4 #ifndef __KVINDRACODES__
5 #define __KVINDRACODES__
8 #include "KVINDRACodeMask.h"
ClassDefOverride(KVINDRACodeMask, 1)
Identification code structure for INDRA data (obsolete)
static Char_t fCodeGenCalib[8][120]
static UChar_t VedaECodeToBitmask(UChar_t veda_e_code)
const Char_t * GetEStatus()
Give an explanation for the calibration code.
void SetIDCode(UShort_t)
Set ID code - the argument given is one of the EVedaCodes or EIDCodes bitmasks.
UChar_t GetECode()
Returns energy calibration code in the form of EVedaCodes or EIDCodes bitmask.
static Char_t fCodeGenIdent[14][120]
UChar_t GetVedaECode()
Returns VEDA6 energy calibration code.
UChar_t GetVedaIDCode()
Returns VEDA6 identification code.
void Clear(Option_t *opt="") override
resets all id subcodes.
void SetVedaECode(UChar_t)
Set E code - the argument given is the old VEDA6 code number.
static UShort_t fIDBits[16]
static UChar_t fEBits[16]
UChar_t GetCodeIndex(UShort_t)
const Char_t * GetIDStatus()
Give an explanation for the ID code.
static UChar_t fECodes[8]
static UChar_t fIDCodes[14]
void SetECode(UChar_t)
Set E code - the argument given is one of the EVedaCodes or EIDCodes bitmasks.
static UShort_t VedaIDCodeToBitmask(UChar_t veda_id_code)
UShort_t GetIDCode()
Returns identification code in the form of EVedaCodes or EIDCodes bitmask.
void SetVedaIDCode(UChar_t)
Set ID code - the argument given is the old VEDA6 code number.
Nuclei reconstructed from data measured in the INDRA array.