Toolkit for HIC analysis
Graphical User Interfaces and Components

Detailed Description

Classes describing widgets, dialogue boxes, and full graphical user interfaces.


class  KVBatchSystemGUI
 GUI for batch system jobsGraphical interface for monitoring, altering, and deleting batch jobs. To run: More...
class  KVBatchSystemParametersGUI
 Utility GUI used for setting batch system parameters. More...
class  KVCanvas
 TCanvas with mouse-controlled dynamic zoom and pan & scan. More...
class  KVDataAnalysisLauncher
 GUI for running data analysis tasks. More...
class  KVDBSystemDialog
 Dialog box for setting system parameters associated to runs. More...
class  KVDropDownDialog
 Ask user to choose between several options in a drop-down list. More...
class  KVFileDialog
 Modified version of TGFileDialog file selection dialog. More...
class  KVGaxis
 Extension of TGaxis class optimised for KVGraph visualisation. More...
class  KVGDirectoryList
 Directory dialogue box for KVDataAnalysisLauncher. More...
class  KVGFileList
 File dialogue box for KVDataAnalysisLauncher. More...
class  KVGraph
 Extension of TGraph class with new draw option. More...
class  KVIDGridEditor
 Identification grid editor GUI ,. More...
class  KVIDGridEditorCanvas
 Extended version of KVCanvas used by KVIDGridEditor. More...
class  KVIDGridManagerGUI
 Graphical interface tool for managing, creating, testing and fitting identification grids. More...
class  KVIDGUITelescopeChooserDialog
 ID Grid Manager dialog for choice of ID telescope(s) More...
class  KVInputDialog
 General purpose dialog box asking for some input in the form of a string. More...
class  KVItvFinderDialog
 GUI for finding/fixing mass identification intervals. More...
class  KVKeyHandler
 Utility class to redirect keyboard events to KVCanvas. More...
class  KVLauncherGUI
 Generic GUI launcher. More...
class  KVListView
 Enhanced version of ROOT TGListView widget. More...
class  KVLVColumnData
 Utility class describing the data used to fill each column of the list view container. More...
class  KVLVContainer
 Extension of TGLVContainer for KVListView widget. More...
class  KVLVEntry
 One item/line in a KVListView window. More...
class  KVLVFrameElement
 Extension of TGFrameElement used by KVLVContainer. More...
class  KVNameValueListGUI
 GUI for setting KVNameValueList parameters. More...
class  KVPIDIntervalPainter
 Graphical representation of a PID interval in the KVIDZAFromZGrid mass assignation GUI. More...
class  KVSimDirGUI
 GUI for analysing and filtering simulated data. More...
class  KVSpIdGUI
class  KVTestIDGridDialog
 GUI for testing identification grids. More...
class  KVTestListView
class  KVTextDialog
class  KVTextEntry
 TGTextEntry without any limit on the length of the text. More...
class  KVTreeAnalyzer
 GUI for simple intuitive analysis of data in TTree ,. More...
class  KVZAFinderDialog
 Dialog box for KVZALineFinder class. More...
class  KVZALineFinder
 (try to) find mass lines from charge lines More...