Toolkit for HIC analysis
1 /***************************************************************************
2  KVTGID.cpp - description
3  -------------------
4  begin : 5 July 2005
5  copyright : (C) 2005 by J.D. Frankland
6  email : frankland@ganil.fr
8 $Id: KVTGID.cpp,v 1.17 2009/03/03 14:27:15 franklan Exp $
9 ***************************************************************************/
10 #include "KVTGID.h"
11 #include "KVTGIDGrid.h"
12 #include "KVTGIDZA.h"
13 #include "TMath.h"
14 #include "Riostream.h"
15 #include "TClass.h"
16 #include "TString.h"
17 #include "KVTGIDFunctions.h"
18 #include "TROOT.h"
20 using namespace std;
29 void KVTGID::init()
30 {
31  //Default intitialisations
32  // We remove this object from gROOT->GetListOfFunctions() to stop the TF1
33  // constructors from deleting previous KVTGID's with the same name
34  fID_min = 1.;
35  fID_max = 100.;
36  fStatus = -1;
37  fLambda = -1;
38  fMu = -1;
39  fG = -1;
40  fPdx = -1;
41  fPdy = -1;
42  fAlpha = -1;
43  fBeta = -1;
44  fNu = -1;
45  fXi = -1;
46  fEta = -1;
47  fType = 0;
48  fLight = 0;
49  fZorA = 0;
50  fMassFormula = KVNucleus::kEALMass;
51  fTelescopes = "/";
52  gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->Remove(this);
53 }
62 {
63  // Default ctor
64  init();
65 }
88 KVTGID::KVTGID(const Char_t* name,
89  const Char_t* function, Double_t xmin,
90  Double_t xmax, Int_t npar, Int_t par_x, Int_t par_y)
91  : TF1(name, KVTGIDFunctions::tassangot_Z, xmin, xmax, npar)
92 {
93  //Create TF1 named "name" using "function", range xmin->xmax and number of
94  //parameters npar.
95  //
96  //The given function name must correspond to one of the functions
97  //defined in the KVTGIDFunctions namespace (without the "KVTGIDFunctions::"
98  //scope, i.e. function="tassangot_Z" is a valid argument for this constructor).
99  //The resulting object can be written to and read back from a ROOT file and the
100  //function pointer will be reinitialised automatically when the object is read back
101  //from the file.
102  //
103  //par_x and par_y are the indices of the parameters of the functional which
104  //correspond to the 'X' and 'Y' coordinates of the identification map, respectively.
105  //
106  //NOTE: the function pointer passed to the TF1 constructor is just a dummy to
107  //make sure that the right constructor is called, and that the TF1 is set up correctly.
108  //The actual function used is set using the name given as argument 'function'.
110  init();
112  //set names of 'X' and 'Y' parameters. these are used by MakeIDGrid.
113  SetParName(par_x, "X");
114  SetParName(par_y, "Y");
116  fTGIDFunctionName.Form("KVTGIDFunctions::%s", function);
118  ProcessLineFast(fTGIDFunctionName.Data()));
119 }
127 KVTGID::KVTGID(const KVTGID& obj) : TF1()
128 {
129  // copy constructor
130  init();
131  ((KVTGID&)obj).Copy(*this);
132 }
139 void KVTGID::Copy(TObject& tgid) const
140 {
141  // Copy this KVTGID function into the KVTGID object referenced by tgid
142  TF1::Copy(tgid);
143  ((KVTGID&) tgid).fID_min = fID_min;
144  ((KVTGID&) tgid).fID_max = fID_max;
145  ((KVTGID&) tgid).fTGIDFunctionName = fTGIDFunctionName;
146  ((KVTGID&) tgid).fLambda = fLambda;
147  ((KVTGID&) tgid).fMu = fMu;
148  ((KVTGID&) tgid).fG = fG;
149  ((KVTGID&) tgid).fPdx = fPdx;
150  ((KVTGID&) tgid).fPdy = fPdy;
151  ((KVTGID&) tgid).fAlpha = fAlpha;
152  ((KVTGID&) tgid).fBeta = fBeta;
153  ((KVTGID&) tgid).fNu = fNu;
154  ((KVTGID&) tgid).fXi = fXi;
155  ((KVTGID&) tgid).fEta = fEta;
156  ((KVTGID&) tgid).fType = fType;
157  ((KVTGID&) tgid).fLight = fLight;
158  ((KVTGID&) tgid).fZorA = fZorA;
159  ((KVTGID&) tgid).fMassFormula = fMassFormula;
160  ((KVTGID&) tgid).fRuns = fRuns;
161  ((KVTGID&) tgid).fVarX = fVarX;
162  ((KVTGID&) tgid).fVarY = fVarY;
163  ((KVTGID&) tgid).fTelescopes = fTelescopes;
164 }
189  Double_t& ID_quality, Double_t* par)
190 {
191  //Use the functional with the current parameter values in order to perform
192  //an identification.
193  //The value returned is the estimated identification value.
194  //If the identification is not possible, -1 is returned
195  //(ID_quality=-1 also).
196  //
197  //For status code use GetStatus().
198  //
199  //ID_min and ID_max are the lower & upper limits for the identification.
200  //The functional must change sign between these two limits in order for
201  //the identification to be possible.
202  //ID_quality is the (absolute) value of the functional corresponding to
203  //the estimated identification: it is the distance from the identified
204  //point to the nearest identification line. Ideally it should be zero or
205  //as small as possible.
206  //
207  //Optional argument "par" allows to replace the current parameters.
209  if (par)
210  SetParameters(par);
212  Double_t ID;
213  ID = ID_quality = -1.;
216  if (Eval(ID_min) * Eval(ID_max) < 0.) {
217  //if the sign of the identification function changes between ID_min
218  //and ID_max i.e. if the ID_min line is below the point and ID_max above
219  //it this means that the point to identify is in between these two lines
220  ID = GetX(0., ID_min, ID_max);
221  //what is actual value of Tassan-Got formula for this ID ?
222  ID_quality = TMath::Abs(Eval(ID));
224  }
226  return ID;
227 }
242  Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Bool_t log_scale)
243 {
244  // Add a line to the grid 'g' for identification label 'ID' with 'npoints' points calculated between
245  // X-coordinates xmin and xmax. Points are omitted if the resulting value of the functional is
246  // not a number (TMath::IsNan = kTRUE).
247  //
248  // If log_scale=kTRUE (default is kFALSE), more points are used at the beginning
249  // of the line than at the end, with a logarithmic dependence.
251  //add new line to grid
252  KVIDLine* new_line = AddLine(g);
254  //set identification label for line
255  SetIdent(new_line, ID);
256  //set mass formula for line
257  new_line->SetMassFormula(fMassFormula);
259  //loop over points of line
260  Int_t p_index = 0;
261  Double_t X, dX;
262  Double_t Y = 0.;
263  Double_t logXmin = TMath::Log(TMath::Max(xmin, 1.0));
264  if (log_scale)
265  dX = (TMath::Log(xmax) - logXmin) / (npoints - 1.);
266  else
267  dX = (xmax - xmin) / (Double_t)(npoints - 1);
269  for (Int_t i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
271  //set x coordinate of this point
272  if (log_scale)
273  X = TMath::Exp(logXmin + i * dX);
274  else
275  X = xmin + dX * ((Double_t) i);
277  //leave value Y as it is. The value of GetIDFunc()->Eval(ID)
278  //is the vertical distance delta_Y from point (X,Y) to the line; therefore the
279  //Y coordinate of the point on the line is Y + delta_Y, whatever the value Y.
281  //set values of parameters which correspond to X and Y coordinates in grid
282  SetParameter("X", X);
283  SetParameter("Y", Y);
285  Y += Eval((Double_t) ID);
287  if (!TMath::IsNaN(Y))
288  new_line->SetPoint(p_index++, X, Y);
289  else
290  Y = 0.; //reset Y to 0 if it ever becomes NaN
291  }
292 }
300 void KVTGID::Print(Option_t* option) const
301 {
302  //Print info on functional and grid
303  cout << Class()->
304  GetName() <<
305  " object for identification using Tassan-Got functional" << endl;
306  cout << "Limits for fit : fID_min = " << GetIDmin() << " fID_max = " <<
307  GetIDmax() << endl;
309 }
318 Int_t KVTGID::Compare(const TObject* obj) const
319 {
320  //Used to sort list of KVTGID in KVTGIDManager
321  //ID obj with smallest IDmax will be first in sorted list
322  Int_t id1 = (Int_t) GetIDmax();
323  if (id1 < 0)
324  return 0;
325  Int_t id2 = (Int_t) static_cast < const KVTGID* >(obj)->GetIDmax();
326  if (id2 < 0)
327  return 0;
328  if (id1 > id2)
329  return 1;
330  if (id1 < id2)
331  return -1;
332  return 0;
333 }
342 {
343  //Returns explanatory message for value of GetStatus()
345  static TString messages[] = {
346  "ok",
347  "point to identify outside of identification range of function"
348  };
349  Int_t status = GetStatus() + 1;
350  if (status--)
351  return messages[status];
352  return Form("no call to GetIdentification() performed yet");
353 }
365  Double_t* params)
366 {
367  //Given a point (x,y) (which could, for example, be a point in a KVIDGrid line which we want to fit)
368  //we give the (vertical) distance to the functional identification line 'id'. If the point is below the line
369  //the distance is positive, if the point is above the line it is negative.
370  //If the parameter array 'params' is not given, we use the current values of the parameters.
372  if (params)
373  SetParameters(params);
374  SetParameter("X", x);
375  SetParameter("Y", y);
376  return Eval((Double_t) id);
377 }
387 void KVTGID::Streamer(TBuffer& R__b)
388 {
389  // Stream an object of class KVTGID.
390  // If the name of the KVTGIDFunction has been set (version > 1) then
391  // we use it to reset the function pointer
393  if (R__b.IsReading()) {
394  KVTGID::Class()->ReadBuffer(R__b, this);
395  if (fTGIDFunctionName != "") {
397  ProcessLineFast(fTGIDFunctionName.Data()));
398  }
399  }
400  else {
401  KVTGID::Class()->WriteBuffer(R__b, this);
402  }
403 }
429 KVTGID* KVTGID::MakeTGID(const Char_t* name, Int_t type, Int_t light, Int_t ZorA, Int_t mass)
430 {
431  // Static function used to create TGID objects
432  //
433  // type -----> type of functional
434  // * type : =0->basic functional <>0->extended functional
435  // * * For the basic formula :
436  // * yy = ((g*E)**(mu+1)+lambda**(mu+1)*Z**2*A**mu)**(1/(mu+1))-g*E + pdy
437  // * * For the extended formula :
438  // * yy = ((g*E)**(mu+nu+1)+(lambda*Z**alpha*A**beta)**(mu+nu+1)+
439  // * xi*A**mu*(g*E)**nu)**(1/(mu+mu+1))-g*E + pdy
440  //
441  // light -----> treatment of CsI total light output
442  // * light : =0->no non-linear light response <>0->non-linear light response included
443  // * * If ih=0 no non-linear light response : E=xx-pdx
444  // * * If ih<>0 non-linear light response included :
445  // * E = sqrt(h**2+2*rho*h*(1+log(1+h/rho)))
446  // * rho=eta*Z**2*A and h=xx-pdx
447  //
448  // ZorA -----> functional used to find Z or A
449  // * ZorA : =0->A <>0->Z
451  Int_t npar = 6 + GetNumberOfLTGParameters(type, light);
452  KVTGID* _tgid_ = 0;
453  if (ZorA) {
454  _tgid_ = new KVTGIDZ(name, npar, type, light, mass);
455  }
456  else {
457  _tgid_ = new KVTGIDZA(name, npar, type, light);
458  }
459  npar = 6;
460  _tgid_->fLambda = npar++;
461  if (type) {
462  _tgid_->fAlpha = npar++;
463  _tgid_->fBeta = npar++;
464  _tgid_->fMu = npar++;
465  _tgid_->fNu = npar++;
466  _tgid_->fXi = npar++;
467  }
468  else {
469  _tgid_->fMu = npar++;
470  }
471  _tgid_->fG = npar++;
472  _tgid_->fPdx = npar++;
473  _tgid_->fPdy = npar++;
474  if (light) _tgid_->fEta = npar++;
475  return _tgid_;
476 }
528 {
529  // 'par' is an array containing the LTG functional parameters,
530  // whose number and order depends on fType & fLight:
531  //
532  // fType=0, fLight=0: Double_t par[5];
533  // ==================
534  // par[0] = lambda
535  // par[1] = mu
536  // par[2] = g
537  // par[3] = pdx
538  // par[4] = pdy
539  //
540  // fType=0, fLight<>0: Double_t par[6];
541  // ==================
542  // par[0] = lambda
543  // par[1] = mu
544  // par[2] = g
545  // par[3] = pdx
546  // par[4] = pdy
547  // par[5] = eta
548  //
549  // fType<>0, fLight=0: Double_t par[9];
550  // ==================
551  // par[0] = lambda
552  // par[1] = alpha
553  // par[2] = beta
554  // par[3] = mu
555  // par[4] = nu
556  // par[5] = xi
557  // par[6] = g
558  // par[7] = pdx
559  // par[8] = pdy
560  //
561  // fType<>0, fLight<>0: Double_t par[10];
562  // ==================
563  // par[0] = lambda
564  // par[1] = alpha
565  // par[2] = beta
566  // par[3] = mu
567  // par[4] = nu
568  // par[5] = xi
569  // par[6] = g
570  // par[7] = pdx
571  // par[8] = pdy
572  // par[9] = eta
575  for (Int_t ipar = 0; ipar < npar; ipar++) {
576  SetParameter(6 + ipar, par[ipar]);
577  }
578 }
631 {
632  // 'par' is an array containing the LTG functional parameters,
633  // whose number and order depends on fType & fLight:
634  //
635  // fType=0, fLight=0: Double_t par[5];
636  // ==================
637  // par[0] = lambda
638  // par[1] = mu
639  // par[2] = g
640  // par[3] = pdx
641  // par[4] = pdy
642  //
643  // fType=0, fLight<>0: Double_t par[6];
644  // ==================
645  // par[0] = lambda
646  // par[1] = mu
647  // par[2] = g
648  // par[3] = pdx
649  // par[4] = pdy
650  // par[5] = eta
651  //
652  // fType<>0, fLight=0: Double_t par[9];
653  // ==================
654  // par[0] = lambda
655  // par[1] = alpha
656  // par[2] = beta
657  // par[3] = mu
658  // par[4] = nu
659  // par[5] = xi
660  // par[6] = g
661  // par[7] = pdx
662  // par[8] = pdy
663  //
664  // fType<>0, fLight<>0: Double_t par[10];
665  // ==================
666  // par[0] = lambda
667  // par[1] = alpha
668  // par[2] = beta
669  // par[3] = mu
670  // par[4] = nu
671  // par[5] = xi
672  // par[6] = g
673  // par[7] = pdx
674  // par[8] = pdy
675  // par[9] = eta
678  for (Int_t ipar = 0; ipar < npar; ipar++) {
679  SetParameter(6 + ipar, (Double_t)par[ipar]);
680  }
681 }
701 {
702  // Static function returning number of parameters used by Tassan-Got functional.
703  // Depends on type of functional (type) and whether non-linear light response
704  // is calculated or not (light).
705  // According to the (type, light) combination the numbers and orders
706  // of parameters are :
707  // type=0 light=0 5 parameters: lambda, mu, g, pdx, pdy
708  // type=0 light<>0 6 parameters: lambda, mu, g, pdx, pdy, eta
709  // type<>0 light=0 9 parameters: lambda, alpha, beta, mu, nu,
710  // xi, g, pdx, pdy
711  // type<>0 light<>0 10 parameters: lambda, alpha, beta, mu, nu,
712  // xi, g, pdx, pdy, eta}
714  return type ? (light ? 10 : 9) : (light ? 6 : 5);
715 }
724 {
725  if (fLambda > -1) SetParName(fLambda, "#lambda");
726  if (fAlpha > -1) SetParName(fAlpha, "#alpha");
727  if (fBeta > -1) SetParName(fBeta, "#beta");
728  if (fMu > -1) SetParName(fMu, "#mu");
729  if (fNu > -1) SetParName(fNu, "#nu");
730  if (fXi > -1) SetParName(fXi, "#xi");
731  if (fG > -1) SetParName(fG, "g");
732  if (fPdx > -1) SetParName(fPdx, "pdx");
733  if (fPdy > -1) SetParName(fPdy, "pdy");
734  if (fEta > -1) SetParName(fEta, "#eta");
735 }
744 {
745  // set list of ID telescopes for which fit is valid.
746  // any previous list is deleted.
748  TIter next(list);
749  KVBase* t;
750  while ((t = (KVBase*)next())) AddIDTelescope(t);
751 };
758 void KVTGID::WriteToAsciiFile(ofstream& gridfile) const
759 {
760  // Write parameters of LTG fit in file.
762  gridfile << "++KVTGID::" << GetName() << endl;
763  gridfile << "Type=" << GetFunctionalType() << endl;
764  gridfile << "LightEnergyDependence=" << GetLightEnergyDependence() << endl;
765  gridfile << "ZorA=" << GetZorA() << endl;
766  if (GetZorA() == 1) {
767  gridfile << "MassFormula=" << GetMassFormula() << endl;
768  }
769  gridfile << "Functional=" << GetFunctionName() << endl;
770  gridfile << "Runs=" << ((KVNumberList&)GetValidRuns()).AsString() << endl;
771  gridfile << "IDTelescopes=" << fTelescopes.Data() << endl;
772  gridfile << "<VARX> " << GetVarX() << endl;
773  gridfile << "<VARY> " << GetVarY() << endl;
774  gridfile << "ZMIN=" << (Int_t)GetIDmin();
775  gridfile << " ZMAX=" << (Int_t)GetIDmax() << endl;
776  Bool_t type1 = (GetFunctionalType() == 1);
777  gridfile << Form("Lambda=%20.13e", GetLambda()) << endl;
778  if (type1) {
779  gridfile << Form("Alpha=%20.13e", GetAlpha()) << endl;
780  gridfile << Form("Beta=%20.13e", GetBeta()) << endl;
781  }
782  gridfile << Form("Mu=%20.13e", GetMu()) << endl;
783  if (type1) {
784  gridfile << Form("Nu=%20.13e", GetNu()) << endl;
785  gridfile << Form("Xi=%20.13e", GetXi()) << endl;
786  }
787  gridfile << Form("G=%20.13e", GetG()) << endl;
788  gridfile << Form("Pdx=%20.13e", GetPdx()) << endl;
789  gridfile << Form("Pdy=%20.13e", GetPdy()) << endl;
790  if (GetLightEnergyDependence() == 1) {
791  gridfile << Form("Eta=%20.13e", GetEta()) << endl;
792  }
793  gridfile << "!" << endl << endl;
794 }
800 KVString GetValue(KVString& l, char c)
801 {
802  l.Begin(c);
803  l.Next();
804  return l.Next(kTRUE);
805 }
813 KVTGID* KVTGID::ReadFromAsciiFile(const Char_t* name, ifstream& gridfile)
814 {
815  // Read parameters of LTG fit in file (which must have been written with
816  // current version of KVTGID::WriteToAsciiFile)
818  KVTGID* LTGfit = 0;
819  Int_t Ftyp, Flite, FZorA, Fmass;
820  FZorA = Fmass = Ftyp = Flite = 0;
822  KVString line;
823  line.ReadLine(gridfile);
824  TString buff = GetValue(line, '=');
825  Ftyp = buff.Atoi();
826  line.ReadLine(gridfile);
827  buff = GetValue(line, '=');
828  Flite = buff.Atoi();
829  line.ReadLine(gridfile);
830  buff = GetValue(line, '=');
831  FZorA = buff.Atoi();
832  if (FZorA) {
833  line.ReadLine(gridfile);
834  buff = GetValue(line, '=');
835  Fmass = buff.Atoi();
836  }
838  LTGfit = MakeTGID(name, Ftyp, Flite, FZorA, Fmass);
840  line.ReadLine(gridfile); // skip "Functional=" line : name of functional not used
841  line.ReadLine(gridfile);
842  LTGfit->SetValidRuns(KVNumberList(GetValue(line, '=').Data()));
843  line.ReadLine(gridfile);
844  LTGfit->SetStringTelescopes(GetValue(line, '='));
845  line.ReadLine(gridfile);
846  line.Remove(0, 6);
847  line.Remove(KVString::kBoth, ' ');
848  LTGfit->SetVarX(line.Data());
849  line.ReadLine(gridfile);
850  line.Remove(0, 6);
851  line.Remove(KVString::kBoth, ' ');
852  LTGfit->SetVarY(line.Data());
853  line.ReadLine(gridfile);
854  Int_t zmin, zmax;
855  sscanf(line.Data(), "ZMIN=%d ZMAX=%d", &zmin, &zmax);
856  LTGfit->SetIDmin(zmin);
857  LTGfit->SetIDmax(zmax);
858  Bool_t type1 = (Ftyp == 1);
859  line.ReadLine(gridfile);
860  buff = GetValue(line, '=');
861  LTGfit->SetLambda(buff.Atof());
862  if (type1) {
863  line.ReadLine(gridfile);
864  buff = GetValue(line, '=');
865  LTGfit->SetAlpha(buff.Atof());
866  line.ReadLine(gridfile);
867  buff = GetValue(line, '=');
868  LTGfit->SetBeta(buff.Atof());
869  }
870  line.ReadLine(gridfile);
871  buff = GetValue(line, '=');
872  LTGfit->SetMu(buff.Atof());
873  if (type1) {
874  line.ReadLine(gridfile);
875  buff = GetValue(line, '=');
876  LTGfit->SetNu(buff.Atof());
877  line.ReadLine(gridfile);
878  buff = GetValue(line, '=');
879  LTGfit->SetXi(buff.Atof());
880  }
881  line.ReadLine(gridfile);
882  buff = GetValue(line, '=');
883  LTGfit->SetG(buff.Atof());
884  line.ReadLine(gridfile);
885  buff = GetValue(line, '=');
886  LTGfit->SetPdx(buff.Atof());
887  line.ReadLine(gridfile);
888  buff = GetValue(line, '=');
889  LTGfit->SetPdy(buff.Atof());
890  if (Flite == 1) {
891  line.ReadLine(gridfile);
892  buff = GetValue(line, '=');
893  LTGfit->SetEta(buff.Atof());
894  }
895  line.ReadLine(gridfile);
896  return LTGfit;
897 }
int Int_t
bool Bool_t
char Char_t
float Float_t
double Double_t
const char Option_t
#define X(type, name)
Option_t Option_t option
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t g
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t Int_t Int_t Window_t TString Int_t GCValues_t GetPrimarySelectionOwner GetDisplay GetScreen GetColormap GetNativeEvent const char const char dpyName wid window const char font_name cursor keysym reg const char only_if_exist regb h Point_t winding char text const char depth char const char Int_t count const char ColorStruct_t color const char Pixmap_t Pixmap_t PictureAttributes_t attr const char char ret_data h unsigned char height h Atom_t Int_t ULong_t ULong_t unsigned char prop_list Atom_t Atom_t Atom_t Time_t type
char name[80]
float xmin
float xmax
#define gROOT
char * Form(const char *fmt,...)
Base class for KaliVeda framework.
Definition: KVBase.h:139
Abstract base class for 2D identification grids in e.g. (dE,E) maps.
Definition: KVIDGrid.h:74
Base class for lines/cuts used for particle identification in 2D data maps.
Definition: KVIDLine.h:143
virtual void SetMassFormula(Int_t mf)
Definition: KVIDentifier.h:107
Strings used to represent a set of ranges of values.
Definition: KVNumberList.h:85
Extension of ROOT TString class which allows backwards compatibility with ROOT v3....
Definition: KVString.h:73
Base class for charged particle Z & A identfication using functionals developed by L....
Definition: KVTGIDZA.h:40
Abstract base class for charged particle Z identfication using functionals developed by L....
Definition: KVTGIDZ.h:33
Abstract base class for particle identfication using functionals developed by L. Tassan-Got (IPN Orsa...
Definition: KVTGID.h:44
Int_t Compare(const TObject *obj) const override
Definition: KVTGID.cpp:318
void ClearIDTelescopes()
Definition: KVTGID.h:280
void SetXi(Double_t val)
Definition: KVTGID.h:220
Default ctor.
Definition: KVTGID.cpp:61
virtual void AddLineToGrid(KVIDGrid *g, Int_t ID, Int_t npoints, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Bool_t log_scale=kFALSE)
Definition: KVTGID.cpp:241
Double_t GetPdx() const
Definition: KVTGID.h:184
void SetIDTelescopes(const TCollection *)
Definition: KVTGID.cpp:743
Int_t fLight
with (1) or without (0) CsI light-energy dependence
Definition: KVTGID.h:65
Double_t fID_min
minimum ID fitted with functional
Definition: KVTGID.h:48
void SetIDmax(Double_t x)
Definition: KVTGID.h:117
Int_t fNu
Definition: KVTGID.h:61
Int_t fMu
Definition: KVTGID.h:55
virtual KVIDLine * AddLine(KVIDGrid *)=0
Double_t GetIDmin() const
Definition: KVTGID.h:129
Int_t fXi
Definition: KVTGID.h:62
TString fVarX
quantity used for X coordinates
Definition: KVTGID.h:70
Int_t fG
Definition: KVTGID.h:56
Double_t GetG() const
Definition: KVTGID.h:176
Int_t fZorA
used for Z (1) or A (0) identification
Definition: KVTGID.h:66
void SetVarX(const Char_t *x)
Definition: KVTGID.h:263
static KVTGID * MakeTGID(const Char_t *name, Int_t type, Int_t light, Int_t ZorA, Int_t mass)
Definition: KVTGID.cpp:429
Double_t GetXi() const
Definition: KVTGID.h:224
void SetLTGParameterNames()
Definition: KVTGID.cpp:723
void SetMu(Double_t val)
Definition: KVTGID.h:164
KVNumberList fRuns
list of runs for which fit is valid
Definition: KVTGID.h:69
Double_t GetLambda() const
Definition: KVTGID.h:160
Double_t fID_max
maximum ID fitted with functional
Definition: KVTGID.h:49
const Char_t * GetVarX() const
Definition: KVTGID.h:267
void SetEta(Double_t val)
Definition: KVTGID.h:228
void SetBeta(Double_t val)
Definition: KVTGID.h:204
Int_t GetLightEnergyDependence() const
Definition: KVTGID.h:93
Double_t GetIDmax() const
Definition: KVTGID.h:121
void SetValidRuns(const KVNumberList &r)
Definition: KVTGID.h:249
void SetIDmin(Double_t x)
Definition: KVTGID.h:125
void SetPdx(Double_t val)
Definition: KVTGID.h:180
const KVNumberList & GetValidRuns() const
Definition: KVTGID.h:253
TString fVarY
quantity used for Y coordinates
Definition: KVTGID.h:71
Int_t fBeta
Definition: KVTGID.h:60
virtual Int_t GetStatus() const
Definition: KVTGID.h:145
void init()
Definition: KVTGID.cpp:29
void WriteToAsciiFile(std::ofstream &) const
Write parameters of LTG fit in file.
Definition: KVTGID.cpp:758
Int_t fLambda
indices of parameters
Definition: KVTGID.h:54
Int_t fEta
Definition: KVTGID.h:63
virtual void SetIdent(KVIDLine *, Double_t ID)=0
Double_t GetPdy() const
Definition: KVTGID.h:192
void SetG(Double_t val)
Definition: KVTGID.h:172
void SetAlpha(Double_t val)
Definition: KVTGID.h:196
Int_t GetZorA() const
Definition: KVTGID.h:89
Double_t GetBeta() const
Definition: KVTGID.h:208
@ kStatus_NotBetween_IDMin_IDMax
Definition: KVTGID.h:101
@ kStatus_OK
Definition: KVTGID.h:100
const Char_t * GetFunctionName() const
Definition: KVTGID.h:104
Double_t GetMu() const
Definition: KVTGID.h:168
Int_t fMassFormula
mass formula used to calculate A from Z (if Z identification used)
Definition: KVTGID.h:67
Int_t fStatus
transient member, holds status code of last call to GetIdentification
Definition: KVTGID.h:50
Int_t fPdy
Definition: KVTGID.h:58
Double_t GetDistanceToLine(Double_t x, Double_t y, Int_t id, Double_t *params=0)
Definition: KVTGID.cpp:364
void AddIDTelescope(KVBase *tel)
Definition: KVTGID.h:284
static KVTGID * ReadFromAsciiFile(const Char_t *name, std::ifstream &)
Definition: KVTGID.cpp:813
Double_t GetEta() const
Definition: KVTGID.h:232
Int_t GetMassFormula() const
Definition: KVTGID.h:240
TString fTGIDFunctionName
name of KVTGIDFunctions:: namespace function used for identification
Definition: KVTGID.h:52
void SetVarY(const Char_t *x)
Definition: KVTGID.h:271
void Copy(TObject &tgid) const override
Copy this KVTGID function into the KVTGID object referenced by tgid.
Definition: KVTGID.cpp:139
void SetNu(Double_t val)
Definition: KVTGID.h:212
virtual Double_t GetIdentification(Double_t ID_min, Double_t ID_max, Double_t &ID_quality, Double_t *par=0)
Definition: KVTGID.cpp:188
void Print(Option_t *option="") const override
Print info on functional and grid.
Definition: KVTGID.cpp:300
KVString fTelescopes
list of telescopes for which fit is valid
Definition: KVTGID.h:72
virtual const Char_t * GetStatusString() const
Returns explanatory message for value of GetStatus()
Definition: KVTGID.cpp:341
Int_t fPdx
Definition: KVTGID.h:57
void SetLambda(Double_t val)
Definition: KVTGID.h:156
Double_t GetNu() const
Definition: KVTGID.h:216
Int_t fType
type of functional (=0 standard, =1 extended)
Definition: KVTGID.h:64
void SetLTGParameters(Double_t *par)
Definition: KVTGID.cpp:527
const Char_t * GetVarY() const
Definition: KVTGID.h:275
static Int_t GetNumberOfLTGParameters(Int_t type, Int_t light)
Definition: KVTGID.cpp:700
Double_t GetAlpha() const
Definition: KVTGID.h:200
Int_t GetFunctionalType() const
Definition: KVTGID.h:85
void SetStringTelescopes(const Char_t *s)
Definition: KVTGID.h:77
void SetPdy(Double_t val)
Definition: KVTGID.h:188
Int_t fAlpha
Definition: KVTGID.h:59
Bool_t IsReading() const
Int_t ReadBuffer(TBuffer &b, void *pointer)
Int_t WriteBuffer(TBuffer &b, void *pointer, const char *info="")
static TClass * Class()
void Print(Option_t *option="") const override
void Copy(TObject &f1) const override
void Streamer(TBuffer &) override
virtual Double_t GetX(Double_t y, Double_t xmin=0, Double_t xmax=0, Double_t epsilon=1.E-10, Int_t maxiter=100, Bool_t logx=false) const
virtual void SetParName(Int_t ipar, const char *name)
void SetFunction(Func f)
virtual void SetParameters(const Double_t *params)
virtual Double_t Eval(Double_t x, Double_t y=0, Double_t z=0, Double_t t=0) const
virtual void SetParameter(const TString &name, Double_t value)
virtual void SetPoint(Int_t i, Double_t x, Double_t y)
const char * GetName() const override
Int_t Atoi() const
Double_t Atof() const
const char * Data() const
void Form(const char *fmt,...)
TLine * line
Double_t y[n]
Double_t x[n]
Bool_t IsNaN(Double_t x)
Double_t Exp(Double_t x)
Double_t Log(Double_t x)
Double_t Abs(Double_t d)
Double_t Max(Double_t a, Double_t b)
TLine l