove_imf_line(const KVList& l, KVIDLine* i) : idlines(const_cast<KVList*>(&l)), imfline(i)
82  {
84  }
86  {
88  }
89 };
106 {
107  // Set Z and A of nucleus based on position in R-L grid
108  // The identification of gammas (kICODE10) and charged particles is performed
109  //
110  // ### Note
111  // for isotopically identified particles, the integer A (KVNucleus::GetA) is the mass assigned to the closest line
112  // [unless the closest line is the IMF line, in which case we use the closest identifier line],
113  // whereas the floating-point A (KVReconstructedNucleus::GetRealA) is calculated by interpolation.
114  // the integer A is not necessarily = nint(floating-point A): for example, if no 5He line is drawn in the grid
115  // (which is usually the case), there will be no isotopically-identified particle with GetA()=5, although
116  // there may be particles with GetRealA() between 4.5 and 5.5
120  SetInfos(x, y, idr);
122  if (!const_cast<KVIDGCsI*>(this)->FindFourEmbracingLines(x, y, "above")) {
123  //no lines corresponding to point were found
124  const_cast < KVIDGCsI* >(this)->fICode = kICODE8; // Z indetermine ou (x,y) hors limites
125  idr->IDquality = fICode;
126  idr->SetComment("no identification: (x,y) out of range covered by grid");
127  return;
128  }
129  Int_t Z;
130  Double_t A;
131  const_cast < KVIDGCsI* >(this)->IdentZA(x, y, Z, A);
132  idr->Z = Z;
133  idr->A = Aint;
134  idr->PID = A;
135  idr->IDquality = fICode;
136  switch (fICode) {
138  case kICODE0:
139  idr->SetComment("ok");
140  break;
141  case kICODE1:
142  idr->SetComment("Z ok, mass may be greater than A");
143  break;
144  case kICODE2:
145  idr->SetComment("Z ok, mass may be smaller than A");
146  break;
147  case kICODE3:
148  idr->SetComment("Z ok, mass may be greater or smaller than A");
149  break;
150  case kICODE4:
151  idr->SetComment("Z ok, mass out of range, >=A");
152  break;
153  case kICODE5:
154  idr->SetComment("Z ok, mass out of range, <=A");
155  break;
156  case kICODE6:
157  idr->SetComment("point above IMF line, Z is a minimum value");
158  break;
159  case kICODE7:
160  idr->SetComment("point is left of IMF line, Z is the most probable lower limit");
161  break;
162  case kICODE8:
163  idr->SetComment("no identification: (x,y) out of range covered by grid");
164  break;
165  case kICODE9:
166  idr->SetComment("no identification for this module");
167  break;
168  default:
169  idr->SetComment("no identification: (x,y) out of range covered by grid");
170  }
172  if (fICode < kICODE4) {
173  idr->IDOK = kTRUE;
174  idr->Zident = kTRUE;
175  idr->Aident = kTRUE;
176  }
177 }
189 {
190  //Returns first ID line in sorted list for which GetZ() returns 'z'.
191  //index=index of line found in fIDLines list (-1 if not found).
192  //This is done by looping over all the lines in the list, not by dichotomy as in base class KVIDZAGrid,
193  //because of the 8Be line being in between 6He and 6Li.
195  index = 0;
196  Int_t nlines = GetNumberOfIdentifiers();
197  while ((dynamic_cast < KVIDZALine* >(GetIdentifiers()->At(index))->GetZ() != z)
198  && (index < (nlines - 1)))
199  index++;
200  KVIDZALine* line = dynamic_cast < KVIDZALine* >(GetIdentifiers()->At(index));
201  if (line->GetZ() != z) {
202  index = -1;
203  return 0;
204  }
205  return line;
206 }
217 {
218  //Returns ID line corresponding to nucleus (Z,A) and its index in fIDLines.
219  //This is done by looping over all the lines in the list, not as in base class KVIDZAGrid,
220  //because of the 8Be line being in between 6He and 6Li.
222  index = 0;
223  Int_t nlines = GetNumberOfIdentifiers();
224  KVIDZALine* line = dynamic_cast < KVIDZALine* >(GetIdentifiers()->At(index));
225  while ((line->GetZ() != z || line->GetA() != a)
226  && (index < (nlines - 1))) {
227  line = dynamic_cast < KVIDZALine* >(GetIdentifiers()->At(++index));
228  }
229  if (line->GetZ() != z || line->GetA() != a) {
230  index = -1;
231  return 0;
232  }
233  return line;
234 }
246 {
247  //Finds Z, A and 'real A' for point (x,y) once closest lines to point have been found.
248  // Double_t A = mass calculated by interpolation
249  //This is a line-for-line copy of the latter part of IdnCsOr, even the same
250  //variable names and comments have been used (as much as possible).
252  fICode = kICODE0;
253  A = -1.;
254  Aint = 0;
256 // if(fIdxClosest==ksups) cout << "*** ";
257 // cout << "ksups = " << ksups << " Zsups = " << Zsups << " Asups = " << Asups << " wsups = " << wsups << " dsups = " << dsups << endl;
258 // if(fIdxClosest==ksup) cout << "*** ";
259 // cout << "ksup = " << ksup << " Zsup = " << Zsup << " Asup = " << Asup << " wsup = " << wsup << " dsup = " << dsup << endl;
260 // if(fIdxClosest==kinf) cout << "*** ";
261 // cout << "kinf = " << kinf << " Zinf = " << Zinf << " Ainf = " << Ainf << " winf = " << winf << " dinf = " << dinf << endl;
262 // if(fIdxClosest==kinfi) cout << "*** ";
263 // cout << "kinfi = " << kinfi << " Zinfi = " << Zinfi << " Ainfi = " << Ainfi << " winfi = " << winfi << " dinfi = " << dinfi << endl;
264  Int_t ibif = 0;
265  Int_t k = -1;
266  Double_t yy, y1, y2;
267  Int_t ix1, ix2;
268  yy = y1 = y2 = 0;
269  ix1 = ix2 = 0;
270  if (ksup > -1) {
271  if (kinf > -1) {
272  //cout << " /******************* 2 lignes encadrant le point ont ete trouvees ************************/" << endl;
273  Double_t dt = dinf + dsup; //distance between the 2 lines
274  if (Zinf == Zsup) {
275  // cout << " /****************meme Z**************/" << endl;
276  Z = Zinf;
277  Int_t dA = Asup - Ainf;
278  Double_t dist = dt / dA; //distance between the 2 lines normalised to difference in A of lines
279  /*** A = Asup ***/
280  if (dinf > dsup) { //point is closest to upper line, 'sup' line
281  ibif = 1;
282  k = ksup;
283  yy = -dsup;
284  A = Asup;
285  Aint = Asup;
286  if (ksups > -1) { // there is a 'sups' line above the 2 which encadrent le point
287  y2 = dsups - dsup;
288  if (Zsups == Zsup) {
289  ibif = 0;
290  y2 /= 2.;
291  ix2 = Asups - Asup;
292  }
293  else {
294  if (Zsups > 0)
295  y2 /= 2.; // 'sups' line is not IMF line
296  Double_t x2 = wsup;
297  x2 = 0.5 * TMath::Max(x2, dist);
298  y2 = TMath::Min(y2, x2);
299  ix2 = 1;
300  }
301  }
302  else { // ksups == -1 i.e. no 'sups' line
303  y2 = wsup;
304  y2 = 0.5 * TMath::Max(y2, dist);
305  ix2 = 1;
306  }
307  y1 = -dt / 2.;
308  ix1 = -dA;
309  }
310  /*** A = Ainf ***/
311  else { //point is closest to lower line, 'inf' line
312  ibif = 2;
313  k = kinf;
314  yy = dinf;
315  A = Ainf;
316  Aint = Ainf;
317  if (kinfi > -1) { // there is a 'infi' line below the 2 which encadrent le point
318  y1 = 0.5 * (dinfi - dinf);
319  if (Zinfi == Zinf) {
320  ibif = 0;
321  ix1 = Ainfi - Ainf;
322  y1 = -y1;
323  }
324  else {
325  Double_t x1 = winf;
326  x1 = 0.5 * TMath::Max(x1, dist);
327  y1 = -TMath::Min(y1, x1);
328  ix1 = -1;
329  }
330  }
331  else { // kinfi = -1 i.e. no 'infi' line
332  y1 = winf;
333  y1 = -0.5 * TMath::Max(y1, dist);
334  ix1 = -1;
335  }
336  y2 = dt / 2.;
337  ix2 = dA;
338  }
339  }
340  else {
341  //cout << " /****************Z differents**************/ " << endl;
342  if (Zsup == -1) { //'sup' is the IMF line
343  dt *= 2.;
344  dsup = dt - dinf;
345  }
346  /*** Z = Zsup ***/
347  ibif = 3;
348  if (dinf > dsup) { // closest to upper 'sup' line
349  k = ksup;
350  yy = -dsup;
351  Z = Zsup;
352  A = Asup;
353  Aint = Asup;
354  y1 = 0.5 * wsup;
355  if (ksups > -1) { // there is a 'sups' line above the 2 which encadrent the point
356  y2 = dsups - dsup;
357  if (Zsups == Zsup) {
358  ibif = 2;
359  ix2 = Asups - Asup;
360  Double_t x1 = y2 / ix2 / 2.;
361  y1 = TMath::Max(y1, x1);
362  y1 = -TMath::Min(y1, dt / 2.);
363  ix1 = -1;
364  y2 /= 2.;
365  }
366  else {
367  if (Zsups > 0)
368  y2 /= 2.; // 'sups" is not IMF line
369  y2 = TMath::Min(y1, y2);
370  ix2 = 1;
371  y1 = -TMath::Min(y1, dt / 2.);
372  ix1 = -1;
373  }
374  }
375  else { // ksups == -1, i.e. no 'sups' line
376  fICode = kICODE7; //a gauche de la ligne fragment, Z est alors un Zmin et le plus probable
377  y2 = y1;
378  ix2 = 1;
379  y1 = -TMath::Min(y1, dt / 2.);
380  ix1 = -1;
381  }
382  }
383  /*** Z = Zinf ***/
384  else { // closest to lower 'inf' line
385  k = kinf;
386  yy = dinf;
387  Z = Zinf;
388  A = Ainf;
389  Aint = Ainf;
390  y2 = 0.5 * winf;
391  if (kinfi > -1) { // there is a 'infi' line below the 2 which encadrent the point
392  y1 = dinfi - dinf;
393  if (Zinfi == Zinf) {
394  ibif = 1;
395  ix1 = Ainfi - Ainf;
396  Double_t x2 = -y1 / ix1 / 2.;
397  y2 = TMath::Max(y2, x2);
398  y2 = TMath::Min(y2, dt / 2.);
399  ix2 = 1;
400  y1 /= -2.;
401  }
402  else {
403  y1 = -TMath::Min(y2, y1 / 2.);
404  ix1 = -1;
405  y2 = TMath::Min(y2, dt / 2.);
406  ix2 = 1;
407  }
408  }
409  else { // no kinfi line, kinfi==-1
410  y1 = -y2;
411  ix1 = -1;
412  y2 = TMath::Min(y2, dt / 2.);
413  ix1 = 1;
414  }
415  }
416  }
417  }//if(kinf>-1)...
418  else if (Zsup > 0) { // 'sup' is not IMF line
419  //cout<<" /****************** Seule une ligne superieure a ete trouvee *********************/" << endl;
420  ibif = 3;
421  k = ksup;
422  yy = -dsup;
423  Z = Zsup;
424  A = Asup;
425  Aint = Asup;
426  y1 = 0.5 * wsup;
427  if (ksups > -1) { // there is a 'sups' line above the closest line to the point
428  y2 = dsups - dsup;
429  if (Zsups == Zsup) {
430  ibif = 2;
431  ix2 = Asups - Asup;
432  Double_t x1 = y2 / ix2 / 2.;
433  y1 = -TMath::Max(y1, x1);
434  ix1 = -1;
435  y2 /= 2.;
436  }
437  else {
438  if (Zsups > 0)
439  y2 /= 2.; // 'sups' is not IMF line
440  y2 = TMath::Min(y1, y2);
441  ix2 = 1;
442  y1 = -y1;
443  ix1 = -1;
444  }
445  }
446  else { // no 'sups' line above closest line
447  fICode = kICODE7; //a gauche de la ligne fragment, Z est alors un Zmin et le plus probable
448  y2 = y1;
449  ix2 = 1;
450  y1 = -y1;
451  ix1 = -1;
452  }
453  }
454  else {
455  fICode = kICODE8; // Z indetermine ou (x,y) hors limites
456  }
457  }
458  else if (kinf > -1) {
459  //cout <<"/****************** Seule une ligne inferieure a ete trouvee ***********************/" << endl;
460  /*** Sep. fragment ***/
461  if (Zinf == -1) { // 'inf' is IMF line
462  //point is above IMF line. Z = Z of last line in grid, A = -1
463  k = -1;
464  Z = GetZmax();
465  A = -1;
466  Aint = 0;
467  fICode = kICODE6; // au-dessus de la ligne fragment, Z est alors un Zmin
468  }
469  /*** Ligne de crete (Z,A line)***/
470  else {
471  ibif = 3;
472  k = kinf;
473  Z = Zinf;
474  A = Ainf;
475  Aint = Ainf;
476  yy = dinf;
477  y2 = 0.5 * winf;
478  if (kinfi > -1) {
479  y1 = dinfi - dinf;
480  if (Zinfi == Zinf) {
481  ibif = 1;
482  ix1 = Ainfi - Ainf;
483  Double_t x2 = -y1 / ix1 / 2.;
484  y2 = TMath::Max(y2, x2);
485  ix2 = 1;
486  y1 /= -2.;
487  }
488  else {
489  y1 = -TMath::Min(y2, y1 / 2.);
490  ix1 = -1;
491  ix2 = 1;
492  }
493  }
494  else {
495  y1 = -y2;
496  ix1 = -1;
497  ix2 = 1;
498  }
499  fICode = kICODE7; // a gauche de la ligne fragment, Z est alors un Zmin et le plus probable
500  }
501  }
502  /*****************Aucune ligne n'a ete trouvee*********************************/
503  else {
504  fICode = kICODE8; // Z indetermine ou (x,y) hors limites
505  }
506  /****************Test des bornes********************************************/
507  if (k > -1 && fICode == kICODE0) {
508  if (yy > y2)
509  fICode = kICODE4; // Z ok, masse hors limite superieure ou egale a A
510  }
511  if (k > -1 && (fICode == kICODE0 || fICode == kICODE7)) {
512  if (yy < y1)
513  fICode = kICODE5; // Z ok, masse hors limite inferieure ou egale a A
514  }
515  if (fICode == kICODE4 || fICode == kICODE5) {
516  A = -1;
517  Aint = 0;
518  }
520  /****************Interpolation de la masse: da = f*log(1+b*dy)********************/
521  if (fICode == kICODE0 || (fICode == kICODE7 && yy <= y2)) {
522  Double_t deltaA = 0.;
523  Bool_t i = kFALSE;
524  Double_t dt, dist = y1 * y2;
525  dt = 0.;
526  if (ix2 == -ix1) { //dA1 = dA2
527  if (dist != 0) {
528  dt = -(y1 + y2) / dist;
529  i = kTRUE;
530  }
531  /*else
532  Warning("IdentZA","%s : cannot calculate interpolated mass (dist=%f), Areal will equal Aint (Z=%d Aint=%d fICode=%d)",
533  GetName(), dist, Z, Aint, fICode);*/
534  }
535  else if (ix2 == -ix1 * 2) { // dA2 = 2*dA1
536  Double_t tmp = y1 * y1 - 4. * dist;
537  if (tmp > 0. && dist != 0) {
538  dt = -(y1 + 2. * y2 -
539  TMath::Sqrt(tmp)) / dist / 2.;
540  i = kTRUE;
541  }
542  /*else
543  Warning("IdentZA","%s : cannot calculate interpolated mass (y1*y1-4*dist=%f), Areal will equal Aint (Z=%d Aint=%d fICode=%d)",
544  GetName(), tmp, Z, Aint, fICode);*/
545  }
546  else if (ix1 == -ix2 * 2) { // dA1 = 2*dA2
547  Double_t tmp = y2 * y2 - 4. * dist;
548  if (tmp > 0. && dist != 0) {
549  dt = -(y2 + 2. * y1 +
550  TMath::Sqrt(tmp)) / dist / 2.;
551  i = kTRUE;
552  }
553  /*else
554  Warning("IdentZA","%s : cannot calculate interpolated mass (y2*y2-4*dist=%f), Areal will equal Aint (Z=%d Aint=%d fICode=%d)",
555  GetName(), tmp, Z, Aint, fICode);*/
556  }
557  if (i) {
558  dist = dt * y2;
559  if (TMath::Abs(dist) < 0.001) {
560  if (y2 != 0)
561  deltaA = yy * ix2 / y2 / 2.;
562  /*else
563  Warning("IdentZA","%s : cannot calculate interpolated mass (y2=%f), Areal will equal Aint (Z=%d Aint=%d fICode=%d)",
564  GetName(), y2, Z, Aint, fICode);*/
565  }
566  else {
567  if (dist > -1. && dt * yy > -1.)
568  deltaA = ix2 / 2. / TMath::Log(1. + dist) * TMath::Log(1. + dt * yy);
569  /*else
570  Warning("IdentZA","%s : cannot calculate interpolated mass (dist=%f dt*yy=%f), Areal will equal Aint (Z=%d Aint=%d fICode=%d)",
571  GetName(), dist, dt*yy, Z, Aint, fICode);*/
572  }
573  A += deltaA;
574  }
575  }
576  /***************D'autres masses sont-elles possibles ?*************************/
577  if (fICode == kICODE0) {
578  //cout << "icode = 0, ibif = " << ibif << endl;
579  /***Masse superieure***/
580  if (ibif == 1 || ibif == 3) {
581  //We look at next line in the complete list of lines, after the closest line.
582  //If it has the same Z as the closest line, but was excluded from research for closest line
583  //because the point lies outside the endpoints, there remains a doubt about the mass:
584  //on rajoute 1 a fICode, effectivement on le met = kICODE1
585  Int_t idx = fIdxClosest;
586  if (idx > -1 && ++idx < GetNumberOfIdentifiers()) {
587  KVIDCsIRLLine* nextline =
589  if (nextline->GetZ() == Z
590  && !nextline->IsBetweenEndPoints(x, y, "x")) {
591  fICode++; // Z ok, mais les masses superieures a A sont possibles
592  //cout <<"//on rajoute 1 a fICode, effectivement on le met = kICODE1" << endl;
593  }
594  }
595  }
596  /***Masse inferieure***/
597  if (ibif == 2 || ibif == 3) {
598  //We look at line below the closest line in the complete list of lines.
599  //If it has the same Z as the closest line, but was excluded from research for closest line
600  //because the point lies outside the endpoints, there remains a doubt about the mass:
601  //on rajoute 2 a fICode, so it can be = kICODE2 or kICODE3
602  Int_t idx = fIdxClosest;
603  if (idx > -1 && --idx >= 0) {
604  KVIDCsIRLLine* nextline =
606  if (nextline->GetZ() == Z
607  && !nextline->IsBetweenEndPoints(x, y, "x")) {
608  fICode += 2;
609  //cout << "//on rajoute 2 a fICode, so it can be = kICODE2 or kICODE3" << endl;
610  }
611  }
612  }
613  }
615  // cout << "Z = " << Z << " A = " << A << " icode = " << fICode << endl;
616 }
631 {
632  // General initialisation method for CsI R-L identification grid.
633  // This method MUST be called once before using the grid for identifications.
634  // The ID lines are sorted.
635  // The natural line widths of all ID lines are calculated.
636  // The line with the largest Z (Zmax line) is found.
637  // IMF & Gamma line pointers are initialised
639  // if grid has already been used for identification, IMF_line will be in identifiers list.
640  TObject* imfline = fIdentifiers.FindObject("IMF_line");
641  if (imfline) fIdentifiers.Remove(imfline); // remove to avoid problems with CalculateLineWidths
643  GammaLine = (KVIDLine*)GetCut("gamma_line");
644  if (!GammaLine) {
645  GetName();
646  Error("Initialize", "%s: Cut 'gamma_line' not found in grid. Not a valid CsI R-L grid. Listing existing cuts:",
647  GetName());
648  GetCuts()->ls();
649  }
650  IMFLine = (KVIDLine*)GetCut("IMF_line");
651  if (!IMFLine) {
652  Error("Initialize", "%s: Cut 'IMF_line' not found in grid. Not a valid CsI R-L grid. Listing existing cuts:",
653  GetName());
654  GetCuts()->ls();
655  }
656 }
674 {
675  // Called after reading a grid from an ascii file.
676  // Tries to convert information written by an old version of the class:
677  //
678  //<PARAMETER> Ring min=... ----> <PARAMETER> IDTelescopes=...
679  //<PARAMETER> Ring max=...
680  //<PARAMETER> Mod min=...
681  //<PARAMETER> Mod max=...
682  //
683  // This will fail. The fix is no longer supported. Such files should
684  // no longer exist.
687  if (GetParameters()->HasParameter("IDTelescopes")) return;
689  Fatal("BackwardsCompatibilityFix",
690  "This fix no longer works. There will be problems.");
691  GammaLine = (KVIDLine*)GetCut("gamma_line");
692  IMFLine = (KVIDLine*)GetCut("IMF_line");
693  if (GammaLine)((KVIDCutLine*)GammaLine)->SetAcceptedDirection("above");
694  if (IMFLine)((KVIDCutLine*)IMFLine)->SetAcceptedDirection("below");
695  SetVarY("CSI-R");
696  SetVarX("CSI-L");
697 }
int Int_t
bool Bool_t
constexpr Bool_t kFALSE
double Double_t
constexpr Bool_t kTRUE
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t index
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char x2
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char x1
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char y2
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char y1
Base class for CsI R-L identification lines (A and Z identification).
Definition: KVIDCsIRLLine.h:27
Line in ID grid used to delimit regions where no identification is possible.
Definition: KVIDCutLine.h:23
Identification grids for CsI R-L (fast-slow) matrices.
Definition: KVIDGCsI.h:42
KVIDLine * GammaLine
Definition: KVIDGCsI.h:45
virtual void Identify(Double_t x, Double_t y, KVIdentificationResult *) const override
Definition: KVIDGCsI.cpp:105
KVIDZALine * GetZALine(Int_t z, Int_t a, Int_t &) const override
Definition: KVIDGCsI.cpp:216
Bool_t IsIdentifiable(Double_t x, Double_t y, TString *=nullptr) const override
Definition: KVIDGCsI.cpp:56
KVIDLine * IMFLine
Definition: KVIDGCsI.h:44
KVIDZALine * GetZLine(Int_t z, Int_t &) const override
Definition: KVIDGCsI.cpp:188
void Initialize() override
Definition: KVIDGCsI.cpp:630
void BackwardsCompatibilityFix() override
Definition: KVIDGCsI.cpp:673
Default constructor.
Definition: KVIDGCsI.cpp:12
void IdentZA(Double_t x, Double_t y, Int_t &Z, Double_t &A) override
Definition: KVIDGCsI.cpp:245
KVList fIdentifiers
list of identification objects
Definition: KVIDGraph.h:40
void SetVarY(const char *v) override
Definition: KVIDGraph.h:529
Int_t GetNumberOfIdentifiers() const
Definition: KVIDGraph.h:328
KVIDentifier * GetCut(const Char_t *name) const
Definition: KVIDGraph.h:280
const KVList * GetCuts() const
Definition: KVIDGraph.h:308
void SetVarX(const char *v) override
Definition: KVIDGraph.h:525
const Char_t * GetName() const override
Definition: KVIDGraph.cpp:1332
KVIDentifier * GetIdentifierAt(Int_t index) const
Definition: KVIDGraph.h:271
const KVNameValueList * GetParameters() const
Definition: KVIDGraph.h:288
virtual void BackwardsCompatibilityFix()
Definition: KVIDGraph.cpp:1361
virtual void SetInfos(Double_t, Double_t, KVIdentificationResult *) const
loop over KVIDGraph::fInfoZones to set flags in KVIdentificationResult
Definition: KVIDGraph.cpp:1297
const KVList * GetIdentifiers() const
Definition: KVIDGraph.h:298
Base class for lines/cuts used for particle identification in 2D data maps.
Definition: KVIDLine.h:143
Bool_t WhereAmI(Double_t px, Double_t py, Option_t *opt)
Bool_t IsBetweenEndPoints(Double_t x, Double_t y, const Char_t *axis="") const
Identification grid with lines corresponding to different nuclear isotopes (KVIDZALine)
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.h:66
Double_t dsups
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.h:88
Int_t Zsups
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.h:90
Double_t wsup
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.h:89
Int_t Zinf
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.h:90
Int_t Ainfi
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.h:91
Int_t Ainf
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.h:91
Int_t Zsup
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.h:90
Int_t Asups
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.h:91
Int_t kinfi
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.h:87
Int_t Asup
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.h:91
void Copy(TObject &) const override
Copy this to 'obj'.
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.cpp:66
Int_t ksup
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.h:87
Int_t ksups
used by IdentZA and IdentZ
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.h:87
Int_t GetZmax() const
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.h:133
Double_t winf
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.h:89
Double_t dinf
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.h:88
Int_t kinf
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.h:87
Double_t dsup
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.h:88
Int_t fIdxClosest
index of closest line in main list fIdentifiers
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.h:84
Int_t Zinfi
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.h:90
Int_t fICode
code de retour
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.h:85
Double_t dinfi
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.h:88
void Initialize() override
virtual Bool_t FindFourEmbracingLines(Double_t x, Double_t y, const Char_t *position)
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.cpp:518
Int_t Aint
mass of line used to identify particle
Definition: KVIDZAGrid.h:93
Base class for identification ridge lines corresponding to different nuclear species.
Definition: KVIDZALine.h:33
virtual Int_t GetZ() const
Definition: KVIDentifier.h:79
Full result of one attempted particle identification.
Bool_t IDOK
general quality of identification, =kTRUE if acceptable identification made
void SetComment(const Char_t *c)
Bool_t Aident
= kTRUE if A of particle established
Double_t PID
= "real" Z if Zident==kTRUE and Aident==kFALSE, "real" A if Zident==Aident==kTRUE
Int_t A
A of particle found (if Aident==kTRUE)
Int_t Z
Z of particle found (if Zident==kTRUE)
Int_t IDquality
specific quality code returned by identification procedure
Bool_t Zident
=kTRUE if Z of particle established
Extended TList class which owns its objects by default.
Definition: KVList.h:28
TObject * Remove(TObject *obj) override
Remove object from list.
TObject * FindObject(const char *name) const override
void AddLast(TObject *obj) override
TObject * At(Int_t idx) const override
void ls(Option_t *option="") const override
Int_t GetN() const
Double_t * GetX() const
const char * GetName() const override
virtual void Error(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
virtual void Fatal(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
TLine * line
Double_t y[n]
Double_t x[n]
double dist(AxisAngle const &r1, AxisAngle const &r2)
Double_t Min(Double_t a, Double_t b)
Double_t Log(Double_t x)
Double_t Sqrt(Double_t x)
Double_t Abs(Double_t d)
Double_t Max(Double_t a, Double_t b)
KVIDLine * imfline
Definition: KVIDGCsI.cpp:80
add_remove_imf_line(const KVList &l, KVIDLine *i)
Definition: KVIDGCsI.cpp:81
TLine l
TArc a