10 #include "run_index.h"
#define ClassDefOverride(name, id)
Base class for KaliVeda framework.
Description of an experimental run in database ,,.
Extension of TDatime to handle various useful date formats.
Description of an individual data file in an experimental dataset.
const Char_t * GetUser() const
const Char_t * GetFileWritten() const
void ls(Option_t *="") const override
Int_t GetRunNumber() const
Int_t Compare(const TObject *obj) const override
const Char_t * GetVersion() const
KVDatime fFileWritten
modification date of file
Bool_t IsSortable() const override
KVString fUser
name of user who wrote file
KVRunFile(KVDBRun *r, const run_index_t &ri, const KVString &f, const KVDatime &d, const KVString &v, const KVString &w)
TString GetIndexString() const
const Char_t * GetComments() const
const KVDatime & GetFileWrittenDatime() const
const run_index_t & GetRunIndex() const
KVString fVersion
version of KaliVeda used to write file
Extension of ROOT TString class which allows backwards compatibility with ROOT v3....
const char * AsSQLString() const
const char * AsString() const
const char * GetName() const override
Specifies a runfile according to run number and file index ,.
int index(int no_index=-1) const
TString index_string() const