7 #include "KVSimReader.h"
#define ClassDefOverride(name, id)
Read and convert to KaliVeda format outputs from DIT.
Double_t impact_parameter
Impact parameter of the collision.
void ConvertEventsInFile(KVString) override
void FillEvent()
Fill projectile-like nucleus.
Double_t energy
Projectile energy in MeV/A.
Int_t itype
Collision type.
Double_t theta_targ_like
Target like theta scattering angle in the laboratory frame in degrees.
Double_t energy_targ_like
Target like energy in the laboratory frame in MeV.
Int_t z_proj_like
Projectile like charge number.
Double_t spin_targ_like
Target like spin in hbar (only components normal to the reaction plane)
Int_t k_p
Number of protons exchanged.
Double_t excitation_energy_proj_like
Projectile like excitation energy (thermal + rotational) in MeV.
virtual ~KVSimReader_DIT()
Int_t z_targ_like
Target like charge number.
KVString projectile
Projectile of the collision in the format '58Ni'.
KVSimReader_DIT(KVString, KVString, KVString, Double_t)
Double_t min_dist
Minimal distance of approach(fm) between nuclear surfaces.
Int_t k_n
Number of neutrons exchanged.
Double_t theta_proj_like
Projectile like theta scattering angle in the laboratory frame in degrees.
Double_t spin_proj_like
Projectile like spin in hbar (only components normal to the reaction plane)
Double_t weight
Weight (?) of the collision.
Double_t theta_cm
Center of mass theta scattering angle in degrees.
Int_t a_targ_like
Target like mass number.
KVString target
Projectile of the collision in the format '64Ni'.
Int_t a_proj_like
Projectile like mass number.
void StoreEventInVariables()
Double_t excitation_energy_targ_like
Target like excitation energy (thermal + rotational) in MeV.
Double_t inicident_partial_wave
Incident partial wave in hbar (to determine the impact parameter) in the center of mass.
Bool_t ReadEvent() override
Double_t energy_proj_like
Projectile like energy in the laboratory frame in MeV.
Double_t q_reaction
Reaction Q value in MeV.
Base class to read output files for simulation and create tree using KVSimEvent class.
Extension of ROOT TString class which allows backwards compatibility with ROOT v3....