4 #ifndef __KVLevelScheme_H
5 #define __KVLevelScheme_H
11 #include "KVExcitedState.h"
41 double func(
double xx,
double tt);
81 double Evaluate(
double* x,
double* p);
98 void SetDrawStyle(
double deMin = 300.,
double fullWidth = 1.3,
double lineWidth = 0.6,
int textSize = 22);
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Tool to simulate nucleus multi-particle decay.
Int_t GetLevelParity(int il)
double EvaluateErel(double *x, double *p)
Double_t GetErelFromExci(Double_t ex)
void SetDrawStyle(double deMin=300., double fullWidth=1.3, double lineWidth=0.6, int textSize=22)
const char * GetEGammaStr(int il)
void DrawThreshold(const char *symb, Option_t *option="", double ex=0.)
double GetThreshold(const char *outnuc="")
static void GetParticlesFromExci(KVNucleus *n1, KVNucleus *n2, double erel, bool randAngle=0, TVector3 *vsrc=0)
virtual ~KVLevelScheme()
static void GetParticlesFromErel(KVNucleus *n1, KVNucleus *n2, double erel, bool randAngle=0, TVector3 *vsrc=0)
Double_t GetLevelEnergy(int il)
Int_t GetLevelSpin(int il)
void SetDecayProduct(KVNucleus *nuc, double excit_energy=0)
void Draw(Option_t *option="")
void ReadLevels(const char *file)
double getWidth(double gam, TString unit)
KVLevelScheme(const char *symb)
Default constructor.
double Evaluate(double *x, double *p)
Double_t GetExciFromErel(Double_t erel)
const char * GetJPiStr(int il)
void AddResonance(Double_t ex, const char *jpi, const char *gam)
void GetRandomParticles(KVNucleus *n1, KVNucleus *n2, double T, bool randAngle=0, TVector3 *vsrc=0)
double func(double xx, double tt)
Double_t GetLevelWidth(int il)
Extended TList class which owns its objects by default.
Description of properties and kinematics of atomic nuclei.
Int_t GetSize() const override