4 #ifndef __KVSIMDIRGUI_H
5 #define __KVSIMDIRGUI_H
19 #include "KVListView.h"
#define RQ_OBJECT(sender_class)
#define ClassDef(name, id)
R__EXTERN TApplication * gApplication
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void on
Base class for KaliVeda framework.
Enhanced version of ROOT TGListView widget.
Extended TList class which owns its objects by default.
Interface to ROOT SQLite database backend.
GUI for analysing and filtering simulated data.
TGPictureButton * BremDir
void SelectDataSet(const char *)
void ReconstructSimDirsFromDB()
Rebuild all KVSimDir/KVSimFile objects from information in sqlite DB.
void NewFilteredAnalysisClass()
Get name of new class.
TGCheckButton * gemini_add_rot_energy
TGCompositeFrame * fAnalTab
analysis tab
KVSQLite::database fConfigDB
void SelectAnalysisClass()
void SetGeminiDecayAddRotEnergy(Bool_t on)
TGCompositeFrame * fFiltTab
filter tab
void UpdateSystemText(const char *)
called every time the text changes
TGCheckButton * fCBAllEvents
virtual ~KVSimDirGUI()
TGCheckButton * custom_kinematics_check
void NewSimulatedAnalysisClass()
Get name of new class.
TGPictureButton * proof_analysis_ana
TGCheckButton * gemini_decay
TGViewPort * fDirListViewPort
TGNumberEntry * fNENumberEvents
void SelectSystem(const char *)
void SetCustomKinematics(Bool_t on)
KVSimDir * fSelectedSimDir
void Copy(TObject &) const
KVString fReactionKinematics
TGListTree * fDirListTree
TGCanvas * fDirListCanvas
const TGPicture * pclose
used for list tree items
void SetRandomPhi(Bool_t on)
const TGPicture * popen
used for list tree items
KVString fAnalClassHeader
void Run()
void ChangeOutputDirectory();
void FillDataSetTableWithInfos(TString ds_table_name, KVSimDir *sd)
TGPictureButton * proof_analysis
TGTextEntry* fTEOutputDir;.
TGNumberEntry * gemini_decays
TGCheckButton * phi_rotation_check
void EnableEventNumberEntry(Bool_t)
void RunAnalysis(const TString &type)
Bool_t WarningBox(const char *title, const char *msg, Bool_t confirm)
TGPictureButton * BaddDir
void SetGeminiDecay(Bool_t on)
Bool_t fWithPROOF
=kTRUE when running with PROOF-lite
Bool_t fCancelJob
if job parameters are not valid
TGPictureButton * BimpSim
TGPictureButton * BrefreshDir
TGTextEntry * fTEAnalysisClassFileName
void SelectSimDir(TGListTreeItem *, Int_t)
TString AddTableForDataSet(KVSimDir *sd, int ds_table_number)
Add a new dataset table for the given KVSimDir object.
void ImportSimulation()
Import simulation data from currently selected directory.
void SelectRun(const char *)
Handle directory containing simulated and/or filtered simulated data ,.
Extension of ROOT TString class which allows backwards compatibility with ROOT v3....
virtual void Terminate(Int_t status=0)
virtual void SetState(Bool_t enable=kTRUE)
void SetEnabled(Bool_t flag=kTRUE)