configuration of FAZIA telescopes for NFS experiments
Created by KVClassFactory on Fri Feb 26 17:11:15 2016 Author: bonnet,,,
Definition at line 16 of file KVFAZIANFS.h.
| Default constructor. More...
virtual | ~KVFAZIANFS () |
| Destructor. More...
void | SetNameOfDetectors (KVEnv &env) |
| KVFAZIA (const Char_t *title="") |
| Default constructor. More...
virtual | ~KVFAZIA () |
| Destructor. More...
void | AddDetectorLabel (const Char_t *label) |
virtual void | Build (Int_t=-1) |
| Build the FAZIA array. More...
void | DeduceIdentificationTelescopesFromGeometry () |
void | FillDetectorList (KVReconstructedNucleus *rnuc, KVHashList *DetList, const KVString &DetNames) |
void | GetDetectorEvent (KVDetectorEvent *detev, const TSeqCollection *dets) |
KVString | GetDetectorLabels () const |
TString | GetECodeMeaning (Int_t ec) const |
virtual Int_t | GetIDCodeForParticlesStoppingInFirstStageOfTelescopes () const |
TString | GetIDCodeMeaning (Int_t idc) const |
Int_t | GetNumberOfBlocks () const |
KVGroupReconstructor * | GetReconstructorForGroup (const KVGroup *) const |
| Specialized group reconstructor for FAZIA. More...
Double_t | GetSetupParameter (const Char_t *parname) |
const Char_t * | GetSignalTypes () const |
const KVFAZIATrigger & | GetTrigger () const |
std::string | GetTriggerForCurrentRun () const |
void | IncludeTargetInGeometry (Bool_t include=kTRUE) |
virtual void | MakeCalibrationTables (KVExpDB *) |
| Override base method in order to read FAZIA trigger for each run. More...
void | SetGeometryImportParameters (Double_t dt=0.25, Double_t dp=1.0, Double_t tmin=2., Double_t pmin=0, Double_t tmax=20., Double_t pmax=360., Double_t xorg=0, Double_t yorg=0, Double_t zorg=0) |
virtual void | SetRawDataFromReconEvent (KVNameValueList &) |
| Overrides base method in order to set the value of the trigger bit pattern for the event. More...
| KVMultiDetArray () |
| Default constructor. More...
| KVMultiDetArray (const Char_t *name, const Char_t *type="") |
| Constructor with name and optional type. More...
virtual | ~KVMultiDetArray () |
| destroy (delete) the MDA and all the associated structure, detectors etc. More...
virtual void | AcceptAllECodes () |
virtual void | AcceptAllIDCodes () |
void | AcceptECodes (const KVNumberList &codelist) |
void | AcceptIDCodes (const KVNumberList &codelist) |
virtual void | AcceptParticleForAnalysis (KVReconstructedNucleus *) const |
virtual void | AnalyseGroupAndReconstructEvent (KVReconstructedEvent *recev, KVGroup *grp) |
void | CalculateDetectorSegmentationIndex () |
void | CalculateIdentificationGrids () |
| For each IDtelescope in array, calculate an identification grid. More...
Bool_t | CalParamsSet () |
void | CheckROOTGeometry () |
void | CheckStatusOfDetectors (KVDBRun *, const TString &="") |
virtual void | Clear (Option_t *opt="") |
void | CreateGeoManager (Double_t dx=500, Double_t dy=500, Double_t dz=500) |
virtual void | CreateIDTelescopesInGroups () |
virtual void | DetectEvent (KVEvent *event, KVReconstructedEvent *rec_event, const Char_t *detection_frame="") |
virtual KVNameValueList * | DetectParticle (KVNucleus *part) |
KVNameValueList * | DetectParticle_TGEO (KVNucleus *part) |
void | DetectParticleIn (const Char_t *detname, KVNucleus *kvp) |
void | Draw (Option_t *option="") |
virtual TGraph * | DrawPunchThroughEnergyVsZ (const Char_t *detector, Int_t massform=KVNucleus::kBetaMass) |
virtual TGraph * | DrawPunchThroughEsurAVsZ (const Char_t *detector, Int_t massform=KVNucleus::kBetaMass) |
virtual TGraph * | DrawPunchThroughZVsVpar (const Char_t *detector, Int_t massform=KVNucleus::kBetaMass) |
void | FillHistogramsForAllIDTelescopes (KVSeqCollection *list) |
| Fill TH2F histograms for all IDTelescopes of the array. More...
void | FillListOfIDTelescopes (KVIDGraph *gr) const |
virtual Int_t | FilteredEventCoherencyAnalysis (Int_t round, KVReconstructedEvent *rec_event) |
const KVNumberList & | GetAcceptedECodes () const |
const KVNumberList & | GetAcceptedIDCodes () const |
virtual KVMultiDetArray * | GetArray (const Char_t *) const |
TList * | GetCalibrationStatusOfDetectors () |
UInt_t | GetCurrentRunNumber () const |
TString | GetDataSet () const |
const KVSeqCollection * | GetExtraRawDataSignals () const |
const KVSeqCollection * | GetFiredDetectors () const |
const KVSeqCollection * | GetFiredSignals () const |
TGeoManager * | GetGeometry () const |
| Return pointer to the (ROOT) geometry of the array. More...
virtual KVGroup * | GetGroup (const Char_t *) const |
| Return pointer to group with name. More...
virtual KVGroup * | GetGroupWithAngles (Float_t, Float_t) |
virtual KVGroup * | GetGroupWithDetector (const Char_t *) |
KVIDTelescope * | GetIDTelescope (const Char_t *name) const |
| Return pointer to DeltaE-E ID Telescope with "name". More...
KVSeqCollection * | GetIDTelescopesWithType (const Char_t *type) |
KVUniqueNameList * | GetIDTelescopeTypes () |
KVSeqCollection * | GetListOfIDTelescopes () const |
KVGeoNavigator * | GetNavigator () const |
Int_t | GetNumberOfGroups () const |
virtual const Char_t * | GetPartSeedCond () const |
virtual Double_t | GetPunchThroughEnergy (const Char_t *detector, Int_t Z, Int_t A) |
KVNameValueList & | GetReconParameters () |
const KVNameValueList & | GetReconParameters () const |
TList * | GetStatusOfIDTelescopes () |
KVTarget * | GetTarget () |
virtual Double_t | GetTargetEnergyLossCorrection (KVReconstructedNucleus *) |
virtual KVTelescope * | GetTelescope (const Char_t *name) const |
| Return pointer to telescope in array with name given by "name". More...
virtual Double_t | GetTotalSolidAngle (void) const |
const TSeqCollection * | GetTrajectories () const |
KVUpDater * | GetUpDater () |
Bool_t | HandledRawData () const |
Bool_t | HandleRawDataBuffer (MFMBufferReader &) |
virtual Bool_t | HandleRawDataEvent (KVRawDataReader *) |
Bool_t | IDParamsSet () |
void | init () |
virtual void | InitialiseRawDataReading (KVRawDataReader *) |
virtual void | InitializeIDTelescopes () |
Bool_t | IsBeingDeleted () |
virtual Bool_t | IsBuilt () const |
Bool_t | IsRemoving () |
Bool_t | IsROOTGeometry () const |
Bool_t | IsSimMode () const |
void | MakeHistogramsForAllIDTelescopes (KVSeqCollection *list, Int_t dimension=100) |
Bool_t | ParamsSet () |
void | prepare_to_handle_new_raw_data () |
| reset acquisition parameters etc. before reading new raw data event More...
void | PrintCalibStatusOfDetectors () |
void | PrintStatusOfIDTelescopes () |
Bool_t | ReadGridsFromAsciiFile (const Char_t *) const |
virtual void | ReconstructEvent (KVReconstructedEvent *, KVDetectorEvent *) |
void | RecursiveTrajectoryClustering (KVGeoDetectorNode *N, KVUniqueNameList &tried_trajectories, KVUniqueNameList &multitraj_nodes, KVUniqueNameList &detectors_of_group) |
void | RemoveGroup (const Char_t *) |
void | RemoveGroup (KVGroup *) |
void | ReplaceDetector (const Char_t *name, KVDetector *new_kvd) |
virtual void | SetCalibratorParameters (KVDBRun *, const TString &="") |
void | SetCurrentRunNumber (UInt_t r) |
virtual void | SetDetectorParametersForRun (KVDBRun *, const TString &="") |
void | SetDetectorThicknesses () |
void | SetDetectorTransparency (Char_t) |
| Modify the transparency of detector volumes in OpenGL view. More...
void | SetFilterType (Int_t t) |
void | SetGeometry (TGeoManager *) |
void | SetGridsInTelescopes (UInt_t run) |
virtual void | SetIdentifications () |
void | SetNavigator (KVGeoNavigator *geo) |
virtual void | SetParameters (UInt_t n, Bool_t physics_parameters_only=kFALSE) |
virtual void | SetPartSeedCond (const Char_t *cond) |
virtual void | SetReconParametersInEvent (KVReconstructedEvent *) const |
| Copy any parameters in fReconParameters in to the reconstructed event parameter list. More...
virtual void | SetROOTGeometry (Bool_t on=kTRUE) |
virtual void | SetRunCalibrationParameters (UShort_t n) |
virtual void | SetRunIdentificationParameters (UShort_t n) |
virtual void | SetSimMode (Bool_t on=kTRUE) |
virtual void | SetTarget (KVTarget *target) |
| KVGeoStrucElement () |
| Default constructor. More...
| KVGeoStrucElement (const Char_t *name, const Char_t *type="") |
| Create a geometry structure element with given name and type. More...
virtual | ~KVGeoStrucElement () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual void | Add (KVBase *) |
void | Clear (Option_t *opt="") |
| Empty lists of detectors, daughter structures, and parent structures. More...
void | ClearDetectors (const Char_t *type="") |
void | ClearStructures (const Char_t *type="") |
virtual Bool_t | Contains (KVBase *name) const |
virtual Bool_t | Fired (Option_t *opt="any") const |
KVDetector * | GetDetector (const Char_t *name) const |
| Return detector in this structure with given name. More...
KVDetector * | GetDetectorAny (const Char_t *name) |
KVDetector * | GetDetectorByType (const Char_t *type) const |
| Return detector in this structure with given type. More...
KVSeqCollection * | GetDetectorNameList (const Char_t *name) const |
KVSeqCollection * | GetDetectors () |
const KVSeqCollection * | GetDetectors () const |
KVSeqCollection * | GetDetectorTypeList (const Char_t *type) const |
const KVSeqCollection * | GetParents () const |
KVGeoStrucElement * | GetParentStructure (const Char_t *type, const Char_t *name="") const |
KVGeoStrucElement * | GetStructure (const Char_t *name) const |
KVGeoStrucElement * | GetStructure (const Char_t *type, const Char_t *name) const |
| Get structure with type and name. More...
KVGeoStrucElement * | GetStructure (const Char_t *type, Int_t num) const |
| Get structure with type and number. More...
const KVSeqCollection * | GetStructures () const |
KVSeqCollection * | GetStructureTypeList (const Char_t *type) const |
bool | OwnsDaughters () const |
bool | OwnsDetectors () const |
void | Print (Option_t *option="") const |
virtual void | Remove (KVBase *) |
void | SetOwnsDaughters (Bool_t yes=kTRUE) |
void | SetOwnsDetectors (Bool_t yes=kTRUE) |
void | Sort (Bool_t order=kSortAscending) |
void | SortDetectors (Bool_t order=kSortAscending) |
void | SortStructures (Bool_t order=kSortAscending) |
| KVBase () |
| Default constructor. More...
| KVBase (const Char_t *name, const Char_t *title="") |
| Ctor for object with given name and type. More...
| KVBase (const KVBase &) |
| copy ctor More...
virtual | ~ KVBase () |
virtual void | Copy (TObject &) const |
| Make a copy of this object. More...
const Char_t * | GetLabel () const |
UInt_t | GetNumber () const |
UInt_t | GetNumberOfObjects () const |
virtual TObject * | GetObject () const |
virtual const Char_t * | GetType () const |
Bool_t | HasLabel () const |
virtual Bool_t | IsCalled (const Char_t *name) const |
Bool_t | IsLabelled (const Char_t *l) const |
virtual Bool_t | IsType (const Char_t *typ) const |
virtual void | List () |
KVBase & | operator= (const KVBase &) |
| copy assignment operator More...
Double_t | ProtectedGetX (const TF1 *func, Double_t val, int &status, Double_t xmin=0.0, Double_t xmax=0.0) const |
void | SetLabel (const Char_t *lab) |
virtual void | SetNumber (UInt_t num) |
virtual void | SetType (const Char_t *str) |
| TNamed () |
| TNamed (const char *name, const char *title) |
| TNamed (const TNamed &named) |
| TNamed (const TString &name, const TString &title) |
virtual | ~TNamed () |
TObject * | Clone (const char *newname="") const override |
Int_t | Compare (const TObject *obj) const override |
virtual void | FillBuffer (char *&buffer) |
const char * | GetName () const override |
const char * | GetTitle () const override |
ULong_t | Hash () const override |
TClass * | IsA () const override |
Bool_t | IsSortable () const override |
void | ls (Option_t *option="") const override |
TNamed & | operator= (const TNamed &rhs) |
virtual void | SetName (const char *name) |
virtual void | SetNameTitle (const char *name, const char *title) |
virtual void | SetTitle (const char *title="") |
virtual Int_t | Sizeof () const |
void | Streamer (TBuffer &) override |
void | StreamerNVirtual (TBuffer &ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b) |
| TObject () |
| TObject (const TObject &object) |
virtual | ~TObject () |
void | AbstractMethod (const char *method) const |
virtual void | AppendPad (Option_t *option="") |
virtual void | Browse (TBrowser *b) |
ULong_t | CheckedHash () |
virtual const char * | ClassName () const |
virtual void | Delete (Option_t *option="") |
virtual Int_t | DistancetoPrimitive (Int_t px, Int_t py) |
virtual void | DrawClass () const |
virtual TObject * | DrawClone (Option_t *option="") const |
virtual void | Dump () const |
virtual void | Error (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const |
virtual void | Execute (const char *method, const char *params, Int_t *error=nullptr) |
virtual void | Execute (TMethod *method, TObjArray *params, Int_t *error=nullptr) |
virtual void | ExecuteEvent (Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py) |
virtual void | Fatal (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const |
virtual TObject * | FindObject (const char *name) const |
virtual TObject * | FindObject (const TObject *obj) const |
virtual Option_t * | GetDrawOption () const |
virtual const char * | GetIconName () const |
virtual char * | GetObjectInfo (Int_t px, Int_t py) const |
virtual Option_t * | GetOption () const |
virtual UInt_t | GetUniqueID () const |
virtual Bool_t | HandleTimer (TTimer *timer) |
Bool_t | HasInconsistentHash () const |
virtual void | Info (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const |
virtual Bool_t | InheritsFrom (const char *classname) const |
virtual Bool_t | InheritsFrom (const TClass *cl) const |
virtual void | Inspect () const |
void | InvertBit (UInt_t f) |
Bool_t | IsDestructed () const |
virtual Bool_t | IsEqual (const TObject *obj) const |
virtual Bool_t | IsFolder () const |
R__ALWAYS_INLINE Bool_t | IsOnHeap () const |
R__ALWAYS_INLINE Bool_t | IsZombie () const |
void | MayNotUse (const char *method) const |
virtual Bool_t | Notify () |
void | Obsolete (const char *method, const char *asOfVers, const char *removedFromVers) const |
void | operator delete (void *ptr) |
void | operator delete (void *ptr, void *vp) |
void | operator delete[] (void *ptr) |
void | operator delete[] (void *ptr, void *vp) |
void * | operator new (size_t sz) |
void * | operator new (size_t sz, void *vp) |
void * | operator new[] (size_t sz) |
void * | operator new[] (size_t sz, void *vp) |
TObject & | operator= (const TObject &rhs) |
virtual void | Paint (Option_t *option="") |
virtual void | Pop () |
virtual Int_t | Read (const char *name) |
virtual void | RecursiveRemove (TObject *obj) |
void | ResetBit (UInt_t f) |
virtual void | SaveAs (const char *filename="", Option_t *option="") const |
virtual void | SavePrimitive (std::ostream &out, Option_t *option="") |
void | SetBit (UInt_t f) |
void | SetBit (UInt_t f, Bool_t set) |
virtual void | SetDrawOption (Option_t *option="") |
virtual void | SetUniqueID (UInt_t uid) |
void | StreamerNVirtual (TBuffer &ClassDef_StreamerNVirtual_b) |
virtual void | SysError (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const |
R__ALWAYS_INLINE Bool_t | TestBit (UInt_t f) const |
Int_t | TestBits (UInt_t f) const |
virtual void | UseCurrentStyle () |
virtual void | Warning (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const |
virtual Int_t | Write (const char *name=nullptr, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) |
virtual Int_t | Write (const char *name=nullptr, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) const |
enum | ECodes {
} |
| Calibration quality codes attributed to particles reconstructed from data. More...
enum | IDCodes {
, ID_GAMMA = 0
, ID_SI1_PSA = 11
, ID_SI1_SI2 = 12
ID_SI1_CSI = 13
, ID_SI2_PSA = 22
, ID_SI2_CSI = 23
, ID_SI12_CSI = 123
} |
| Identification quality codes attributed to particles reconstructed from data. More...
enum | EFilterType { kFilterType_Geo
, kFilterType_GeoThresh
, kFilterType_Full
} |
| filter types. values of fFilterType More...
enum | EKaliVedaBits { kIsKaliVedaObject = BIT(23)
} |
enum | EDeprecatedStatusBits |
enum | EStatusBits |
static TGeoHMatrix * | GetVolumePositioningMatrix (Double_t distance, Double_t theta, Double_t phi, TGeoTranslation *postTrans=nullptr) |
static KVMultiDetArray * | MakeMultiDetector (const Char_t *dataset_name, Int_t run=-1, TString classname="KVMultiDetArray") |
static void | SetMakeMultiDetectorPhysicsParametersOnly (Bool_t on=kTRUE) |
static Bool_t | AreEqual (Double_t x, Double_t y, Long64_t maxdif=1) |
| Comparison between two 64-bit floating-point values. More...
static void | BackupFileWithDate (const Char_t *path) |
static void | CombineFiles (const Char_t *file1, const Char_t *file2, const Char_t *newfilename, Bool_t keep=kTRUE) |
static void | Deprecated (const char *method, const char *advice) |
static Bool_t | FindClassSourceFiles (const Char_t *class_name, KVString &imp_file, KVString &dec_file, const Char_t *dir_name=".") |
static Bool_t | FindExecutable (TString &exec, const Char_t *path="$(PATH)") |
static const Char_t * | FindFile (const Char_t *search, TString &wfil) |
static const Char_t * | GetBINDIRFilePath (const Char_t *namefile="") |
static const Char_t * | GetDATABASEFilePath () |
static const Char_t * | GetDATADIRFilePath (const Char_t *namefile="") |
static Bool_t | GetDataSetEnv (const Char_t *dataset, const Char_t *type, Bool_t defval) |
static const Char_t * | GetDataSetEnv (const Char_t *dataset, const Char_t *type, const Char_t *defval) |
static Double_t | GetDataSetEnv (const Char_t *dataset, const Char_t *type, Double_t defval) |
static const Char_t * | GetETCDIRFilePath (const Char_t *namefile="") |
static const Char_t * | GetExampleFilePath (const Char_t *library, const Char_t *namefile) |
| Return full path to example file for given library (="KVMultiDet", "BackTrack", etc.) More...
static const Char_t * | GetINCDIRFilePath (const Char_t *namefile="") |
static const Char_t * | GetKVBuildDate () |
| Returns KaliVeda build date. More...
static const Char_t * | GetKVBuildDir () |
| Returns top-level directory used for build. More...
static const Char_t * | GetKVBuildTime () |
| Returns KaliVeda build time. More...
static const Char_t * | GetKVBuildType () |
| Returns KaliVeda build type (cmake build: Release, Debug, RelWithDebInfo, ...) More...
static const Char_t * | GetKVBuildUser () |
| Returns username of person who performed build. More...
static const Char_t * | GetKVSourceDir () |
| Returns top-level directory of source tree used for build. More...
static const Char_t * | GetKVVersion () |
| Returns KaliVeda version string. More...
static const Char_t * | GetLIBDIRFilePath (const Char_t *namefile="") |
static const Char_t * | GetListOfPlugins (const Char_t *base) |
static const Char_t * | GetListOfPluginURIs (const Char_t *base) |
static const Char_t * | GetPluginURI (const Char_t *base, const Char_t *plugin) |
static void | GetTempFileName (TString &base) |
static const Char_t * | GetTEMPLATEDIRFilePath (const Char_t *namefile="") |
static const Char_t * | GetWORKDIRFilePath (const Char_t *namefile="") |
static const Char_t * | gitBranch () |
| Returns git branch of sources. More...
static const Char_t * | gitCommit () |
| Returns last git commit of sources. More...
static void | InitEnvironment () |
static bool | is_gnuinstall () |
static Bool_t | IsThisAPlugin (const TString &uri, TString &base) |
static TPluginHandler * | LoadPlugin (const Char_t *base, const Char_t *uri="0") |
static Bool_t | OpenContextMenu (const char *method, TObject *obj, const char *alt_method_name="") |
static void | OpenTempFile (TString &base, std::ofstream &fp) |
static void | PrintSplashScreen () |
| Prints welcome message and infos on version etc. More...
static Bool_t | SearchAndOpenKVFile (const Char_t *name, KVSQLite::database &dbfile, const Char_t *kvsubdir="") |
static Bool_t | SearchAndOpenKVFile (const Char_t *name, std::ifstream &file, const Char_t *kvsubdir="", KVLockfile *locks=0) |
static Bool_t | SearchAndOpenKVFile (const Char_t *name, std::ofstream &file, const Char_t *kvsubdir="", KVLockfile *locks=0) |
static Bool_t | SearchKVFile (const Char_t *name, TString &fullpath, const Char_t *kvsubdir="") |
static const Char_t * | WorkingDirectory () |
static TClass * | Class () |
static const char * | Class_Name () |
static constexpr Version_t | Class_Version () |
static const char * | DeclFileName () |
static TClass * | Class () |
static const char * | Class_Name () |
static constexpr Version_t | Class_Version () |
static const char * | DeclFileName () |
static Longptr_t | GetDtorOnly () |
static Bool_t | GetObjectStat () |
static void | SetDtorOnly (void *obj) |
static void | SetObjectStat (Bool_t stat) |
| kBitMask |
| kCanDelete |
| kCannotPick |
| kHasUUID |
| kInconsistent |
| kInvalidObject |
| kIsOnHeap |
| kIsReferenced |
| kMustCleanup |
| kNoContextMenu |
| kNotDeleted |
| kObjInCanvas |
| kOverwrite |
| kSingleKey |
| kWriteDelete |
| kZombie |
virtual void | DoError (int level, const char *location, const char *fmt, va_list va) const |
void | MakeZombie () |
TString | fName |
TString | fTitle |
| kOnlyPrepStep |