Toolkit for HIC analysis
1 /***************************************************************************
2  KVTGIDZA.cpp - description
3  -------------------
4  begin : 5 July 2005
5  copyright : (C) 2005 by J.D. Frankland
6  email : frankland@ganil.fr
8 $Id: KVTGIDZA.cpp,v 1.12 2009/03/03 14:27:15 franklan Exp $
9 ***************************************************************************/
10 #include "KVTGIDZA.h"
11 #include "KVIDZAGrid.h"
12 #include "KVIDZALine.h"
13 #include "KVNucleus.h"
24 KVTGIDZA::KVTGIDZA(const Char_t* name,
25  const Char_t* function,
26  Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Int_t npar,
27  Int_t x_par, Int_t y_par)
28  : KVTGIDZ(name, function, xmin, xmax, npar, x_par, y_par)
29 {
30  //Create A identification with given name,
31  //using a KVTGIDFunctions namespace function (e.g. "tassangot_A"),
32  //for 'x' values from xmin to xmax, npar parameters, and defining
33  //the parameter indices corresponding to 'x' and 'y' coordinates.
35  fZorA = 0;
36 }
48 KVTGIDZA::KVTGIDZA(const Char_t* name, Int_t npar, Int_t type, Int_t light)
49  : KVTGIDZ(name, npar, type, light, -1)
50 {
51  // Create A identification with given "name", using the generalised
52  // Tassan-Got functional KVTGIDFunctions::fede.
53  // npar = total number of parameters
54  // type = functional type (0: standard, 1:extended)
55  // light = with (1) or without (0) CsI light-energy dependence
57  fZorA = 0;
58  SetParameter(2, fZorA);
59  SetParName(3, "Z");
60 }
74 {
75  //Set atomic number Z and mass of identification line (KVIDZALine)
76  //Id should be given as 100*Z + A
77  // i.e. proton Id = 101
78  // alpha Id = 204
79  // lithium-11 Id = 311
81  //decode Z and A
82  Int_t za = (Int_t) Id;
83  Int_t z = za / 100;
84  Int_t a = za % 100;
85  line->SetZ(z);
86  line->SetA(a);
87 }
96 {
97  //Add a new KVIDZALine to the grid
98  return (KVIDLine*)g->Add("ID", "KVIDZALine");
99 }
124  Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Bool_t log_scale)
125 {
126  //Add a line to the grid 'g' for identification label 'Z' with 'npoints' points calculated between
127  //X-coordinates xmin and xmax. Points are omitted if the resulting value of the functional is
128  //not a number (TMath::IsNan = kTRUE).
129  //
130  //For Z<=8 several KVIDZALines are added for common isotopes (p,d,t, 3He, etc.)
131  //For Z>8 a line for the current Z is drawn, with the A corresponding to Charity's EAL formula
132  //
133  //Before using this method the user must have set the name of
134  //the parameter in the identification functional which corresponds to the
135  //atomic number Z i.e. using
136  // SetParName(i,"Z")
137  //with i=the relevant parameter index.
138  //
139  // If log_scale=kTRUE (default is kFALSE), more points are used at the beginning
140  // of the line than at the end, with a logarithmic dependence.
142  //A & Z identification
143  //on va faire: p,d,t,3He,4He,6He,6Li,7Li,8Li,7Be,9Be, etc.
144  static Int_t Ziso[] = {
145  1, 1, 1,
146  2, 2, 2,
147  3, 3, 3,
148  4, 4, 4,
149  5, 5, 5,
150  6, 6, 6,
151  7, 7, 7,
152  8, 8, 8
153  };
154  static Int_t Aiso[] = {
155  1, 2, 3,
156  3, 4, 6,
157  6, 7, 8,
158  7, 9, 10,
159  10, 11, 12,
160  12, 13, 14,
161  14, 15, 16,
162  15, 16, 17
163  };
164  static Int_t nisotopes = 24; //number of isotopes in arrays
165  static Int_t Zindex_start[] = { -1, 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 }; //index of first isotope for each Z
166  static Int_t Zindex_stop[] = { -1, 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23 }; //index of last isotope for each Z
168  if (Z <= Ziso[nisotopes - 1]) {
169  //Z is included in table of isotopes
170  //we add several lines corresponding to the tabulated isotopes
171  for (int iso = Zindex_start[Z]; iso <= Zindex_stop[Z]; iso++) { //loop over isotopes for this Z
172  //add new line to grid
173  KVIDLine* new_line = AddLine(g);
175  //set identification label for line
176  Double_t idlab = 100. * Ziso[iso] + Aiso[iso];
177  SetIdent(new_line, idlab);
179  //set Z of line in functional
180  SetParameter("Z", (Double_t) Ziso[iso]);
181  //loop over points of line
182  Int_t p_index = 0;
183  Double_t X, dX;
184  Double_t Y = 0.;
185  Double_t logXmin = TMath::Log(TMath::Max(xmin, 1.0));
186  if (log_scale)
187  dX = (TMath::Log(xmax) - logXmin) / (npoints - 1.);
188  else
189  dX = (xmax - xmin) / (Double_t)(npoints - 1);
191  for (Int_t i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
193  //x coordinate of this point
194  if (log_scale)
195  X = TMath::Exp(logXmin + i * dX);
196  else
197  X = xmin + dX * ((Double_t) i);
199  //leave value Y as it is. The value of GetIDFunc()->Eval(ID)
200  //is the vertical distance delta_Y from point (X,Y) to the line; therefore the
201  //Y coordinate of the point on the line is Y + delta_Y, whatever the value Y.
203  //set values of parameters which correspond to X and Y coordinates in grid
204  SetParameter("X", X);
205  SetParameter("Y", Y);
207  Y += Eval((Double_t) Aiso[iso]);
209  if (!TMath::IsNaN(Y))
210  new_line->SetPoint(p_index++, X, Y);
211  else
212  Y = 0.; //reset Y to 0 if it ever becomes NaN
213  }
214  }
215  }
216  else {
217  //Z is bigger than largest Z for which we have isotopes
218  //we add one line for this Z using mass formula
220  //get mass for nucleus
222  //add new line to grid
223  KVIDLine* new_line = AddLine(g);
224  //set identification label for line
225  Double_t idlab = 100. * Z + A;
226  SetIdent(new_line, idlab);
228  //set Z of line in functional
229  SetParameter("Z", (Double_t) Z);
230  //loop over points of line
231  Int_t p_index = 0;
232  Double_t Y = 0., X, dX = (xmax - xmin) / (Double_t)(npoints - 1);
234  for (Int_t i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
236  //x coordinate of this point
237  X = xmin + dX * ((Double_t) i);
239  //leave value Y as it is. The value of GetIDFunc()->Eval(ID)
240  //is the vertical distance delta_Y from point (X,Y) to the line; therefore the
241  //Y coordinate of the point on the line is Y + delta_Y, whatever the value Y.
243  //set values of parameters which correspond to X and Y coordinates in grid
244  SetParameter("X", X);
245  SetParameter("Y", Y);
247  Y += Eval((Double_t) A);
249  if (!TMath::IsNaN(Y))
250  new_line->SetPoint(p_index++, X, Y);
251  else
252  Y = 0.; //reset Y to 0 if it ever becomes NaN
253  }
254  }
255 }
int Int_t
bool Bool_t
char Char_t
double Double_t
#define X(type, name)
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t g
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t Int_t Int_t Window_t TString Int_t GCValues_t GetPrimarySelectionOwner GetDisplay GetScreen GetColormap GetNativeEvent const char const char dpyName wid window const char font_name cursor keysym reg const char only_if_exist regb h Point_t winding char text const char depth char const char Int_t count const char ColorStruct_t color const char Pixmap_t Pixmap_t PictureAttributes_t attr const char char ret_data h unsigned char height h Atom_t Int_t ULong_t ULong_t unsigned char prop_list Atom_t Atom_t Atom_t Time_t type
char name[80]
float xmin
float xmax
Abstract base class for 2D identification grids in e.g. (dE,E) maps.
Definition: KVIDGrid.h:74
Base class for lines/cuts used for particle identification in 2D data maps.
Definition: KVIDLine.h:143
static Int_t GetAFromZ(Double_t, Char_t mt)
Definition: KVNucleus.cpp:556
Base class for charged particle Z & A identfication using functionals developed by L....
Definition: KVTGIDZA.h:40
void AddLineToGrid(KVIDGrid *g, Int_t ID, Int_t npoints, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Bool_t logscale=kFALSE) override
Definition: KVTGIDZA.cpp:123
void SetIdent(KVIDLine *, Double_t ID) override
Definition: KVTGIDZA.cpp:73
KVIDLine * AddLine(KVIDGrid *) override
Add a new KVIDZALine to the grid.
Definition: KVTGIDZA.cpp:95
Definition: KVTGIDZA.h:46
Abstract base class for charged particle Z identfication using functionals developed by L....
Definition: KVTGIDZ.h:33
Int_t fZorA
used for Z (1) or A (0) identification
Definition: KVTGID.h:66
Int_t fMassFormula
mass formula used to calculate A from Z (if Z identification used)
Definition: KVTGID.h:67
virtual void SetParName(Int_t ipar, const char *name)
virtual Double_t Eval(Double_t x, Double_t y=0, Double_t z=0, Double_t t=0) const
virtual void SetParameter(const TString &name, Double_t value)
virtual void SetPoint(Int_t i, Double_t x, Double_t y)
TLine * line
Bool_t IsNaN(Double_t x)
Double_t Exp(Double_t x)
Double_t Log(Double_t x)
Double_t Max(Double_t a, Double_t b)
TArc a