Toolkit for HIC analysis
Data Analysis Tools

Detailed Description

Tools for user data analysis.


class  KVCouple
 Handles binary decomposition of an integer. More...
class  KVDalitzPlot
 Fill 3D observables \({a1,a2,a3}\) in a dalitz plot ,. More...
class  KVDataQualityAuditReportMaker
 Produce graphs and histograms from KVDataQualityAudit. More...
class  KVEventClassifier
 Simple class for sorting events according to global variables. More...
class  KVEventListMaker
 Compute TEventList for TTree. More...
class  KVEventMixer< ParticleInfoStruct, NumBins >
 Generic event mixing algorithm for two-particle correlation studies. More...
class  KVEventMixerN< NPart, ParticleClass, ParticleInfoStruct, NumBins >
 Generic event mixing algorithm for N-particle correlation studies. More...
class  KVHistoManipulator
 Toolkit for various operations on histograms & graphs not provided by ROOT. More...
class  KVIntegerList
 Handle a list of positive integers (partition) More...
class  KVIsoscaling
 Isoscaling class. More...
class  KVPartition
 Handle partitions. More...
class  KVPartitionFromLeaf
 Derived form KVPartition to optimize filling from a tree. More...
class  KVPartitionFunction
 Calculates number of partitions of (A,Z,M) More...
class  KVPartitionList
 Manage a list of partitions. More...
class  KVTreeAnalyzer
 GUI for simple intuitive analysis of data in TTree ,. More...
class  KVTriggerConditions
 Set trigger conditions for analysis of reconstructed data. More...
class  KVValues
 Handle Operation on variable. More...
class  TF1Derivative
 Numerical derivative of a TF1. More...