Toolkit for HIC analysis
4 #ifndef __bayesian_estimator_H
5 #define __bayesian_estimator_H
7 #include "KVBase.h"
8 #include "impact_parameter_distribution.h"
10 #include <vector>
11 #include <numeric>
12 #include <TF2.h>
13 #include <TH1.h>
14 #include <TCanvas.h>
15 #include <TGraph.h>
16 #include <KVValueRange.h>
17 #include "TMath.h"
18 #include "TNamed.h"
20 #include "Math/PdfFuncMathCore.h"
22 namespace KVImpactParameters {
38  class gamma_kernel {
39  public:
40  double operator()(double X, double mean, double reduced_variance)
41  {
43  return ROOT::Math::gamma_pdf(X, mean / reduced_variance, reduced_variance);
44  }
47  };
64  class BD_kernel {
65  public:
66  double operator()(double X, double mean, double reduced_variance)
67  {
69  return ROOT::Math::binomial_pdf(TMath::Nint(X), 1. - reduced_variance, mean / (1. - reduced_variance));
70  }
73  };
90  class NBD_kernel {
91  public:
92  double operator()(double X, double mean, double reduced_variance)
93  {
95  return ROOT::Math::negative_binomial_pdf(TMath::Nint(X), 1. / reduced_variance, mean / (reduced_variance - 1.));
96  }
99  };
216  template
217  <class FittingFunction, class FluctuationKernel>
218  class bayesian_estimator : public KVBase {
220  FittingFunction theFitter;
221  FluctuationKernel theKernel;
225  std::vector<double> sel_rapp;
241  impact_parameter_distribution fIPDist;// used to convert centrality to impact parameter
243  double mean_X_vs_cb(double* x, double* par)
244  {
250  theFitter.fill_params_from_array(par);
251  return theFitter.meanX(x[0]);
252  }
253  double mean_X_vs_b(double* x, double* par)
254  {
260  theFitter.fill_params_from_array(par);
261  return theFitter.meanX(fIPDist.GetCentrality().Eval(x[0]));
262  }
263  double P_X_cb(double X, double cb)
264  {
268  return fIntegerVariable ? theKernel(TMath::Nint(X), theFitter.meanX(cb), theFitter.redVar(cb))
269  : theKernel(X, theFitter.meanX(cb), theFitter.redVar(cb));
270  }
271  double P_X_cb_for_TF2_obs_vs_b(double* x, double*)
272  {
277  auto X = x[1];
278  auto cb = fIPDist.GetCentrality().Eval(x[0]);
279  return x[0] * theKernel(X, theFitter.meanX(cb), theFitter.redVar(cb));
280  }
281  double P_X_cb_for_integral(double* x, double* par)
282  {
289  return P_X_cb(par[0], x[0]);
290  }
291  double P_X_cb_for_X_integral(double* x, double* par)
292  {
300  return P_X_cb(x[0], par[0]);
301  }
302  double P_X_cb_for_X_integral_with_selection(double* x, double* par)
303  {
312  int bin = histo->FindBin(x[0]);
313  if (bin < 1 || bin > histo->GetNbinsX()) return 0;
314  return sel_rapp[bin - 1] * P_X_cb(x[0], par[0]);
315  }
316  double cb_integrated_P_X(double* x, double* p)
317  {
326  theFitter.fill_params_from_array(p);
327  p_X_cb_integrator.SetParameter(0, x[0]); // set value of X in integrand
328  return p_X_cb_integrator.Integral(0, 1, 1.e-4);
329  }
330  double P_X_from_fit(double* x, double* par)
331  {
336  p_X_cb_integrator.SetParameter(0, x[0]); // set value of X in integrand
337  return par[0] * p_X_cb_integrator.Integral(0, 1, 1.e-4);
338  }
339  double cb_dist_for_X_selection(double* x, double* p)
340  {
352  double num = p_X_X_integrator.Integral(p[0], p[1], 1.e-4);
353  double den = fitted_P_X.Integral(p[0], p[1], 1.e-4);
354  if (den > 0) return num / den;
355  return 0;
356  }
357  double cb_dist_for_arb_X_selection(double* x, double* p)
358  {
369  double num = p_X_X_integrator_with_selection.Integral(p[0], p[1], 1.e-4);
372  return num;
373  }
374  double b_dist_for_X_selection(double* x, double* p)
375  {
387  double num = p_X_X_integrator.Integral(p[0], p[1], 1.e-4);
388  return num * fIPDist.GetDifferentialCrossSection(x[0]);
389  }
390  double b_dist_for_arb_X_selection(double* x, double* p)
391  {
402  double num = p_X_X_integrator_with_selection.Integral(p[0], p[1], 1.e-4);
403  return num * fIPDist.GetDifferentialCrossSection(x[0]);
404  }
405  double b_dist_for_arb_X_selection_from_histo(double* x, double* p)
406  {
415  TH1 *hh_centb = fIPDist.GetCentralityFromHisto();
416  Double_t centb = hh_centb->GetBinContent(hh_centb->FindBin(x[0]));
419  double num = p_X_X_integrator_with_selection.Integral(p[0], p[1], 1.e-4);
421  }
423  public:
424  bayesian_estimator(Bool_t integer_variable = false)
425  : KVBase(),
426  theFitter(),
427  p_X_cb_integrator("p_X_cb_integrator", this, &bayesian_estimator::P_X_cb_for_integral, 0, 1, 1),
428  P_X_fit_function("P_X_fit_function", this, &bayesian_estimator::cb_integrated_P_X, 0, 1, theFitter.npar()),
429  mean_X_vs_cb_function("mean_X_vs_cb", this, &bayesian_estimator::mean_X_vs_cb, 0, 1, theFitter.npar()),
430  mean_X_vs_b_function("mean_X_vs_b", this, &bayesian_estimator::mean_X_vs_b, 0, 20, theFitter.npar()),
431  p_X_X_integrator("p_X_X_integrator", this, &bayesian_estimator::P_X_cb_for_X_integral, 0, 1000, 1),
432  p_X_X_integrator_with_selection("p_X_X_integrator_with_selection", this, &bayesian_estimator::P_X_cb_for_X_integral_with_selection, 0, 1000, 1),
433  fitted_P_X("fitted_P_X", this, &bayesian_estimator::P_X_from_fit, 0, 1000, 1),
434  Cb_dist_for_X_select("Cb_dist_for_X_select", this, &bayesian_estimator::cb_dist_for_X_selection, 0, 1, 2),
435  Cb_dist_for_arb_X_select("Cb_dist_for_arb_X_select", this, &bayesian_estimator::cb_dist_for_arb_X_selection, 0, 1, 2),
436  B_dist_for_X_select("b_dist_for_X_select", this, &bayesian_estimator::b_dist_for_X_selection, 0, 20, 2),
437  B_dist_for_arb_X_select("b_dist_for_arb_X_select", this, &bayesian_estimator::b_dist_for_arb_X_selection, 0, 20, 2),
438  B_dist_for_arb_X_select_from_histo("b_dist_for_arb_X_select_from_histo", this, &bayesian_estimator::b_dist_for_arb_X_selection_from_histo, 0, 20, 2),
439  fIntegerVariable(integer_variable)
440  {
445  theFitter.set_par_names(P_X_fit_function);
446  theFitter.set_par_names(mean_X_vs_cb_function);
447  theFitter.set_par_names(mean_X_vs_b_function);
448  }
450  bayesian_estimator(const FittingFunction& previous_fit, Bool_t integer_variable = false)
451  : KVBase(),
452  theFitter(previous_fit),
453  p_X_cb_integrator("p_X_cb_integrator", this, &bayesian_estimator::P_X_cb_for_integral, 0, 1, 1),
454  P_X_fit_function("P_X_fit_function", this, &bayesian_estimator::cb_integrated_P_X, 0, 1, theFitter.npar()),
455  mean_X_vs_cb_function("mean_X_vs_cb", this, &bayesian_estimator::mean_X_vs_cb, 0, 1, theFitter.npar()),
456  mean_X_vs_b_function("mean_X_vs_b", this, &bayesian_estimator::mean_X_vs_b, 0, 20, theFitter.npar()),
457  p_X_X_integrator("p_X_X_integrator", this, &bayesian_estimator::P_X_cb_for_X_integral, 0, 1000, 1),
458  p_X_X_integrator_with_selection("p_X_X_integrator_with_selection", this, &bayesian_estimator::P_X_cb_for_X_integral_with_selection, 0, 1000, 1),
459  fitted_P_X("fitted_P_X", this, &bayesian_estimator::P_X_from_fit, 0, 1000, 1),
460  Cb_dist_for_X_select("Cb_dist_for_X_select", this, &bayesian_estimator::cb_dist_for_X_selection, 0, 1, 2),
461  Cb_dist_for_arb_X_select("Cb_dist_for_arb_X_select", this, &bayesian_estimator::cb_dist_for_arb_X_selection, 0, 1, 2),
462  B_dist_for_X_select("b_dist_for_X_select", this, &bayesian_estimator::b_dist_for_X_selection, 0, 20, 2),
463  B_dist_for_arb_X_select("b_dist_for_arb_X_select", this, &bayesian_estimator::b_dist_for_arb_X_selection, 0, 20, 2),
464  B_dist_for_arb_X_select_from_histo("b_dist_for_arb_X_select_from_histo", this, &bayesian_estimator::b_dist_for_arb_X_selection_from_histo, 0, 20, 2),
465  fIntegerVariable(integer_variable)
466  {
472  theFitter.set_par_names(P_X_fit_function);
473  theFitter.set_par_names(mean_X_vs_cb_function);
474  theFitter.set_par_names(mean_X_vs_b_function);
475  }
477  virtual ~bayesian_estimator() {}
480  {
487  histo = h;
488  histo->Scale(1. / h->Integral("width"));
489  }
491  void FitHisto(TH1* h = nullptr)
492  {
504  if (h) histo = h;
506  theFitter.set_initial_parameters(histo, P_X_fit_function);
508  }
510  void SetIPDistParams(double sigmaR, double deltab)
511  {
530  }
532  void SetIPDistFromHisto(TH1 *ip_histo)
533  {
548  fIPDist.FitIPDist(ip_histo);
549  }
552  {
559  return fIPDist;
560  }
562  void DrawMeanXvsCb(const TString& title = "", Color_t color = -1, Option_t* opt = "")
563  {
573  GetMeanXvsCb().Draw();
574  }
576  {
584  Double_t par[theFitter.npar()];
585  theFitter.fill_array_from_params(par);
587  return mean_X_vs_cb_function;
588  }
589  TGraph* GraphMeanXvsb(int npts = 500)
590  {
601  Double_t par[theFitter.npar()];
602  theFitter.fill_array_from_params(par);
603  KVValueRange<double> brange(0, GetIPDist().GetB0() + 4 * GetIPDist().GetDeltaB());
605  auto gr = new TGraph;
606  for (int i = 0; i <= npts; ++i) gr->SetPoint(i, brange.ValueIofN(i, npts), mean_X_vs_b_function.Eval(brange.ValueIofN(i, npts)));
607  return gr;
608  }
610  {
616  if (!histo) {
617  Warning("update_fit_params", "no histogram set with FitHisto(TH1*)");
618  return;
619  }
620  TF1* fit = (TF1*)histo->FindObject("P_X_fit_function");
621  if (!fit) {
622  Warning("update_fit_params", "no fit function found in histogram");
623  return;
624  }
625  theFitter.fill_params_from_array(fit->GetParameters());
626  }
627  double DrawCbDistForXSelection(double X1, double X2, Option_t* opt = "", Color_t color = kRed, const TString& title = "")
628  {
643  f->SetNpx(500);
644  f->SetLineColor(color);
645  f->SetMarkerColor(color);
646  f->SetLineWidth(2);
647  f->SetTitle(title);
648  return f->GetMaximum();
649  }
650  void DrawCbDistForSelection(TH1* sel, TH1* incl, double& mean_cb, double& sigma_cb, Option_t* opt = "", Color_t color = kRed, const TString& title = "")
651  {
667  assert(sel->GetNbinsX() == incl->GetNbinsX());
671  sel_rapp.assign((std::vector<double>::size_type)incl->GetNbinsX(), 0.0);
672  int first_bin(0), last_bin(0);
673  for (int i = 1; i <= incl->GetNbinsX(); ++i) {
674  if (incl->GetBinContent(i) > 0) {
675  sel_rapp[i - 1] = sel->GetBinContent(i) / incl->GetBinContent(i);
676  if (sel->GetBinContent(i) > 0) {
677  if (!first_bin) first_bin = i;
678  last_bin = i;
679  }
680  }
681  }
682  double Xmin = incl->GetBinLowEdge(first_bin);
683  double Xmax = incl->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(last_bin);
685  histo = incl;
686  h_selection = sel;
694  double cb_mean(0), cb_sqrmean(0), sum_pcb(0);
695  TGraph* f = new TGraph;
696  for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i) {//graph with 500 points
697  double cb = i / 499.;
698  double p_cb = Cb_dist_for_arb_X_select.Eval(cb);
700  cb_mean += p_cb * cb;
701  cb_sqrmean += p_cb * cb * cb;
702  sum_pcb += p_cb;
704  f->SetPoint(i, cb, p_cb);
705  }
708  cb_sqrmean /= sum_pcb;
709  cb_mean /= sum_pcb;
710  mean_cb = cb_mean;
711  sigma_cb = TMath::Sqrt(cb_sqrmean - cb_mean * cb_mean);
714  f->SetLineColor(color);
715  f->SetMarkerColor(color);
716  f->SetLineWidth(2);
717  f->SetTitle(title);
718  if (TString(opt) == "same") f->Draw("l");
719  else f->Draw("al");
720  }
721  double DrawBDistForXSelection(KVValueRange<double> Xrange, Option_t* opt = "", Color_t color = kRed, const TString& title = "")
722  {
740  B_dist_for_X_select.SetParameters(Xrange.Min(), Xrange.Max());
741  TGraph* f = new TGraph;
742  double maxS = 0;
743  for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i) {
744  double b = 2 * i * GetIPDist().GetB0() / 499.;
745  double sig = B_dist_for_X_select.Eval(b);
746  if (sig > maxS) maxS = sig;
747  f->SetPoint(i, b, sig);
748  }
749  f->SetLineColor(color);
750  f->SetMarkerColor(color);
751  f->SetLineWidth(2);
752  f->SetTitle(title);
753  if (TString(opt) == "same") f->Draw("l");
754  else f->Draw("al");
755  return maxS;
756  }
758  {
759  return B_dist_for_X_select;
760  }
762  {
777  B_dist_for_X_select.SetParameters(Xrange.Min(), Xrange.Max());
778  TGraph* f = new TGraph;
779  for (int i = 0; i < npts; ++i) {
780  double b = 2 * i * GetIPDist().GetB0() / 499.;
781  double sig = B_dist_for_X_select.Eval(b);
782  f->SetPoint(i, b, sig);
783  }
784  f->SetLineWidth(2);
785  return f;
786  }
787  void DrawBDistForSelection(TH1* sel, TH1* incl, double& mean, double& sigma, Option_t* opt = "", Color_t color = kRed, const TString& title = "")
788  {
810  assert(sel->GetNbinsX() == incl->GetNbinsX());
812  sel_rapp.assign((std::vector<double>::size_type)incl->GetNbinsX(), 0.0);
813  int first_bin(0), last_bin(0);
814  for (int i = 1; i <= incl->GetNbinsX(); ++i) {
815  if (incl->GetBinContent(i) > 0) {
816  sel_rapp[i - 1] = sel->GetBinContent(i) / incl->GetBinContent(i);
817  if (sel->GetBinContent(i) > 0) {
818  if (!first_bin) first_bin = i;
819  last_bin = i;
820  }
821  }
822  }
823  double Xmin = incl->GetBinLowEdge(first_bin);
824  double Xmax = incl->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(last_bin);
826  histo = incl;
827  h_selection = sel;
830  B_dist_for_arb_X_select.SetRange(0, 2 * GetIPDist().GetB0());
833  double bmean(0), bsqrmean(0), sigtot(0);
834  TGraph* f = new TGraph;
835  for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i) {
836  double b = 2 * i * GetIPDist().GetB0() / 499.;
837  double sig = B_dist_for_arb_X_select.Eval(b);
838  bmean += sig * b;
839  bsqrmean += sig * b * b;
840  sigtot += sig;
841  f->SetPoint(i, b, sig);
842  }
843  f->SetLineColor(color);
844  f->SetMarkerColor(color);
845  f->SetLineWidth(2);
846  f->SetTitle(title);
847  mean = bmean / sigtot;
848  bsqrmean /= sigtot;
849  sigma = TMath::Sqrt(bsqrmean - mean * mean);
850  if (TString(opt) == "same") f->Draw("l");
851  else f->Draw("al");
852  }
854  void DrawBDistForSelectionFromIPHisto(TH1* sel, TH1* incl, double& mean, double& sigma, Option_t* opt = "", Color_t color = kRed, const TString& title = "")
855  {
874  assert(sel->GetNbinsX() == incl->GetNbinsX());
876  sel_rapp.assign((std::vector<double>::size_type)incl->GetNbinsX(), 0.0);
877  int first_bin(0), last_bin(0);
878  for (int i = 1; i <= incl->GetNbinsX(); ++i) {
879  if (incl->GetBinContent(i) > 0) {
880  sel_rapp[i - 1] = sel->GetBinContent(i) / incl->GetBinContent(i);
881  if (sel->GetBinContent(i) > 0) {
882  if (!first_bin) first_bin = i;
883  last_bin = i;
884  }
885  }
886  }
887  double Xmin = incl->GetBinLowEdge(first_bin);
888  double Xmax = incl->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(last_bin);
890  histo = incl;
891  h_selection = sel;
894  B_dist_for_arb_X_select_from_histo.SetRange(0, 2 * GetIPDist().GetB0()); //if SetIPDistFromHisto() was called, a fit have been applied thus B0 was estimated
897  double bmean(0), bsqrmean(0), sigtot(0);
898  TGraph* f = new TGraph;
899  for (int i = 0; i < 500; ++i) {
900  double b = 2 * i * GetIPDist().GetB0() / 499.;
902  bmean += sig * b;
903  bsqrmean += sig * b * b;
904  sigtot += sig;
905  f->SetPoint(i, b, sig);
906  }
907  f->SetLineColor(color);
908  f->SetMarkerColor(color);
909  f->SetLineWidth(2);
910  f->SetTitle(title);
911  mean = bmean / sigtot;
912  bsqrmean /= sigtot;
913  sigma = TMath::Sqrt(bsqrmean - mean * mean);
914  if (TString(opt) == "same") f->Draw("l");
915  else f->Draw("al");
916  }
918  void GetMeanAndSigmaBDistForSelection(TH1* sel, TH1* incl, double& mean, double& sigma)
919  {
938  assert(sel->GetNbinsX() == incl->GetNbinsX());
940  sel_rapp.assign((std::vector<double>::size_type)incl->GetNbinsX(), 0.0);
941  int first_bin(0), last_bin(0);
942  for (int i = 1; i <= incl->GetNbinsX(); ++i) {
943  if (incl->GetBinContent(i) > 0) {
944  sel_rapp[i - 1] = sel->GetBinContent(i) / incl->GetBinContent(i);
945  if (sel->GetBinContent(i) > 0) {
946  if (!first_bin) first_bin = i;
947  last_bin = i;
948  }
949  }
950  }
951  double Xmin = incl->GetBinLowEdge(first_bin);
952  double Xmax = incl->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(last_bin);
954  histo = incl;
955  h_selection = sel;
958  mean = B_dist_for_arb_X_select.Mean(0, 20);
959  double var = B_dist_for_arb_X_select.Variance(0, 20);
960  sigma = TMath::Sqrt(var);
961  }
963  void GetMeanAndSigmaBDistForXSelection(double X1, double X2, double& mean, double& sigma)
964  {
982  mean = B_dist_for_X_select.Mean(0, 20);
984  }
985  void DrawFittedP_X(double norm = 1.0, Option_t* opt = "", Color_t color = kRed, const TString& title = "")
986  {
994  TF1* f = GetFittedP_X(norm)->DrawCopy(opt);
995  f->SetNpx(500);
996  f->SetLineColor(color);
997  f->SetLineWidth(2);
998  f->SetTitle(title);
999  }
1000  TF1* GetFittedP_X(double norm = 1.0)
1001  {
1006  fitted_P_X.SetParameter(0, norm);
1007  return &fitted_P_X;
1008  }
1009  TGraph* GraphP_XForGivenB(double b, KVValueRange<double> Xrange, int npts = 500)
1010  {
1017  auto graph = new TGraph;
1018  for (int i = 0; i < npts; ++i) graph->SetPoint(i, Xrange.ValueIofN(i, npts), p_X_X_integrator.Eval(Xrange.ValueIofN(i, npts)));
1019  return graph;
1020  }
1021  void Print(Option_t* = "") const
1022  {
1024  theFitter.print_fit_params();
1025  }
1026  void DrawNormalisedMeanXvsb(const TString& title, Color_t color, Option_t* opt)
1027  {
1045  theFitter.backup_params();
1046  theFitter.normalise_shape_function();
1047  Double_t par[5];
1048  theFitter.fill_array_from_params(par);
1049  mean_X_vs_b_function.SetRange(0, GetIPDist().GetB0() + 2 * GetIPDist().GetDeltaB());
1051  TF1* copy = mean_X_vs_b_function.DrawCopy(opt);
1052  if (!title.IsNull()) copy->SetTitle(title);
1053  if (color >= 0) copy->SetLineColor(color);
1054  theFitter.restore_params();
1055  }
1058  {
1062  auto jpd = new TF2("joint_proba_dist", this, &bayesian_estimator::P_X_cb_for_TF2_obs_vs_b,
1063  b_range.Min(), b_range.Max(), X_range.Min(), X_range.Max(), 0);
1064  return jpd;
1065  }
1067  ClassDef(bayesian_estimator, 1) //Estimate impact parameter distribution by fits to data
1068  };
1070 }
1072 #endif
#define f(i)
bool Bool_t
short Color_t
double Double_t
const char Option_t
#define ClassDef(name, id)
#define X(type, name)
winID h TVirtualViewer3D TVirtualGLPainter p
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t Int_t Int_t UInt_t UInt_t Rectangle_t Int_t Int_t Window_t TString Int_t GCValues_t GetPrimarySelectionOwner GetDisplay GetScreen GetColormap GetNativeEvent const char const char dpyName wid window const char font_name cursor keysym reg const char only_if_exist regb h Point_t winding char text const char depth char const char Int_t count const char ColorStruct_t color const char Pixmap_t Pixmap_t PictureAttributes_t attr const char char ret_data h unsigned char height h Atom_t Int_t ULong_t ULong_t unsigned char prop_list Atom_t sel
Option_t Option_t TPoint TPoint const char GetTextMagnitude GetFillStyle GetLineColor GetLineWidth GetMarkerStyle GetTextAlign GetTextColor GetTextSize void char Point_t Rectangle_t WindowAttributes_t Float_t Float_t Float_t b
Base class for KaliVeda framework.
Definition: KVBase.h:142
Fluctuation kernel using binomial distribution for use with bayesian_estimator.
double operator()(double X, double mean, double reduced_variance)
Fluctuation kernel using negative binomial distribution for use with bayesian_estimator.
double operator()(double X, double mean, double reduced_variance)
Impact parameter distribution reconstruction from experimental data.
double P_X_cb_for_integral(double *x, double *par)
impact_parameter_distribution fIPDist
void DrawBDistForSelection(TH1 *sel, TH1 *incl, double &mean, double &sigma, Option_t *opt="", Color_t color=kRed, const TString &title="")
void DrawCbDistForSelection(TH1 *sel, TH1 *incl, double &mean_cb, double &sigma_cb, Option_t *opt="", Color_t color=kRed, const TString &title="")
double mean_X_vs_b(double *x, double *par)
void GetMeanAndSigmaBDistForXSelection(double X1, double X2, double &mean, double &sigma)
double DrawBDistForXSelection(KVValueRange< double > Xrange, Option_t *opt="", Color_t color=kRed, const TString &title="")
void GetMeanAndSigmaBDistForSelection(TH1 *sel, TH1 *incl, double &mean, double &sigma)
bayesian_estimator(Bool_t integer_variable=false)
double cb_dist_for_X_selection(double *x, double *p)
void SetIPDistParams(double sigmaR, double deltab)
double b_dist_for_arb_X_selection_from_histo(double *x, double *p)
double P_X_cb_for_TF2_obs_vs_b(double *x, double *)
double P_X_from_fit(double *x, double *par)
double b_dist_for_arb_X_selection(double *x, double *p)
double DrawCbDistForXSelection(double X1, double X2, Option_t *opt="", Color_t color=kRed, const TString &title="")
bayesian_estimator(const FittingFunction &previous_fit, Bool_t integer_variable=false)
double b_dist_for_X_selection(double *x, double *p)
impact_parameter_distribution & GetIPDist()
double cb_integrated_P_X(double *x, double *p)
double P_X_cb_for_X_integral(double *x, double *par)
void DrawNormalisedMeanXvsb(const TString &title, Color_t color, Option_t *opt)
double cb_dist_for_arb_X_selection(double *x, double *p)
double mean_X_vs_cb(double *x, double *par)
TGraph * GraphBDistForXSelection(KVValueRange< double > Xrange, int npts=500)
void DrawBDistForSelectionFromIPHisto(TH1 *sel, TH1 *incl, double &mean, double &sigma, Option_t *opt="", Color_t color=kRed, const TString &title="")
double P_X_cb_for_X_integral_with_selection(double *x, double *par)
TGraph * GraphP_XForGivenB(double b, KVValueRange< double > Xrange, int npts=500)
TF2 * GetJointProbabilityDistribution(KVValueRange< double > b_range, KVValueRange< double > X_range)
void DrawMeanXvsCb(const TString &title="", Color_t color=-1, Option_t *opt="")
void DrawFittedP_X(double norm=1.0, Option_t *opt="", Color_t color=kRed, const TString &title="")
Fluctuation kernel using gamma distribution for use with bayesian_estimator.
double operator()(double X, double mean, double reduced_variance)
Class implementing parametrizable impact parameter distributions.
void SetDeltaB_WithConstantCrossSection(Double_t deltab, Double_t sigmaR=0)
Range of values specified by minimum, maximum.
Definition: KVValueRange.h:18
ValueType Max() const
Definition: KVValueRange.h:47
ValueType ValueIofN(Int_t i, Int_t n) const
Definition: KVValueRange.h:59
ValueType Min() const
Definition: KVValueRange.h:43
virtual void SetLineColor(Color_t lcolor)
virtual Double_t GetBinLowEdge(Int_t bin) const
virtual Double_t GetBinUpEdge(Int_t bin) const
virtual Double_t Mean(Double_t a, Double_t b, const Double_t *params=nullptr, Double_t epsilon=0.000001)
virtual TH1 * GetHistogram() const
virtual void SetRange(Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax)
virtual Double_t Integral(Double_t a, Double_t b, Double_t epsrel=1.e-12)
void SetTitle(const char *title="") override
void Draw(Option_t *option="") override
virtual Double_t Variance(Double_t a, Double_t b, const Double_t *params=nullptr, Double_t epsilon=0.000001)
virtual TF1 * DrawCopy(Option_t *option="") const
virtual void SetParameters(const Double_t *params)
virtual void SetParNames(const char *name0="p0", const char *name1="p1", const char *name2="p2", const char *name3="p3", const char *name4="p4", const char *name5="p5", const char *name6="p6", const char *name7="p7", const char *name8="p8", const char *name9="p9", const char *name10="p10")
virtual Double_t Eval(Double_t x, Double_t y=0, Double_t z=0, Double_t t=0) const
virtual void SetParameter(const TString &name, Double_t value)
virtual void SetPoint(Int_t i, Double_t x, Double_t y)
TAxis * GetXaxis()
TObject * FindObject(const char *name) const override
virtual TFitResultPtr Fit(const char *formula, Option_t *option="", Option_t *goption="", Double_t xmin=0, Double_t xmax=0)
virtual Int_t GetNbinsX() const
virtual Double_t GetBinLowEdge(Int_t bin) const
virtual Double_t Integral(Int_t binx1, Int_t binx2, Option_t *option="") const
virtual Double_t GetBinContent(Int_t bin) const
virtual void Scale(Double_t c1=1, Option_t *option="")
virtual Int_t FindBin(Double_t x, Double_t y=0, Double_t z=0)
virtual void Warning(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Bool_t IsNull() const
double binomial_pdf(unsigned int k, double p, unsigned int n)
double negative_binomial_pdf(unsigned int k, double p, double n)
double gamma_pdf(double x, double alpha, double theta, double x0=0)
const Double_t sigma
Double_t x[n]
TGraphErrors * gr
TH1 * h
fit(model, train_loader, val_loader, num_epochs, batch_size, optimizer, criterion, save_best, scheduler)
Int_t Nint(T x)
Double_t Sqrt(Double_t x)